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Kirito: You... WHAT?!
He yells, as Y/N looks away.
Y/N: I'm sorry.
He says.

Yukio: You should've talked to us! We're your friends. We want to help!
He says.
he yells.

Asuna looks at him.
He yells, as tears of anger slipped from his eyes.

He felt that need to let it all out.
Asuna couldn't help but pity him.
Kirito takes Y/N's hands.

Kirito: Don't do that ever again.
He says. Y/N slowly nods.
Yukio: That's it. I'll keep an eye on you. I won't let you slowly go insane.
He said, in a determined tone.

Y/N sighs, nodding in defeat. Asuna walks up to them. They look at her.
Asuna: Why are you here, doing nothing, while everyone else does his best to try and gather items for the battle?
She asks, mentally facepalming because of her insesibility and rudeness.

Y/N: It's Aincrad's best season. You should realax.
He says in a insanely calm voice, in a attempt of being friendly.

She looks at him, a bit taken aback. She had expected him to start yelling at her or something, yet he was there, laying on the ground with his eyes closed, with Kirito and Yukio doing exactly the same.

Asuna: The best... Season?
She repeats.
Yukio: He's right.
He said.
Kirito: And I agree too.
He added.

Asuna looks at them.
Asuna: I guess... Relaxing a bit shouldn't be a problem.
She said, laying down, and almost instantly drifting to sleep.

When Y/N woke up, he saw Kirito sitting on the wall together with Yukio, both looking at him.
Yukio: You finally woke up.
He said smiling.

Y/N blinked a few times. Then, he turned around, seeing Asuna peacefully sleeping. He got up, and stretched.

Soon after, he sees Asuna waking up, with some grass glued to her cheek. She blinked at them a few times, before blushing madly.

She immediately got up, scaring the shit out of them. They started to back off. Kirito fell from the wall, and Y/N hid behind Yukio.
Asuna regained her composure.

Asuna: I'll treat you to a Dinner.
She said. They looked at each other.
Yukio: Huh?
He asks.

Asuna: I won't repeat myself.
She said.
They all nodded furiously.

They followed her to a restaurant, and booked a table.
Asuna: Thank you for protecting me.
She slowly said.

Kirito: Don't mention it.
He said. Asuna shook her head.
Asuna: I could have been victim of the new sleeping pk method. Have you heard about it, right?
She asks.

They all nod, as a NPC put their food in front of them. Y/N looked at it. He wasn't hungry at all.

The other three began to eat, but he just kept staring at his food.
Asuna: Don't you like it, Y/N?
She asks. Y/N instantly rose his head, looking at her.

He gave her a forced smile, and forced the food in his mouth, mentally reminding himself of throwing up later. Yukio put a reassuring hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Then, they heard a scream. They ran outside, and witnessed at the scene in horror. A man was hanging down a tower, with a red sword piercing his chest, quickly loosing HP.

Suddenly, a pained expression spreads all over his face, and he explodes in thousand colored polygons. The sword fell on the ground.

Y/N and Asuna immediately ran to the tower, but it was empty. Soon after, Kirito and Yukio enter, and show them the sword. It was a red 1H sword.

Asuna: There was no one here.
She said.
Kirito: They probably teleported away.
He says.

The go down, back to the plaza, where everyone is gathered, still shaken.
Yukio: Has someone seen something? If so, please, make a step forward.
He said in a loud and clear voice.

Everyone started murmuring, but then, a purple haired girl stepped forward.
686 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 | Sword Art Online x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now