•Lizbeth the Blacksmith•

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It was late in the afternoon, when Kirito and Y/N reach a shop on 48th floor, the one Asuna had mentioned the previous day.

They got in, and rung a small doorbell on the counter. A short pink-haired girl made her way towards them.

Lizbeth: Hi, welcome to Lizbeth's smith shop! What can I do for you?
She asks, smiling.

Y/N: Hi, I would like to have a Sword, and this grumpy friend of mine wants one too.
He says, smiling back at her. Kirito glares at him.

Kirito: I'm not grumpy.
He says. Y/N looked to the ceiling, with a dreamy expression.

Y/N: I have a strange feeling of dejá vu.
He says chuckling.
Lizbeth: I'm sorry, but if you don't give some reference on how you want your swords, I can't really do anything.
She said.

Kirito took out his sword, and put it on the counter.
Kirito: Could you make two with the same statistics as it, or, if possible, even better?
He asks.

She opens the sword's info panel, and her jaw drops.
Lizbeth: The Elucidator?! This sword is really rare. It won't be an easy task. I don't even have the materials!
She says.

As they were talking, Y/N had taken a sword that was exposed on the wall, but as he swung it, it broke apart.

Y/N: Ops.
He says. Lizbeth looks at him wide eyes, as Kirito facepalms.
Lizbeth: NO!
She yells, running towards the tip of the sword, which laid on the ground.

Lizbeth: That was my masterpiece!
She yelled.
Y/N: Nah, It wasn't that good, to be honest. It was way too light.
He says nonchalantly.

Lizbeth desperately tried to kill him, but Kirito managed to save him.
Kirito: Could you tell us where the materials should be gotten? We can go and gather them.
He says.

Lizbeth stops glaring at Y/N, and looks at Kirito.
Lizbeth: I can come too.
She mutters.

Y/N looks at her up and down, looking unimpressed.
Y/N: Maybe not. You'd just slow us down.
He says. She smirks at him.

Lizbeth: Didn't you know? You need a master blacksmith to collect the materials.
She says.

Y/N: I think she made this up on purpose.
He whispered to Kirito, who put a hand on his mouth to shut him up.
Lizbeth, who had heard what Y/N had said, she glared at him.

Kirito and Y/N sigh.
Y/N: Alright, looks like we need you.
He said in defeat.
Kirito: Where do we have to go, exactly?
He asks.
Lizbeth: On a mountain on 55th floor.
She says.
Y/N: Then let's go.
He says.

They teleport to floor 55.
As they were walking, Y/N saw Lizbeth shiver because of the cold.

Y/N: Are you feeling cold, Lizbeth?
He asks. She shook her head, but in that exact moment, she coughed.
Y/N took one of his coats, and put it on her.

Y/N: Next time, think about meteorological issues, Lizbeth. And, please, be careful, that's my favorite coat.
He said. She looks at him, blushing a little.

Lizbeth: Thank you... I guess. And don't call me Lizbeth. Everyone calls me Liz.
She says.
Y/N: Alright, Liz.
He says, amused.

They arrive at the mountain and make their way to the top.
Kirito: Take your Teleport Crystals.
He says. Y/N takes out a yellow crystal, and Kirito takes one too.

Lizbeth: Is this really necessary?
She asks.
Kirito looks at her.
Kirito: Yes.
He said, giving her one.

Y/N: Now, please, don't fight, or you'll ruin my coat.
He says.
Lizbeth: But I am capable of defending myself!
She says indignated.

Kirito: No one doubts that, but leave the fights to us.
He says.
Lizbeth: Alright.
She mutters.

As they were looking for the materials, a huge white dragon appeared. Lizbeth let out a horrified scream.
Y/N: Lizbeth, hide!
He yells, as he and Kirito began fending off the dragon.

She looks at them amazed , as they're able to fight it with ease. But then she got out of her hideout, and the dragon focuses on her. With a twist of its tail, it makes her fall in a hole on the ground.

Lizbeth: Help!
She yells.
Kirito&Y/N: Liz!
They yell, as both of them jump in the hole to save her.

They fell to the bottom of it, with Lizbeth on top of Y/N and Kirito under him. Kirito moved his hands forward, accidentally touching Y/N's butt.

Y/N's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment.
Y/N: Hey!
He says.
Kirito: Sorry!
He says, blushing too.

They got up.
Lizbeth took out her Teleport Crystal, as the boys look around.
Lizbeth: Teleport: Atlas!
She yells, but nothing happens.

She tries two more times before surrendering.
Lizbeth: Dammit! It's an Anti-Teleport Zone!
She yells in frustration.
Y/N: Guess we're trapped here.
He says.

Kirito: There should be a way to get out
He says. He then began running on the walls, but as he made a few meters upwards, his feet slipped, and he fell down, landing on Y/N.

Y/N: I'm not a damn pillow, You know!
He yells.
Kirito: You'd be a great one.
He says jokingly.
Y/N: You're not funny, Kirito. Please, if you want to flirt with me, at least wait till we get out of here.
He says sarcastically.
Kirito: You're not funny, Y/N.
He says, pretending to get serious.
Y/N: I love you too.
He says sarcastically.

They both began laughing. Lizbeth sighs.
Lizbeth: How can you joke and laugh in such situations?
She asks exasperated.

Y/N: Who knows?
He says, as they sat down. The sky upon them began getting darker and darker as seconds went by. Before they knew it, it was already night.
990 words.

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