•Murder in the Safe Area•

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Currently, Y/N and the others were talking with the girl, whose name was Yolko, sitting in the restaurant they were before.

Asuna: So? Can you tell us what you saw?
She asks, trying to not sound rude.
Yolko: I knew that man. We were supposed to meet here and have a dinner together. I saw a hooded figure in the tower just behind him, but it disappeared in a instant.
She said, as tears began to fall from her eyes.

Kirito: You knew him?
He asks. Yolko nods slowly.
Yolko: We were from the same guild. It disbanded some time ago. His name was Caynz.
She said.

Yukio: Thank you, Yolko. Do you have a place to stay, right?
He said, as she slowly nodded.
Yolko: Yeah. I live in a inn not too far from here.
She said.

Y/N: Lock yourself in and don't go out. You might be the next victim.
He said. Then, after leaving Yolko, they take a look at the red sword that was used to kill Caynz.

Kirito: Do you know someone who can possibly tell us more about it?
He asks.
Asuna looked deep in thought.

Asuna: We could ask a friend of mine, but he's too busy right now.
She says, as Kirito sighs.

Y/N: Or we can just ask Agil.
He said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Yukio: How could I forget about him being a Blacksmith?
He said, facepalming.

They teleport to the 50th floor and walk to Algade, where Agil's shop is.
Y/N&Kirito: Yo.
They say, as they get enter, followed by Yukio and Asuna.

Agil: Don't 'yo' me, you two.
He said, chuckling. Then he saw Asuna, and paled. He pulled Y/N and Kirito towards, just above the counter.

Agil: What is Asuna doing here, you two?! This is a serious matter, done tell me you did something Illegal!
He whispered to them in a agitated voice.

Asuna, who apparently heard him, began to chuckle nervously.
Y/N: No, I didn't do anything like that!
He whispered shouted back to Agilin defence.

Kirito: Neither did I.
He protested, as Agil sighed in relief.
They went to the other room, and sat around a small table.

Agil: So? What can I do for you?
He asks. Y/N steals the red sword from Kirito's hands, handing it to Agil.

Kirito muttered something that sounded like 'you could've asked first', while shaking his head and giving Y/N a glare.
Y/N: Could you examine this?
He asks.

Agil:Sure thing. Just give me a minute.
He said. As he touched the sword, a panel appeared, showing the sword's Infos.

Agil: The name's Guilty Thorn. It was created by... Grimlock? I've never heard of him before. But I can assure you he didn't do a good work. This sword would barely injure even the monsters on 1st floor.
He said.

Their eyes widened.
Asuna: Are you sure about that?
She asked.
Agil: Yep.
He said.

Yukio: But this sword killed a player!
He said.
Agil: It's hard to believe.
He said.

Kirito: It's just that? Nothing more? Not even a hidden effect?
He asks.
Agil shook his head.

Y/N: Well, then.
He said, as he took the sword back. He raised it above his hand, but as he was about to make a cut, Yukio slapped his hand away.

Yukio: Are you a idiot or something?
He says.
Kirito: Yukio's right. That weapon already killed a player.
He said, taking the sword away from Y/N's grip.

Asuna: I think it's better if none of us touches it for now. Agil-san, could you possibly keep it for now?
She asks.

Agil: S-Sure.
He said, grabbing the sword, and putting it in his storage. They then left the shop.

Asuna: Don't be so reckless, dammit!
She yells at Y/N, who already expected her to make a scene.

Y/N: One of us should've tried!
He snapped back.
Kirito: No, Y/N. Actually there was no need. But that doesn't matter. That sword won't hurt anyone anymore.
He said.

Y/N looked down.
Y/N: Sorry.
He says, gritting his teeth.
Asuna: Let's meet up tomorrow. I think we should have another chat with Yolko.
She says.

Kirito,Yukio&Y/N: Ok.
They all say, parting ways. Y/N was now walking back home, but Yukio was following him.

Y/N: Do you... need something?
He asks in confusion.
Yukio: Didn't I tell you I'd keep an eye on you?
He says.

Y/N: Don't tell me you were serious about that!
He says, as his cheeks began to get red in shame.
Yukio: Of course I was, you idiot.
He said, playfully poking his nose.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: I hate you.
He said. Yukio smirked.
Yukio: I love you too.
He said sarcastically, ruffling his hair.

He arrived home and got in. After Yukio got in too (much to his disappointment), he locked the door.
Y/N: It's small, and I don't have another bed.
He said apologetically.

Yukio: Don't worry about me. I'll sleep on the couch.
He said, smiling. Y/N nods.
Y/N: If you need me... I'll be upstairs.
He said.

Yukio: Understood. Good night.
He said.
Y/N: Don't you dare spy on me, or I'll punch you to death.
He said fiercely.

Yukio: Was that supposed to be a warning?
He asked, smiling innocently. Y/N smacked his head.
Yukio: Ow.
He said.

Y/N: Idiot.
He said, smiling.
Yukio smirked.
Yukio: I'm your idiot.
He said.

They both looked at each other. It took them just a few seconds to realize what was going on. Y/N blushed heavily, and Yukio does the same.
Yukio: Did I say that out loud?
978 words.

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