•Smile Again•

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Y/N sat on the ground, motionless, staring into nothingness. He was still confused and shaken.

Y/N: Was that... Some kind of dream?
He asked himself.
Y/N: No... It looked too real to be a dream-
His thoughts were interrupted by someone pulling him roughly in a hug.

It was Kirito.
Kirito: Idiot.
He says, pulling him closer with his shaky hands. It was as if he was scared he might lose him again.

Y/N: For how long was I our?
He asks.
Asuna: Just five minutes.
She says.

Y/N nods, as Kirito lets him go. Klein looks at them both. He was both amazed and shocked.

Klein: What were those insane moves just now?
He muttered.

Y/N grabs his second sword.
Kirito: Do we really have to tell you?
He asks.
Klein: Well... You have to!
He said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Kirito and Y/N sigh.
Y/N: It's a unique skill. We don't know what are the requirements to unlock it, though. A year ago we casually found it among our skills. Its name is <<Dual Wielding>>.
He explained, as Kirito nodded in agreement.

Asuna: The Commander has one too. It's a skill unique to the one who obtained it. In other words, only you can use it.
She said.

Klein: But why keep it a secret?
He asks.
Kirito looks at him.

Kirito: You really are dumber than I thought.
He muttered.

Y/N: If people knew about it, they wouldn't let us live our lives in peace.
He said, as Kirito nodded.

Klein: Yeah, I didn't really think about that...
He said, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

He then left, followed by his Guild. It was only Asuna, Kirito and Y/N now.
Asuna takes a deep breath.

Asuna: I'll take a break from the front for a while.
She announced.
Kirito: I was thinking the same thing.
He said, as Y/N nodded in agreement. They stood in silence for a few seconds, before Y/N got up.

Y/N: I'll go to the next floor.
He said, as he left the two. He decided it was better not to tell anyone about that strange dream he had.

Maybe people would think he got crazier or something like that, and he wasn't in the mood to try and reestablish his reputation. In that moment, the only thing he cared about, was moving forward.

The following days have been pure Hell for both Kirito and Y/N. Due to an article with the title 'Two players beat a boss with more than 70 consecutive hits', people discovered about their Dual Wielding skill, and now, the two boys were followed everywhere by desperate players seeking power.

But even worse than that was the fact that no one else but Heathcliff, the leader of KoB, wanted to have a chat with them.

That's where they were at the moment. Right in front of Heathcliff, who looked at them seriously.

Heathcliff: Kirito, Y/N, long time no see.
He said.
Kirito&Y/N: Commander.
They both said.

Heathcliff: I heard some rumors about your decision to leave the front. Is that true?
He asks.
Y/N: 100% true.
He said.

He wasn't smiling or anything, and his tone was almost angered. But who could blame him? Just before getting there he had to menace a group of 35 players of Killing them, or else they wouldn't stop following him, and interfering with his grinding.

Heathcliff nods.
Heathcliff: You sound angry, Y/N.
He pointed out. Y/N rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Y/N: I think you'd be angered too, if players kept following you around the whole forsaken floor, scaring away the monsters and NPCs you need to complete quests etc, right, Commander?
He said.

Heathcliff chuckled a bit.
Heathcliff: I see, so that's the reason... Let's get straight to business, shall we? I haven't made you come here just to have a little chat about how your lives are going.
He said.

Kirito: We kinda figured that out. So what do you want?
He said.
Heathcliff: You two are free of abandoning the front whenever you want, but that doesn't give you the authority to take away our vice-commander.
He said simply.

Y/N looked at him, as an expression of pure disgust made his way on his face.
Y/N: People like you disgust me the most. What do you think you can achieve, talking us like that? Asuna isn't your fucking toy, alright? In case you haven't noticed, she's a human being.
He said in pure disgust.

Kirito: Y/N, please-
He tried to say, but Y/N didn't even let him finish.
Y/N: Kirito, stop trying to stop me from saying what I think. That's annoying.
He said annoyed.

Asuna: I remember perfectly that you said I could leave whenever I wanted!
She protested. Heathcliff looks at them.

Heathcliff: Is that it? Y/N, I really appreciate the fact you tell us what you think, but I'm sorry, I just can't let you leave Asuna. I have an Idea.
He said.

Y/N raised a brow.
Heathcliff: Let's duel. If you win, you can take Asuna with you, but if you lose, you'll become a member of my guild.
He said, looking straight at Y/N, with the clear intent of provoking him.

They look at him.
Y/N: OK then.
He said.
Heathcliff: Which one of you will fight?
He asks.

Y/N knew how Kirito felt about guilds. He sincerely didn't mind joining one, if that meant freeing his friend. Before Kirito could say a word, he spoke.

Y/N: I will.
He said. They all look at him.
Y/N smirks.
Y/N: I can't let this opportunity slip out of my hands, now, can I? After all, you're the strongest player in the whole game.
He said, his eyes gleaming with malice.

Heathcliff ignored that.
Heathcliff: Very well. Let's meet tomorrow in Algade.
He said. Y/N nods, leaving the room, followed by his friends.

He accepted the duel for some reasons, but principally to be certain of something he was hypothesizing.

And one thing was sure: the next day, he would have had his answers.
1058 words.

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