•Something to Protect•

740 19 0

Y/N cooked something pretty quickly, and when it was ready, both him and Keiji started eating.

His cooking skills had improved a lot. He looked at Keiji, who was having trouble holding the fork. He chuckled.

Y/N: Do you need some help?
Keiji slowly nods, glaring at the fork, offended. Y/N helped him to eat. He couldn't help but feel attached to the kid. It was something so strange that he too wasn't able to explain.

For the rest of the day, they played outside, and then they went for a walk. Keiji really enjoyed himself, running around, and laughing the whole time. That filled Y/N's heart with a warm feeling.

It was now evening, and they were walking back home. Keiji rubbed his eyes.
Y/N: Are you feeling sleepy?
The kid nodded slowly.

Y/N: Well, we arrived already.
He said, as he opened the door, letting the kid in. They both laid on the bed, looking at each other for a few seconds, before laughing.

Y/N: Alright, enough laughing. Go to sleep.
He said, poking Keiji's nose, making him giggle. He moved closer to Y/N, drifting to sleep in a matter of seconds.

He couldn't help but smile at how cute the kid was. Y/N slowly drifted to sleep as well, pulling the boy even closer, as if he was scared that someone might take him away from him.

They had been together for just a day, yet  Y/N saw Keiji as something to protect. And this time, he would've done everything to protect him.

The next day, they both woke up at the same time. Keiji looks at Y/N.
Keiji: Big Bro...
He says, gaining Y/N's attention immediately.

He looked at him as well.
Y/N: Yeah? What is it?
Keiji seemed in difficulty. The words were refusing to leave his mouth.

Keiji: I... I remembered everything.
Y/N beamed at him.
Y/N: That's just fantastic, Keiji!
He said happily.

But Keiji wasn't as happy as he was. He had a sad expression all over his face. Y/N just couldn't understand. Was it really that bad that he had remembered everything?

Y/N: Are you alright, Keiji?
The boy shook his head.
Keiji: I... I'm not like you.
Y/N looked at him, even more confused.

Y/N: What do you mean?
Keiji: I was the one who was put in charge of keeping the balance of this world. I'm the Cardinal System.
He said. Y/N looked at him, his heart sinking.

That couldn't be true. No, there had to be an explanation. He just refused to believe that Keiji was another of Kayaba's creations. Just an object, a mass of intricated codes.

Y/N clenched his fists. Even if it was true, who gave a damn?
Y/N: But... Even if that's really true... What's wrong about it?
He said.

Keiji just shook his head.
Keiji: Everything is wrong. I'm not even a human. I can't feel what those like you feel. I'm not even supposed to leave that place, and they found out just tonight. They're going to reset me.
He said, as tears fell from his eyes, but he still smiled.

Y/N looked at him, his heart slowly falling to pieces at each word the kid said.
Y/N: Then... Why are you crying?
He asks, as tears menaced to escape from his eyes as well.

Keiji just laughed it off.
Keiji: Damn, I don't even know.
He said. Y/N shook his head. He just refused to believe it.

Y/N: No... That... That can't be true. They can't do something like that! You're not an object! You're not their toy! What about how you feel? WHAT ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT?
He said in frustration, unable to hold back his tears anymore.

Keiji: I've been watching you since the day you arrived in this world, 2 years ago... You looked so kind... In that moment I thought you were an amazing person. And I wasn't wrong. All I wanted to do was to live with you... It's dark in there! That's why I wanted to escape!
He yelled.

Y/N pulled him in a hug, sobbing.
Y/N: N-No, they can't just do as they please! I won't let you go! We'll always stay together!
Keiji smiled, hugging him back.

Keiji: Please, don't cry, Big Bro.
He said, as his body suddenly started glowing.
Y/N's eyes widened. Everything was happening too quickly.

Keiji smiled at him.
Keiji: Don't worry about me. I'll never forget you, Big Bro. I Love You.
Upon saying that, he vanished.

Y/N stood there, still crying. He gritted his teeth.
He yelled in anger and frustration.

He roughly wiped his tears away. That's when he noticed a tiny, shining object on the ground. It was a small green gem.

Y/N picked it up, and read its name. His heart sunk, and his eyes filled with tears once again. The object's name was 'Keiji' s Heart'.
876 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 | Sword Art Online x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now