Chapter XXI: Lovely Day

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...Four Days Later, 11:35AM...

'Hey! Avail for Later? ' Cat texted,

' Why not? I could go for some work. ' Peter texted back,

' Nice! 12:00 Sharp! ' She smiled, texting him back before putting her phone down.

She prepped her suit, fixed and stitched up as she went to the bathroom, washing her face for a bit, followed by a brush to keep her breath mint and cool...

''Mum! I'm going out with Peter..!'' She climbed down stairs, while she saw her brother yawning, recently waking up without his shirt as usual...

''Alright Cat, don't forget this...'' Susie called Cat, giving her a tumbler as she looked a bit confused, about to ask what's in it.

''Iced Latte, your favourite..'' She smiled, as Cat's facial expression dropped in excitement.

''Thank you..!'' Cat chuckled, smiling broadly before finding the trio of friends enter through their front door--

''Good Morning-..'' Mark let out a chuckle, holding out a few plastic bags. Followed by Kiera holding one, and Desmond busy listening to his music...

''Morning Mark, Desmond, Kiera.'' Cat smirked, sipping her drink for a bit.

''Hi Susie, we're just passing by. Mark's about to go celebrate his dog's birthday...'' She chuckled, handing out some food...

''Des, off with the earphones...'' Cat removed one of his earphone, much to his annoyance.

''Says the hero who got me into big trouble...'' He whispered, smirking a bit.

''Oh, shut it..'' She chuckled, nudging him as he winced in pain from the bruises...

''Whoops, sorry. Still healing I suppose.'' She giggled, messing with him.

''Mhm, right. Glad you can go with Peter this time. That hospital thing I've been through, is a nightmare. Needles, goodness me.'' He sighed, laughing a bit...

''At least they're needles, not the Goblin's fists...'' She quipped up another joke, although quite dark as he looked at her with worry.

''I'm alive am I? Anyways, I'll talk about that soon, not now or something. Please, it pains me. Anyways, I should really go...'' She noticed the time, laughing as Desmond raised a brow.

''Right. Good luck with the 'hunt'. Oh by the way, if you're available to play don't hesitate to tap us. Just make sure you're clear of schedule, Aisha and Roi.'' He chuckled,

''Don't worry, I'll try. I play with Aisha since she's lonely at times after a break up, while Roi can go flip herself off the wind...'' She smirked at him, as Desmond giggled.

''Cool, sorry to hear about the break up. Anyways, life is life. We get hurt every time and--'' Desmond started his wisdom words again,

''Yup..! I know, I know! You don't need to- Oh!'' She was about to leave until Kiera stopped her, ''Just a second! Don't forget these cupcakes. Two, for you and Pete. Don't think I don't know what you're up to.'' She smirked, as Desmond went off to the kitchen to make some Iced Tea.

''Wow, Thanks. Anyways, I should really go--'' She was cut off by Kiera once again when she snatched something behind her pocket...

''Seriously? You're smoking again?'' She raised a brow,

''Uh- No?'' Cat replied,

''Right. No, Vaping. Lungs, Crack. Can you just inhale air than whatever substance is in this thing...'' She sighed,-

''Kiera, calm down. I'm just throwing it out.'' She laughed,

''Right. Fine, I believe you. Don't take advantage of that.'' She smirked, giving it back to her.

''Thanks. I love you, Goodbye.'' Cat smiled at Kiera, and she did too. The two cousins were almost like siblings, always at the verge of each other's worries and stories.

As she walked out, she was true to her words about that e-cigarette. The Garbage Bin was opened. She placed the cupcakes on the table porch, before using the cigarette as a ball, and the bin as the basket. Doing a step back jumper and threw it with an arc, it was a bullseye.

''Bang.'' Peter laughed as he was waiting all along near the porch.

''Wow, I can't believe you were there. I was about to come over to you...'' She laughed,

''Well, I'm full of surprises I guess...'' He smiled,

''Oh, here! Kiera got these cupcakes for us both. Come on, we don't have time to waste for a little adventure.'' She chuckled, taking a bite as Peter took his-

''This tastes good!'' He said- ''Yeah, I know where we could get those..! We can pass by it later.'' She chuckled, 

''Woah, Pete? Is that a--'' She noticed,

''A Motorcycle, Delivery Boy at your service. I'm on leave so, we better go on.'' He chuckled-...

''Pizza Boy.'' She smirked, pecking him in the cheek. ''What are we waiting for?'' She giggled at him,

''Lunch?'' He quipped up something, laughing a bit as he mounted his motorcycle...


''Thanks Stan! You're the best!'' She purchased some of those cupcakes again for later, with a few chips and stuff from Stan's shop.

''You're welcome..! Peter tell your Aunt May I said Hello. She's still yet to perfect those meat loafs. Don't tell that to her though. She'll kill me.'' Stan laughed a bit,

''Of course Mr. Lee, I won't. But I'll pass on the Greeting.'' He chuckled, before leaving the shop with Cat.

''I'm glad you have a box behind this little bike of yours...'' She laughed,

''It's a perk, don't judge me.'' He laughed a bit, before the sound of sirens had them both glancing towards the highway...

''Well, I guess there's a problem nearby...'' She noticed, ''Go on foot, I'll take the rooftop. Just don't get too close please, I've made that mistake with Desmond I don't want anyone close to me get hurt again.'' She made it clear to Peter,

''I got it, I got it..'' He giggled, as he mounted his motorcycle. Cat seems to be running the other way as he was expecting her to get on to get closer--

''Hey where are you going?!'' He was confused,

''I'm a fast runner! Go on, I'll get there.'' She winked, running off quickly.

''Oh-kay. That was odd...'' He shook his head with a smile, while Cat took a left to an alleyway...


''Wooh!'' She was swinging around the city, turning to a corner- following the sound of the sirens. Keeping her balance as usual, she felt better after the harrowing journey she had in the previous weeks.

''Hey! It's Spider-Girl!'' A Bystander pointed out, followed by the cheers of the people watching nearby, witnessing the trouble quite far where a few armed robbers were driving a truck, loaded with Oscorp Chemicals. One of them is on the top, firing his weapon at the police...

''Oh, well! Time for some action.'' She smirked, as she finally saw the culprits. Although at the sight of Peter Parker, smiling in awe quite far from the trouble- She made quick swing near his location, having him take the photograph- before finally firing a web line towards the criminal's weapon, yanking it off him...

She took the momentum as well, gracefully spinning to avoid being hit by the weapon. She extended her foot, aimed right at the armoured criminal's head, as her spider-senses tingled with excitement, finally accepting herself as the city's protector, Spider-Girl...

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