•The Black Ghost•

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Silica: But... her cursor is green!
She says. Kirito smirks triumphantly.
Kirito: It's a simple trick. A Green player tells the Orange player where the pray is, and they kill them, so the Green player's cursor remains green.
He says.

Silica started to panick.
Silica: We have to help Y/N, Kirito!
She yells. As she says that, all the Orange players look at them in shock.

Orange Player: Y/N... Kirito... Black Dressed... Always together... There's no doubt. Those two are the Beaters! The Black Ghost and the Black Swordsman!
One of them yells.

The others look at him.
Rosalia scoffs.
Rosalia: There's no way two people from the front are here.
She said.

Orange Player: But-
One tries to say, but Rosalia interrupts him.
Rosalia: Attack them! Kill them!
She yells.

Kirito and Y/N were ready to jump in front of Y/N, but he pushed them away, smiling. The men all use sword skills to attack Y/N, who looks at them unimpressed.

Silica looks at his HP bar. As it reduced, it quickly refilled itself. Silica looks at him, with a surprised look on his face.

Rosalia was about to explode because of anger.
She yells hysterically. He looks at all of them.

Y/N: 12 HP every 2 seconds. This is the highest damage you can deal me.
He said, as they all gasp in shock.

Rosalia: T-That's not true!
She yells. Y/N chuckled.
Y/N: Oh, it is. You see, I'm level 99. I have a total of 20.000 HP. Plus, I have a buff, thanks to this equipment, that recovers 600 HP per second. We could stay here all day, and none of you could actually go even near to kill me.
He said.

The Orange players start backing away, before running away screaming.
Rosalia: Tch, Cowards.
She said.

Kirito: You'll follow us in prison.
He said.
Rosalia: Are you sure about that?
She asks, as she starts to back away a little.

But Y/N and Yukio were way quicker than her. In the blink of an eye, they were in front of Rosalia, holding their swords to her throat.

Rosalia: You won't kill me.
She said, confidently.
Yukio: I won't be so sure.
He said.

Y/N: And tell me, why are you sure we won't kill you?
He asks. There was no emotion in his voice, and his eyes were dull.

Rosalia: I'm a woman. You won't dare kill me.
She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Y/N: But you didn't hesitate to kill almost every member of that guild, a few years ago, did you, Rosalia?
He asks. She laughs at him.

Rosalia: You won't-
She was about to say, but Y/N had lost it.
Y/N: Listen here, you little shit. A few days as Orange player are nothing for me. You're starting to get on my nerves. It's up to you: follow us, or die here. I'll make sure to be the one to have the pleasure to kill you.
He said, giving her a death stare, and moving his sword closer to her throat.

She drops her spear, finally surrendering. Rosalia was soon after arrested, and put in a cell inside the Black Iron Palace.

Currently, Y/N, Yukio, Kirito and Silica were In a inn room.
Y/N: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to use you as  some kind of decoy, but we couldn't let her free anymore.
He said, apologizing.

Silica looks at him and smiles.
Silica: Don't worry about it.
She says.
Yukio: I'm glad, because he was about to fall, on his way to help you when Pina died.
He said, looking at Y/N with a smirk.

Y/N slowly blushes, making Silica laugh.
He yells, jumping on Yukio.

Y/N, still blushing, puts a hand on Yukio's mouth, who's laughing at him.
Kirito: About Pina...
He said, as Y/N sat on Yukio's chest triumphantly.

Y/N: Why don't you revive her?
He asks, smiling. Yukio suddenly flips him over, and now, he was the one sitting on Y/N.

He yells, as he desperately tries to break free, while Silica revives Pina. She hugs the blue animal, crying happily.

Y/N punched Yukio, sending him onto a wall, now finally free.
Kirito: Idiots.
He said, smiling, as he looked at the two boys.

Yukio: Well... It's time to go. We've been away from the front for 2 days.
He says, putting a hand on Y/N's head, earning a growl from the still blushing boy.

Silica nods.
Y/N: I hope we'll see again.
He says, as the three of them leave the Inn both Kirito and Yukio teasing Y/N.
817 words.

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