•The World of Swords•

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Y/N was sitting in his room, reading a small book, while he gave quick glances to the clock on the wall.

He was excited. He had already set up his NerveGear, and was just waiting. It was now 5 o' clock. He closed the small book, and put it on the desk.

Then he lays on his bed, puts on his NerveGear, and looks at the ceiling for a few seconds.

Y/N: I'm finally coming back.
He thought, closing his eyes.
Y/N: Link Start!
He said, as a lot of colored lights flashed in front of his eyes.

He put on his username, and restored the same account he had back during the beta. He spawned in the Town of Beginnings, the lowest floor of Sword Art Online, and he looked around happily.

Y/N: I'm back.
He says, before running past the gates and going to the field. He takes out his sword, looking at it, a bit disappointed.

Y/N: Just a standard sword... Way too light, but oh well, who cares?
He says to himself, as he uses the sword skill <<Vorpal Strike>> to kill a monster spawned nearby.

He smiled again.
Y/N: Just like I remember.
He says.
Voice: You're so confident.
Someone says, making Y/N turn around.

In front of him there were two boys. One had red hair and a red bandana, while the other one had black hair.
Y/N: Oh, well, I am.
He says, chuckling.

Red-Haired Boy: I was just learning, and seeing you gave me some kind of motivation.
He says smiling.

Y/N looks at him.
Y/N: Oh, I'm Y/N, by the way.
He says, smiling.
Red-Haired boy: I'm Klein, and the grumpy one over there is Kirito.
He says, introducing himself and his friend.

Kirito glared at Klein.
Kirito: Hey, I'm not grumpy.
He protested.
Klein: Whatever you say, Kirito. Want to practice with us, Y/N?
He asks.

Y/N looks at him, his smile slowly fading away.
Y/N: I... Don't know-
He tries to say, but Kirito interrupts him.

Kirito: Oh, come on!
He says, grabbing Y/N's hand, and taking him to another point in the field.
Y/N: Guess I have to come, after all.
He says, chickling.

They passed some time slaying monsters. It was fun, and Y/N soon became their friend.
Klein: I gotta go, now. I have a pizza waiting for me.
He says.

Y/N: Ok. See you later, then.
He says. Klein opened his menu, trying to log out, but he couldn't.
Klein: Hm? Where's the log out button?
He says. Kirito and Y/N look at him.

Kirito: What?
He says. Y/N opens his menu, and just as Klein says, the log out button was missing.
Klein: Is this some kind of bug?
He said, but Y/N shook his head, and even Kirito looked unconvinced.

Kirito: I don't think it's a bug.
He says. Y/N looked at Klein, smiling smugly.
Y/N: Didn't you have a pizza waiting for you?
He says.

Klein: NO!
He says, dramatically falling on his knees. Y/N looks at Kirito.
Y/N: Damn, I haven't told anything to my Brother.
He says.

Kirito: My sister wasn't even home.
He says. Klein looks at Kirito.
Klein: You have a sister?
He asks.
Kirito and Y/N look at him.

Kirito: What of it?
He asks. Klein rushed towards him.
Kirito looks at him in shock.
Klein: You have to introduce her to me!
He says, but Y/N kicked Klein away.

He starts to yell in pain.
Y/N: What are you doing?
He asks, confused.
Klein: I'm in pain, don't you see? You just kicked me.
He says.

Y/N: You're in a virtual world. You can't feel pain, Klein.
He says.
Klein then stops.
Klein: Oh. Right, I forgot about it.
He says, chuckling awkwardly.

Kirito and Y/N facepalm.
Y/N: Ok, now that you know you can't feel pain, stop being a perv. Anyway, what do we do now? We can't log out.
He says.

Klein: I don't-
He was about to say, but he got teleported away.
Kirito looks at Y/N.
Y/N: Klein!
He yells.

Suddenly, Kirito got teleported too.
Y/N: What on earth-
He says, but he gets teleported away too. He's between Kirito and Klein, in the Town of Beginnings. But something was off.
749 words.

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