Chapter XVI: I've Got You Under My Skin

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''Sorry, I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get one of these...'' Peter entered through the door, laughing at his joke as the others noticed and let out a giggle. 

''Oh Peter! Thank you... Go on have a seat, I'll prepare these right away.'' Aunt May smiled at him, pecking him in the cheek. Taking the plastic bag off him as she went right off to the kitchen...

''Finally, you made it Pete! Come on, we're prepped and ready!'' Harry let out a chuckle, he was ready to eat along with Mary Jane as she waved, ''Hi Pete.'' followed by Norman taking his seat, ''Well, let's not take much time. We've got some lunch to enjoy.'' He laughed a bit.

''Hello! Sorry, we're outside taking pictures. Anyways, you're here! Hi Pete.'' Cat smiled at Peter as Desmond waved. They both hugged each other as Desmond took a seat...

While everyone was seated, the utensils and food were all prepped and ready. Aunt May giggled at the sight of the table. It was truly a grandeur for a lunch...

''Desmond? Would you like to lead a short prayer?'' Aunt May asked, Desmond on the other hand, froze and anxiety went through his head. Although he stood up quickly like a nervous boy, and was able to lead a short prayer and blessings for the wonderful food at the request of Aunt May...

''Alright Alright! Let's eat up!'' Harry excitedly grabbed his utensils...

As the Lunch went through, the others talked quite much while Desmond kept silent for a bit. Answering a few questions from Aunt May, Mr. Osborn and Mary Jane whenever they feel curious...

''Peter?'' Cat whispered, passing something to him. ''Here's your advance payment of 50 dollars in the future. Desmond agreed.'' She whispered, grinning...

''Uh, Thanks? I owe you much..'' He chuckled awkwardly as he took it with hesitation...

''So, Desmond? What have you been doing with your camera work?'' Norma asked as he was curious,

''Well, me and Cat are often on a hunt for the Spider. Taking pictures of her to sell to the Bugle. But that's all. Nothing much. It's a hard job. Unlike the other people, I don't know how they made her pose.'' He chuckled, lying of course. He couldn't really expose the two of them being 'Spider-Girl's' Official Photographer...

''Oh, that's promising...'' Norman smirked a bit, as he was playing with the knife in cutting his steak. He also observed Cat talking to Peter quite often and smiling like some sort of girl who has a crush on him. As they were teasing each other, Peter saw something in Cat's arm...

''Hey-- Wait a second... Are you alright?'' He pointed at her arm, which Cat pulled her sleeve at the request of Peter, showing him the wound she got yesterday...

''Oh goodness me, what happened?'' Aunt May asked, as Norman seems to be looking at them with an observant eye. As if he was piecing up the puzzles to the correct form...

''I had a run in with some guy yesterday when I was getting my mum some eggs in the convenience store. He's not totally friendly and scraped my arm with his bike. Hence the Cut..'' She chuckled, making up an excuse.

''Well, typical. He could've watched where he's going...'' Norman suddenly added, putting up a smile as he nodded. Before cutting his steak quite quickly as if it was nothing.

''Pretty much, anyways... That's over, at least it's healing. If you need anything there's a first aid kit over there. Aunt May also knows how to patch that up if it bleeds again.'' Harry chuckled, 

Cat smiled, nodding in agreement. She nudged Peter with a smile before the group started eating their lunch...


She returned back home after a patrol, trying to find traces of the Green Goblin's whereabouts a few hours ago. She took off her jacket, and tossed it to her bed. Before heading towards her laptop. Stretching, while she yawned...

She noticed a message from Aisha, sent a few minutes ago. After reading this message, she quickly messaged her back.

' Aisha. Hey, are you doing well? '  Cat waited patiently,

' Hey. Honestly, I'm not doing much... ' Aisha replied immediately,

' Are you going to tell me what's wrong? '

' I don't know.'

' Come on, Tell me. You're killing yourself slowly if you keep it in still.'

' Fine. Cooper stabbed me in the back by kissing Veronica and probably replaced me with her...'

' Well, that's how it works. A Cycle. Honestly, a friend of mine would say '' There will be another person out there that is worth your time.'' So, don't be afraid, I mean I haven't found mine for 2 years after Kiera left me for... a friend. But, I managed and got someone who I can talk to now and then. Now don't fret on it much, the more drama you're willing to take, the more you'll end up in the ditch. Moving on maybe difficult, but you've got to find the strength. If you can't, then there's me, to help you with. To support you in that column. Trust me, I've been there before and I certainly didn't have anyone helping me up. They tried, but they can't handle my weight. So, that's probably why I got into a bad crowd with Veronica and Taylor. Before I went to you. Now, I know this might not be what you're expecting, but this is what I can give you from my heart and hopefully it can help you...' Cat sent the text, letting out a sigh. It took her a while to write this paragraph. It pains her much when she thought about the past. She simply sat on her desk, and waited for Aisha to answer...

'Yeah... Thanks Cat. It'll take time but I can try. I'm just glad you got away from those jerks. Let's play soon, and get this ridiculous break up away from my mind.' Aisha sent her last text, before going offline.

Cat glanced on a photograph, with her and Kiera years ago. She approached it and examined it, cherishing that moment when they went to the waterpark, It was a blast that made them both one of the happiest kids then. Then afterwards, it all went down hill...

Her phone vibrated, it was Kiera. Cat picked up her phone and answered the call,

''Hey Kiera--'' She smiled a bit before she was cut off--

''Catja! Desmond is in the hospital in Lenox Hill! He was attacked, I don't know how..! It could've been one of your hunting trips... But I need you there with me as soon as possible! Please..!'' Kiera was desperate as she seemed to be running-

''Kiera calm down! Okay, I'm on my way..!'' She hung up quickly, running off with fear in her eyes and heart...


''Excuse me, I'm looking for the patient that arrived here hours ago? Desmond Korratov.'' She arrived, approaching the front desk as she waited patiently. She was anxious to know what happened to him, her heart was beating faster minute by minute. She placed her in this spot, and she has this feeling he could've been targeted by someone or worse...

''Room 113... Room 113...'' She muttered these words under her breath, walking a bit fast as her heart still beat rapidly due to her anxiety...

''There..'' She let out a sigh of relief, she didn't hesitate to open the door and walk inside.-

She froze in her place when she saw Kiera, her face was red and puffy. She was quick to hug Cat, sniffing for a bit...

''He's stable, and fine...'' Kiera told Cat, once she heard that, she felt the troubles around her was lifted for a bit. She saw Desmond on the bed, immobile with a few bandages and dressings wrapped in his arms and legs.

''What... happened to him?'' She asked Kiera,

''He was found injured on the side of the road, a bystander earlier saw him being knocked backwards by an explosion. The ambulance came and took him. And the Police are looking for the culprit...'' She sighed,

''His parents? Are they coming?'' Cat asked, ''No, they're out of town. But they're informed. They're taking the next plane back to New York from Europe...'' She let out a sigh, Cat held Kiera's hand, showing she won't leave her side..

She was worrying deep inside, feeling guilty in some part of her that put him in this mess. She approached her immobile friend slowly, and softly placed her hand on his. Letting out a sigh of sorrow when she sat down with Kiera, waiting...

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