Chapter XX: Runaway

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She slowly brought Norman Osborn's lifeless body back to Osborn's Penthouse. She looked at him with guilt, as she thought about it... She could've saved him back at the Abandoned Hospital. But her, freezing in motion at that time and barely did anything to stop that glider, ended all that hopes. She never even thought of it actually, just now. And It's plaguing her...

''I'm sorry...'' She looked at Harry Osborn's photograph with his father, although they don't get along much, the two seemed close back then... She knew, that she couldn't say anything at all to Harry. To protect him from what could destroy him within, knowing a friend of his indirectly killed his father...

Her senses went off when she heard footsteps heading this way. She decided to leave for now, and if there's any time to tell him about this, it would be never...

She jumped off the window, firing a web line as she left the estate.

While Harry opened the door to the room, and saw his father lying in that state. With severe piercing wounds to his body, he slowly broke down, in tears and sadness. He held his father's lifeless corpse and wished, that he could still be alive somehow and made it up to him in some point of their lives...

Cat heard this from a far, as she was perching on the edge of a building. She shed a bit of a tear as she felt what Harry's going through... She couldn't do anything at all, and she already understood that the moment she became true to herself, her responsibility became greater...

Letting out a sigh of sorrow, she spun out a web line, leaving the area...


''Kiera..! She's not answering... I'm in a panic...'' Cat's mother Susie is inside the Hospital Room, trying to find Cat as she's not answering her phone for the past hours...

''Susie, calm down... Cat just probably bought some stuff outside- She couldn't have gone missing or kidnapped, she's a strong--'' Kiera tried to calm down her Aunt, before the doorknob twisted and opened...

The two were in total shock to see Cat, stepping in the room holding two plastic bags of chips and drinks. Her facial expressions, from a tired ol' lass turned into a comedic dorky smile with that battered face of hers from the fight earlier...

There was silence, and awkwardness to find her in that situation. Her mother can literally see her, all battered and bruised from maniac that put her in a tough situation. And then there's Kiera, who couldn't believe she got herself in another fight just after their talk a few hours ago...

She approached them and lifted those bags up, ''Got some food...'' She spoke softly, still having that dorky smile as she placed those bags on the table beside the two...

They didn't hesitate to hug her after that, slowly and softly. She felt as if the world came back to her again, that feeling of love and acceptance. Just as she thought about earlier, even with the flaws that she has to go through, is a price for unending love and happiness. Knowing that people change, if she could be an influence and a good one, she'll be happy to see the changes soon...

''Got some... Chocolate House?'' Desmond smiled awkwardly while relaxing on his hospital bed, Cat didn't understand what it means at first since there are no chocolate houses in real life other than those products that seem heavy at their prices-- but as he winked, he was referring to her chocolate brown eyes, that had a glimpse of true happiness once more...

She let out a giggle, smiling at him for a bit before the sound of the door was heard, opening. Peter just got back from the bridge, ''Hey Guys, I'd suggest not to take the Queensboro Bridge later tonight--'' He informed them while closing the door, feeling it was unsafe still at this current moment after that firefight between Spider-Girl and Green Goblin. Although he froze in place to saw Cat in that state. It's always been a full awkward of silence.

''Guys come on, I've punched a few kidnappers and bought us some chips. Can we all stop with the silence and confusions so we can eat for a while and talk?'' She laughed a bit, after pulling out of the hug.

''Come on I'm hungry..'' Desmond raised his hand from his bed, chuckling. Susie let out a giggle, followed by Kiera's smile at Cat, nudging her shoulder a bit. And then there's Peter Parker's smile, looks like as if he's saying 'I'm Proud of You' She felt really as if the weight was off her, but the moment she thought about Harry, she felt a bit down. She still needs to tell him that one day, but she doesn't know if it's worth it. Figuring she could just keep it still, run away from the scenario if she ever told him about that, as she would hate to see him break further more after what she witnessed at the penthouse...

Her mind snapped out of it with the whole group chattering and giving out some of those food she brought, giving her a sense of hope. She started cherishing the present moment, knowing it would help her get through what she's into right now. The Present and the Future, as the Past happened, she just need to learn through it, not to keep it in the focus. The smile they gave her was enough to inspire her through this, calming her emotions down with a smile...

...2 Weeks Later, 2:02PM...

The rain was light, she was under the umbrella at this moment, paying her. The Funeral was at its end. She was with Peter, feeling sorrow of what happened. Harry is clearly distraught, being comforted by Mary Jane at least...

After a while, the skies cleared up as the Funeral ended. The others are on their way out, while Cat stayed with Peter and Harry, on his way out... Mary Jane stayed with Aunt May, conversing with her for a while.

''I'm sorry Harry. For the sorrow you feel at this moment, and... how painful it could be...'' She comforted him, he nodded a bit...

''Thanks, to you two... I don't know, how did he even get himself in that trouble. All I know is that, he's been taken from me by someone... Pete, You, Mary Jane is the family I have left...'' He shed a tear or two, ''I'll.. see you guys soon..'' He tried his best to smile, but it faded quickly after hugging us both. He went off afterwards in his car, along with his butler Bernard.

''He really needs us this moment in life. He's suffering from this loss. It hurts and I hope he could move on soon with our help...'' Mary Jane walked beside the two,

''Yeah, we just need to be there for him. Be it Physical or Emotional. He needs it, even without a word...'' Cat added,

''We will, don't worry... We'll try our best. Even if it's not then, we'll try to do better...'' He briefly smiled,

Cat left the Funeral with Peter and Aunt May, during the ride at the station- she contemplated about her role in this city. Knowing Spider-Girl could be blame for Norman's death, because he was the Green Goblin. Then she realised that the moment she accepted her responsibility from the powers she received, she knew that her job would've put the people she loved at risk. And the more she does, they'll end up paying for it...

She slowly leaned on to Peter's shoulder, letting out a sigh as he placed his hands on the strands of her hair, the two smiled at each other for a bit, knowing there's some sense of adventure in the next couple days...

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