Chapter VII: Closer?

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''Oh good, a modern song. Finally Desmond.'' She spoke to herself sarcastically as her friend usually listens to old music often. Mumbling along with the song, while taking her books out of her locker before class starts.

After shutting her locker, Roi approached her, all by herself. Cat immediately know what's going to happen...

''Hey, I'm bored. Aisha's with Cooper doing their Gym stuff. So after class, wanna play online?'' She asked Cat,

Cat kicked her locker close, before taking off as Roi followed her. ''Well, I'm kind of occupied later...'' She said, trying to get off her grasp.

''What? Seriously? You barely played with me..!'' Roi protested,

''Dude I've played with you for whole weekend for the last 2 weeks--'' Cat said, before she was cut off by Roi,

''That doesn't mean we played often.. You better be available.'' She sighed, rolling her eyes as she stormed off. Upset.

Cat let out a sigh, she knew this would happen. Roi is quite controlling, and often wants to be the right person always. Like what her word, is right. No matter how stupid it may sound...

''Sounds like your friend got a little dramatic there.'' Harry chuckled. He was actually about to head to his class after she laughed a bit, Then she asked him...

''Hey Harry, I uh.. Don't know if I should ask this but, do you know Peter's Number?'' She asked,

''Oh-hoh. You like him don't you..'' He smirked as he stopped, messing around with Cat as she glared at him jokingly.

''No I don't-! I just saw him.. yesterday, the.. Garbage Guy.--'' She said before being cut off by Osborn tearing a piece of paper out of his notebook.

''Ay-Ay Shut it. Here, Pete's number.'' He laughed, giving it to her. He smirked and winked as he somehow know something could be off with these two.

As she looked at the piece of parchment, she smiled. Before she heard some murmuring from a group of students nearby, about Oscorp's recent incident about a guard that was in a coma, and scientist was found dead in an experimental chambers...

She shrugged it off as rumours, nothing much. If it was serious, there will be a lot of investigations and other things at Oscorp right now. The only thing she knows is that Harry's father is on the verge of being removed from office because of the board members or maybe those incidents...


After class, Cat would be walking home as she needs the exercise. She already crossed to Queens.

She would be texting her cousin, Kiera, spamming her with messages that often goes as simple as Hi. Quite annoying but they always like to joke around with each other. Although She was quite an extrovert around Kiera rather than the others. Peter? Surely she'll need to warm up first even if she likes him. Which made her smile a bit when she thought of him.-

Her senses went off all of a sudden, leading her towards an alleyway when she followed it. It paid off to see a boy there was being threatened by three thugs.

She observed it for a while, this is her first time actually witnessing a mugging. The boy was thrown to the ground,

''You seriously think you can spray his face and outrun us eh?!'' He kicked the poor boy in the stomach as he whimpered, groaning in pain.

She was able to muster up her courage, knowing she shouldn't really get in these situations but, she's already been a few with bullies when she was young. Especially if they attacked Kiera...

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