Chapter XV: Escaping Her Wrath with a Piña Colada

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...10:12AM, Two Days Later... 

''Do you mind explaining, Catja Rivera. About the graze on Desmond's arm?'' Kiera smiled innocently, beneath that is a boiling hot water that is about to explode. Although her weakness has always been the same. If ever Cat tries to look cute with those googly eyes, she can always try. And when she did--

''Nu-uh. There's no escape at this situation Cat. Are you going to tell me exactly how he ended up near those crooks or am I suppose to add that a bullet could've killed or severely injured Desmond if not for Spidey to show up.'' Kiera seemed quite upset,

''Look I'm already sorry about what happened, I might've told him to get a bit closer while I was waiting for Spider-Girl to swing by and take a picture...'' Cat explained, feeling a bit guilty.

''You haven't really thought about the consequence if he's near dangerous people. Especially, Guns. He doesn't like guns, it's loud and it makes him nervous.'' Kiera sighed,

''Well he doesn't seem afraid when he did that. He didn't complain, he went straight for the pictures because he's a risk taker.'' Cat briefly smiled,

''Alright Alright..! Look, I may have taken things a bit far here. I'm sorry too for being upset but that's a dire situation. A Life and Death. Heck, I would've been even more pissed if you were there near those crooks!'' Kiera said, while in the background, Desmond clearly glanced at Cat with a brief smirk...

''Hey, I'm not! Trust me, I'm safe. This time I'll put Desmond in a better position.'' She said--,

''Right, just not these days for now. He needs that graze heal in no time.'' Kiera sighed,

''Look, I'm just glad you're both safe. Especially you since you're my small potato. My Sister-Like Cousin and my Original Best Friend who I've played basically every day..'' Kiera hugged her,

''While that stopped when you met Desmond..?'' She chuckled,

''Not really, I just got bored from the same usual games we play.'' Kiera laughed a bit, ''Look, maybe we could play those Co-Op Shooter Games. That Zombie Game, Left 4 Dead is a great start.'' Kiera added with a smile,

''Sure. I'd love to. I mean, like old times and with Desmond... and Mark? Since you play with him as well. I need to get know him better. He looks like the Third Wheel like me...'' She giggled,

''Yeah, Don't worry. Let's get past this. I love you okay? Be safe and try not to get yourself in trouble...'' She pecked Cat on the cheek, before heading out to the kitchen...

''Operation Escape?'' Cat spoke,-

''Accomplished with a Piña Colada. Although I don't drink that, I prefer Iced Tea.'' Desmond let out a chuckle...


''Phew... I like this song.'' Cat mumbled, listening to 'Escape' due to the fact she did escape her cousin's wrath. Before taking a jog back to her neighbourhood...

During the end of her session, she noticed Harry Osborn along with Mary Jane on the Parker Residence's Porch along with Pete. Harry waved at Cat, she waved back and approached the trio...

''Sup, what seems to be the issue around here?'' She smirked at them,

''Nothing really, it's just we're having a lunch with my father again and we wanted to invite you and.. Desmond? Right?'' Harry asked,

''Yup. Although I don't know, he's got a graze at the moment from one of our hunting sessions.'' She laughed a bit, she didn't want to reveal much of what they're doing at all...

''Ooh, that's got to hurt... Well, might as offer some great food while he heals don't you think?'' Harry let out a chuckle,

''Yeah. It'll give him some time to relax. Keep his head above the water.'' Mary Jane spoke, smiling.

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