Chapter XVII: Pretty

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''Thanks Pete, safe travels...'' Cat spoke through the phone, although her voice seemed quiet and soft than usual. She hung up the call and stood, heading towards the vending machine where she inserted a few coins. With a push of a button, a few snacks fell towards the pick up...

''Hey.'' She went back to the room, putting those snacks down on the end table.

''Hey...'' Kiera yawned, waking up a bit after a nap...

''Afternoon. I've prepared some drinks. Juice and all.'' Mark chuckled, serving the drinks.

''Thanks.'' Cat took one while Kiera smiled at him before taking hers. Mark's phone vibrated after sipping his drink for a bit. He glanced at his phone to check on who's calling...

''I've got to head out for a little, my dad's calling.'' He noticed his phone, vibrating. Cat and Kiera nodded as Marc went outside to take the call...

Kiera's phone vibrated, indicating a notification. She groggily picked it up and read whatever was sent to her.

''Cat, they found the culprit...'' She said, quite shocked.

''Who is it?'' Cat went on to take a look. She was horrified to find out who it was...

''The Green Goblin?!'' Her anxiety kicked in when she realised that fiend attacked one of her friends. Finally coming to terms that this vile villain knew who she is... If not, she would've also been attacked on her home, but she wasn't. And instead it was her partner in taking those photographs of Spider-Girl...

''What does that have to do with Desmond Cat? A Villain?! The one that fought Spider-Girl, the superhero you two were hunting around taking pictures for money?'' She asked all of a sudden, she was losing herself in this situation when her voice raised up a bit as Cat froze briefly...

''Kiera, let me explain...'' Cat noticed Kiera's sudden frustration from what just happened--

''You were supposed to look after him, and yourself..! I know that job is dangerous, since you're following a superhero who gets into trouble, with dangerous people! He's been grazed before, and then two days later? He gets that! Why did you guys even tried this--'' Cat cut her off when she snapped-

''Just him right? Did you ever do anything or mentioned anything to me 2 years ago when you left me in a ditch before High school..? That high school that slowly changed and tormented me with their two faced doings of bullshit and God only knows what they even had in their pockets to manipulate people..! If you think I've been fine all my life, I've kept them all in... Everything. It's not physical, it's mental and emotional..!'' She broke down with her tears running all over her face...

''They pulled me in to those things that supposedly make you feel better.. Smoke? Drink? Yeah! I'm a daredevil but that's not exactly what I picture myself doing over and over again..! Until I let them go for this. And that 'this' is the only thing, a hobby that I do that I enjoy by myself..! I only borrowed Desmond for a few days and you're here telling me that he's yours to take..!?''

''You're there for him... but where are you, when I needed you? Sure you're there when I talked to you and tell you my problems, but can you even read me? Guess what I'm going through from the smallest detail of my voice, my texts and how I act? Do you try your best to help me even if I hesitate..? I don't know... I tried opening up to my friends, all they care is their problems, they don't even listen to mine... Desmond tries but I want you... To Try and help me... I do have my own anxiety issues about this, and I admit. I am jealous when he came into your life. But I didn't even once forcefully took you away from him or even told him to fuck off... I let him, and you play, even if I'm just alone sitting in my room trying to think of what to do something else..!'' She sniveled, wiping her tears-- 

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