•Promises and New Friends•

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Kirito: So? Where have you been all this time?
He asks, as both he and Y/N were wandering on 27th floor. Y/N smiles sheepishly.

Kirito looks at him.
Kirito: Don't tell me you did something illegal.
He said. Y/N looked at him, a bit offended.

Y/N: Of course not!
He yells, as Kirito chuckled.
Y/N: Let's see... I've been grinding all day, wandered everywhere, doing lots of quests... Almost punched Kibaou once during the raid for the 14th floor... And met my best friend.
He said, counting on his fingers.

Kirito looks at him.
Kirito: You almost punched Kibaou?
He asks, amused. Y/N's face suddenly darkened in anger. He hated Kibaou with all his heart.

Y/N: That idiot almost killed me when we were attacking that damn centaur.
Y/N said.
Kirito laughed.

Y/N: That's not funny, Kirito. At all. They needed Agil and 5 others to hold me back, or else I'd beaten the shit out of him.
He muttered darkly, much to Kirito's amusement.

Kirito: You said you made a new friend?
He asks. Y/N nods.
Kirito: Wait... Am I not your best friend?
He asks, pretending to be sad.

Y/N: You know, you're an Idiot some times. You'll always be my best friend. You're the most important one I have.
He said.

Kirito: I knew it.
He said, smiling smugly. Y/N shook his head.
Y/N: Idiot.
He muttered, as they both started laughing.

Y/N received a message from Yukio. Kirito looks at him.
Kirito: Who's Yukio?
He asks.

Y/N: The one I was just talking you about.
He said.
Kirito: Cool name.
He said. Y/N read the message.

Y/N: He's waiting for me at the teleport gate on 20th floor. He probably found a new dungeon or a quest that can give us some good items.
He said. Kirito looks at him.

Kirito: What are you waiting for, then? Go.
He said. Y/N laughed at him.
Y/N: You're not going to escape so easily, now that I found you, grumpy boy.
He said, flicking his forehead, as Kirito cringed at the nickname.

Y/N: You're coming too.
He said. Kirito looked at him.
Kirito: What?
He said.
Y/N raised his brow.

Y/N: I won't repeat myself, because you heard me pretty well. Now come on, or he'll  give me a lecture, and I'll have to ignore him just like I do everytime.
He said, taking Kirito's hand, and walking to the teleport gate.

They arrive on 20th floor, where Yukio's waiting, checking his items.
Kirito: Grumpy boy? Seriously?
He says, still cringing at the nickname.
Y/N smiled smugly.

Y/N: It suits you perfectly.
He said. Yukio turns around.
Y/N: Yo.
He said casually.

Yukio: Finally! I thought you had died, you moron. At least you could've replied to my message-
He said.
Y/N: Stop right there, and to give you an answer, nah, that was too much work.
He said.

Yukio sighs, and then looks at Kirito.
Yukio: You must be Kirito! Y/N talks about you non stop.
He said.

he protested, blushing a little. Both Kirito and Yukio chuckle.

Kirito: It's nice to meet you... Yukio, was it?
He says, smiling.
Yukio: The one and only.
He says.

Y/N: Ok, now that you two have become friends, could you kindly tell me what have you found?
Y/N said.

Yukio: Haven't you read the message?
He asks.
Y/N: I only read the important parts, such as 'I'm waiting for you at 20th floor's teleport gate'. The rest didn't matter that much, and I was bored as hell, so I hadn't read it.
He says nonchalantly.

Kirito chuckled.
Kirito: Typical.
He said, as Y/N sticks out his tongue.

Yukio: I found a dungeon, and no one knows about it. I still ask myself how can someone be so stupid to not notice it.
He said.

Y/N&Kirito: Great!
They both say in awe.
Yukio: As I said before, it's not that difficult to find it, so we'd better hurry, or else could find it.
He said.

They follow him, and together, they clear the dungeon pretty easily, and earned pretty good items too.

It was night now, and they were in a city, eating something. Y/N was staring at his food, but didn't even touch it. Yukio looks at him.

They've been together for quite some time now, and he's never seen him eat. Not even once. Kirito noticed it too.
Yukio sighs.

Yukio: Again?
He asks.
Y/N: Hm...?
He asks. Kirito puts his sandwich down.

Yukio: You haven't touched your food again.
He says. Kirito looks at Y/N.
Kirito: Y/N... You made me a promise, remember? You promised me you'd eat everyday.
Kirito said.

Y/N looks away.
Y/N: It's ok, guys.
He said. But Yukio shook his head. He sits beside Y/N, picking up a piece of the boy's sandwich.

Yukio: Open that mouth, or I'll force you to.
He said menacingly. Y/N tried to fight back, but Yukio was way more stubborn than he was, and in the end, as he was about to tell him to stop, he shoved the piece of sandwich in his mouth, shutting him up.

Kirito was trying to hold back his laughter.
Yukio patted Y/N's head, smiling proudly, and earning a glare from the boy.
Yukio: Good boy.
924 words.

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