•Y/N vs Kuradeel•

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Asuna looks at Kirito, and they both look at Y/N. He raised his head, and smiled at Asuna.

Y/N: You cook really well. Better then my brother does, indeed.
He said, still smiling. His smile was empty, just like his usually bright eyes.

Asuna: Oh, Thank you!
She said happily.
Kirito: I wonder how Agil's feeling, right now.
He said, chuckling evilly at the thought.

Asuna: Do you want some tea?
She asks.
Kirito&Y/N: Yes, please.
They both said.

She put some tea in three cups, and handed two fo them to the boys. Kirito looks at Asuna while sipping his tea. She smirks at him.

Asuna: You know, all those with the same expression as you asked me to marry them.
She said to Kirito, whose eyes widened. He blushed a little, as he almost chocked, making Asuna laugh.

Y/N put his cup on the table.
Asuna: I think we should form a party.
She said nonchalantly, as she made a knife spin with her fingers.

Kirito: Why?
He asks.
Asuna: Because you're my friends, and I want to protect you. We'll hang together for a while.
She said.

Upon hearing the word protection, Y/N's stomach lurched.
He looked away. He had enough of hearing that damn word.

Y/N: Do what you want, but... Just don't count me in, ok?
He muttered. But Asuna sent them both a party invitation. She was smiling at them.

Kirito and Y/N just stared at it.
Kirito: Are you sure about this?
He asks.
Y/N: We're filthy beaters, remember?
He pointed out.

Asuna charged a Skill on the knife, pointing it directly at their heads menacingly, looking at them with her usual raged expression. They quickly accepted the Invitation, and she put the knife away, smiling brightly.
Asuna: See? It wasn't that hard. You two just need more contact with people.
She said.

Y/N: That was blackmailing, Asuna. Anyway, I'll go home.
He announced, as he got up.

Kirito: OK.
He said.
Asuna: Let's meet on 50th floor tomorrow.
She says. Y/N nodded, as he left.
Y/N: Damn you. You're too scary.
He thought angrily, as he left the house.

The next day, both he and Kirito were in Algade, but there was no trace of Asuna. Then, the teleport gate activated, and Asuna ran from it, frightened, as she fell on Kirito, now both of them laying on the ground.

She quickly got up, blushing, as she angrily punched Kirito, who had accidentally touched her boobs. Then, the teleport gate activated again, but this time, none else but Kuradeel came out of it.

Asuna: Stay away!
She yells at him.
Kuradeel: Asuna, let's go!
He said.
Asuna: I won't follow a pervert like you!
She yells.

But Kuradeel grabs her by her arm, ignoring the fact that she desperately tried to break free from his grip. Y/N couldn't just let that idiot take his friend away when he pleased.

He didn't care if he was the one in charge of her protection. He didn't give a damn about It. He was ready to fight the whole guild, if he needed to.

It happened in the blink of an eye. To those who saw it, just seemed like Y/N had just teleported. He put a hand on Kuradeel's arm, giving him a cold raged glare. He looked at Y/N in surprise. He didn't expect him to get in front of him so quickly.

Y/N: Don't you dare put those filthy hands on her.
He said, punching Kuradeel, who fell to the ground freeing Asuna.

She ran away, hiding behind Kirito. Kuradeel got up, looking angrily at Y/N, who didn't even flinch.
Kuradeel: You filthy beater! Don't you dare touch me!
He yells.

Asuna looked at Y/N.
Asuna: Y/N...
Kuradeel: Duel with me!
He yells.

Y/N, whose expression remained the same, looked at him.
Y/N: It's fine by me. Go ahead.
He said.

Kirito smirks, as Y/N took out his sword. He knew that Y/N was getting the whole situation seriously, so there wasn't even the minimal chance for Kuradeel to beat him.

On the battlefield, Y/N was a demon. Nothing would matter anymore. It didn't matter if his weapon broke apart, he would keep punching and kicking until he won.

The duel begins, and both Y/N and Kuradeel charge a Sword Skill. Y/N uses the Skill <<Crimson Square>>.

He was even faster than Asuna. She was in fact surprised to see him move so fast. She knew that sword was super heavy and hard to use, yet he was still able to move as fast as a lightning.

He was moving around so fast that looking at him, was just like looking at a ghost.
He hit Kuradeel's sword, snapping it in half. Everyone looks at him in shock.

Asuna: That sword... How did he menage to snap it in half? It was a rare sword given him by the Commander in person!
Kuradeel took out a knife, and tried to stab Y/N, but he dodged the hit effortlessly, and gave Kuradeel a punch straight to his face, making the knife fall to the ground, just in time with the end of the duel.

Y/N: I guess we already know who won. You'd better go away, or I can assure you that you'll regret it.
He said, menacingly staring at Kuradeel.

He ran away, and Y/N turns around, smiling for the first time in days.
Asuna: Thank you, Y/N.
She said.
Y/N: You're welcome.
846 words.

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