•Fallen Angel•

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Klein: Y/N, attacking it alone would mean suicide! Back off, we're still in time to escape!
He yells.

he roared, making everyone flinch.
he yelled.

Kirito and Asuna instantly realized he was talking about Yukio. Y/N faced the boss.
Y/N: I'll destroy you.
He said, as he began attacking the boss with all his might.

He used the Skills <<Crimson Square>>, <<Vertical X>> and <<Horizontal Square>> one after another. Kirito joined Him. They kept hitting and hitting, but the boss' HP was decreasing really slowly.

Then, it started to go on a rampage. Y/N, much to everyone's surprise, blocks all its hits. But they couldn't keep hitting randomly. They were risking too much.

Y/N: Kirito! We can't keep going like this! We can't defeat this bastard by hitting him randomly! We'll have to use that!
He yelled, blocking some other hits. Kirito nods.

Kirito: Asuna, Klein! Buy us 10 seconds!
He yelled.
Asuna&Klein: Roger that!
They yelled, as they switched places with the two boys.

They opened their menu, and equipped their second sword. And then, it happened. They charged at the boss. Kirito started attacking it. His speed had now increased a lot, but Y/N... He was a monster.

He was way faster than both Kirito and Asuna put together. The boss' HP started to rapidly decrease.
Kirito: Let's end it here!
He yells.

Kirito:<<Starburst Stream>>!
He yelled, quickly slashing the monster. But that still wasn't enough.

Kirito: Y/N, now!
He yells. Y/N nods, jumping high in the air. He starts slashing the monster even quicker. Everyone looks at him in both shock and awe.

Y/N: <<Fallen Angel>>!
He yelled, carving an 'X' on the Boss' chest. It then exploded in thousands of colored polygons.

Y/N stood there, motionless. Everything started to blur, the entire room fell silent and before he knew it, he was on the ground, unconscious.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a dark place. Under his feet, stood a stone platform, the only thing visible among that darkness.

Y/N: Am I... Dead?
He asks himself.
Voice: Not yet.
A familiar voice said.

Y/N's eyes widened, as his heart started racing, as if it was about to burst out of his chest at any moment. He slowly turned around.

There, in front of him, stood Yukio. He was just like how he remembered him.
Y/N: Yukio...
He says, almost out of breath.

Yukio: Yo.
He said, waving at him with a smile. Y/N rushed towards him, almost tripping, as his eyes filled up with hot tears. Yukio pulled him in a tight hug.

Yukio: I miss you so much.
He said, smiling sadly.
Y/N: I'm sorry Yukio. I couldn't protect you. There was so much I've wanted to tell you, but now I can't.
He said, wiping away his tears.

Yukio: It's ok. I did what was needed to be done. I don't blame you.
He said. But Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: I won't ever forgive Kayaba for this. It's all his fault, if I've lost the only one I ever loved.
He said, clenching his fist in anger.

Yukio shook his head.
Yukio: You don't need to blame anyone,     Y/N. If he hadn't done all this, we wouldn't have met.
He said. Y/N looks away.

Y/N: I wish I could stay here with you forever...
He said.
Yukio: I'm sorry, Y/N, but it's not your time yet.
He says. Y/N looks at him.

Yukio: Everyone needs you.
He said. In that exact moment, an Image of Kirito, shaking his unconscious body, appears in the darkness.

It was as if he was looking at the Reality through some kind of mirror. Y/N looks at it. He then looks back at Yukio, who smiles at him.

Yukio: Even if I'm not with you, you need to move forward. It doesn't matter if I'm just a spirit towards your eyes. It doesn't matter in whatever world you'll be. I'll always be with you. I'll always be by your side. So I'm begging you, Y/N. Keep on living. Live to see the end of this world. Live to discover why someone like was even there, in that forest, that day. Live to see the end of it all.
He said.

Y/N was speechless.
Y/N: Do I really have to go back?
He asks. Yukio looks at him.

Yukio: You have two choices, Y/N. I won't force you to do something you don't feel like doing, so you will be the one to choose. You can go back, and learn how to smile again, or you can stay here with me, and enjoy the eternity. But remember, whatever choice you'll do, there's no going back.
He said.

He looked at Kirito once more. He then smiled.
Y/N: Guess it can't be helped, huh?
He said, chuckling a little.

Yukio smiled at him.
Y/N turned around, fully facing Yukio.
Y/N: Thank you for everything, Yukio.
He said.

Everything around them started to crack, as Y/N hugged Yukio one last time. When he opened his eyes, he was back to reality.
919 words.

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