Chapter III: Thru These Tears

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The sound of the door being rattled upon, followed by the knob being twisted with a key. The Door was finally opened. Cooper stood beside the frame as he looked dreary and exhausted from the Party, before taking off. While a girl and a boy rushed towards Cat...

''Cat! Cat..! Hey- Are you alright!? Goodness me she passed out.'' She said, letting out a sigh.

Cat groaned briefly, before finally opening her eyes. Her vision was quite blurred at the moment due to her deep sleep. As she rubbed her eyes, being helped by the mysterious pair... She realises it was her cousin and her best friend. Kiera and Desmond. She remembers how these two were always there for her when she needed them the most. Taking a look at Kiera, she remembered the time they argue often. Misunderstanding, Jealousy, and the Abandonment she received from her just because she refuses to let her go from a series of friends that keeps manipulating her into replacing her spot in her life. And now she probably did, when she replaced her for her new best friend, Desmond. She doesn't hate him at all at times, she helps her often but he doesn't really know how to act around her knowing... her to be unpredictable, she accepted that. She just doesn't want to act around him, other than if she needs anything done in the computer or programs.

''Cat..! Drink some water, come on.'' Desmond said so, as she did. Not really knowing what much to do, she still a bit dizzy and was unable to speak.

''We should get her up now-, get her to the car and home before school starts few hours for her right?'' He told Kiera, worrying about Cat's condition.

''Yeah, we better do it fast. Get some Drive Through, have her eat and once she gets home. A Bath is what she needs quickly, as far as I know she's going to a field trip.'' Kiera said, thinking often.

''Wait, are you really certain she's going to a field trip hours later?'' Desmond asked, quite doubtful knowing she needs to get the hang over off as soon as possible.

''Yup, my Neighbour. He confirmed they're going for a trip in Oscorp Laboratories.'' She confirmed Desmond's doubts.

''No time to waste, let's go.'' Desmond said so, as they wrapped their arms around Cat. Helping her up, and to walk...


''Ugh, This hurts like hell..'' She groaned, a song was playing in her earphone as she was coming out of her hang over. Eating some Fries and McNuggets. While drinking another bottled water from Desmond's usual pack of water bottles he seems to be carrying always.

''Cat. I'm serious, you need to get over those popular jerks' controlling behaviour like Cooper, beers? Seriously? Ugh, and also, don't take Roi's complaints and stuff. You do everything for Roi yet she doesn't return the favour. That's not a good sign. Hey, look at me. I know we've been through much history together. Our Arguments maybe a problem at times but that's in the past, and we'll help you even if you don't want it. Because we care.'' Kiera said so, as she looked at Cat in the eyes, worrying about her life.

 Cat on the other hand, thought about it. She knew about Kiera is often busy around with Desmond playing games, and experimenting stuff. Not really giving her enough time, as Kiera grew distant over their arguments which she solely argues about the time she can give to her. Sometimes she even thought Desmond dislikes her, but she doesn't really know. He often comes to her help in her time of need. She just shook her head a bit before the car finally stopped.

''Well, we're here. I really like the view from this neighbourhood.'' Desmond chuckled as he checked on Cat, she was leaning on the window on the left. He was quick to see what she's looking at. The guy taking out the trash, Peter Parker. 

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