•Real Nature•

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A few days went by, and Y/N was feeling really lonely. Asuna was never around because of her duty as the Vice Commander.

Currently, Y/N was sitting in the hall, staring into nothingness, as a man walked towards him.

He was told that he was going to clear a dungeon with another member of the guild, so he was waiting.

The man leads him outside, where Y/N's eyes widen, as he recognizes the other member. None else but Kuradeel. Y/N never trusted this man. He always felt like something about him was off.

The two stared at each other for a while, and then the man spoke.
Man: Guys, you're going to collaborate, so please, put your problems aside.

Y/N didn't say a word. Then, Kuradeel sticked his hand out.
Kuradeel: I'm sorry for calling you a beater, Y/N.
Y/N looked at him.

Y/N: You're trying to play innocent. You won't fool me.
He shook his hand, and put on a smile.
Y/N: It's ok.
Was all he said.

The man finally leads the two of them to the dungeon. It was already lunch time, so they stopped outside to have a break.

The man tossed both Kuradeel and Y/N a bottle, and then grabbed one for himself. They both drank the liquid and instantly got paralyzed.

Kuradeel smirked at them. Y/N wasn't scared at all. Thanks to one of his passive skills, he didn't have to fear any kind of poison. He would be free in a matter of seconds.

He unlocked it some days after Yukio's Death. His eyes widened in horror, as Kuradeel killed the man.

As he was walking towards him, Y/N was already free to move. Kuradeel was about to stab him, but he jumped away. Kuradeel looks at him in surprise.

Kuradeel: How did you...?!
Y/N: I knew since the first time we met that you weren't worth of trust. You're a PK, aren't you?
He said calmly.

Kuradeel grinned, lifting his sleeve to show him a tattoo. Y/N knew that tattoo too well. The Laughing Coffin's Tattoo. Anger took over him.

Kuradeel: You're a filthy beater. It doesn't matter if you're free. I'll kill you anyway.
Y/N's body started to shake, as a shadow loomed over his eyes. Kuradeel looks at him in amusement.

Y/N: Never forgive... revenge... unforgivable...
He muttered as if he was insane. Kuradeel laughed at him.

Kuradeel: What? You're blabbering non sense now?
Y/N: All the people you bastards killed... THEY'LL NEVER RETURN!
He was furious, completely blinded by rage.

Kuradeel: Who gives a damn about it? We did you a favor, killing the weaklings.
It was as if Y/N's brain had switched off. The rage was slowly vanishing, as he started laughing madly.

He looks at Kuradeel, his eyes now glowing pink. Kuradeel wasn't laughing anymore.
Kuradeel: What's with those eyes?
Y/N took out his sword, still smiling madly.

He was creepy. A launched himself at Kuradeel, hitting him repeatedly, laughing madly as he screamed in horror. He laughed even more, now unable to stop, as he saw Kuradeel's HP decrease at great speed.

Kuradeel: S-Stop... STOP!
Y/N tossed his sword away, charging a skill on his fist. He pierced through Kuradeel's chest.

(Y/N while beating the shit out of Kuradeel)

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(Y/N while beating the shit out of Kuradeel)

His HP finally hit 0. He looked at the boy in shock.
Y/N: It's because of those like you I lost the love of my life. You don't give a damn you say? Well... Neither do I.
He said, tilting his head, as his smile grew even wider.

he yelled, before exploding into lots of colored polygons.

Y/N stood there, still smiling. He had completely gone insane.
644 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 | Sword Art Online x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now