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Y/N looked at the polygons, desperately trying to catch them. But it was useless, they just vanished.

He burst in tears, as his mind replayed every memory he had of Yukio, his smiling face flashing in from of his eyes. It was just like a neverending film, the saddest of all.

He stared blankly at the point where, just a few seconds ago, Yukio stood. He took a huge stone, not too fare from him, and planted it there, using his sword to carve a sentence, his heart pounding louder and louder at each word.

'Here lies Yukio. The best person to ever exist'.

Just looking at that stone made his eyes fill up with tears again.
Y/N: I'm sorry, Yukio. I'm just a coward. In the end, I let you die just to protect me, while I was just escaping from my mistakes.
He said, gritting his teeth.

He got up, and headed back to his house. He was feeling empty like a shell, as he walked inside. He was sitting at his table, still crying, when he received a message from Kirito.

'Where are you?'

He stared blankly at the message, unsure if to answer or not.
'At home'
That was what he was able to say.

A few minutes later, he heard a knock on the door. He got up, and walked towards the door, slowly opening it.

Kirito stood there, an anxious expression on his face, as if he knew something was wrong. He looks at Y/N, and as he saw his face, he knew.

He hugged the boy tightly, who cried on his chest, unable to stop.
Kirito: I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm truly sorry.
He said.
Y/N: It's all my fault. He died to protect me, while I didn't even move a muscle.
He said, his voice now broken, and more high pitched than usual.

Kirito: I'm sure he didn't want to see you like this. He didn't want you to be sad. He loved your smile more than anything else.
He said, looking at him.

He was sad, but he could never feel how.   Y/N felt. To him, Yukio was the most precious friend he had besides Y/N, but for Y/N, he was everything.

Yukio, for Y/N, was what Sachi had been for him. And he knew that the void Yukio had left behind, would never heal.

Y/N: I'm tired. It's already been two years, but it feels like I've been here forever.
He said.
Kirito: We must keep looking forward. Let's do it for him.
He said.

He passed the next day's with Y/N. They cleared some dungeons together, and somehow menaged to cheer him up a little.

Currently, they were returning from their exploration in the Labyrinth, when Kirito spotted a Ragout Rabbit, one of the rarest animals in Aincrad, and somehow menaged to kill it.

Kirito: I did it!
He yells happily. He looks at Y/N.
Kirito: Do you think you can cook it?
He asks.

Taking Kirito's advice, he got himself an hobby, which revealed him to be very skilled at cooking.
Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: My cooking skills aren't high enough to cook such a rare ingredient. I'd end up burning it.
He said. Kirito sighs.

Kirito: Guess I'll have to sell it, then.
He said. Later, they got to Agil's shop. Agil stared at the animal with wide eyes.

Agil: Tell me, Kirito, do you perhaps need money? This is one of the rarest items! Why seel it, if you can cook it?
He said.

Kirito: The problem is... Y/N's cooking skills aren't high enough, and I don't have anyone else to ask to.
He said.

The door suddenly opened, and Asuna got in, followed by a man dressed just like her.
Asuna: Kirito, Y/N!
She said happily.

Kirito: I'm saved!
He yells dramatically, as he walked up to Asuna.
Kirito: Asuna, how high are your cooking skills?
He asks. She smirks.

Asuna: I leveled them to the maximum just yesterday.
She said proudly. Kirito showed her the Ragout Rabbit.

Kirito: Could you cook this for me?
He asks. Her eyes widened, upon seeing the animal in his hands.

Asuna: How did you menage to get it?!
She yells in shock.
Y/N: Please, cook it for him, or he won't stop it anymore.
He said, chuckling a little.

Kirito: If you cook it I'll let you have a bite.
He said. She glared at him.
Asuna: I want half.
She said. Kirito shrugged.

Kirito: We have a deal.
He said, as he, Asuna, Y/N and the man started walking away.

Agil: Wait up! We're friends Kirito! Why don't you let me have a bite?!
He yells desperately.

Kirito: I'll write you a 800 words description about how it tasted!
He says laughing, as he headed out.
821 words.

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