•Laughing Coffin•

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It was almost evening, as Y/N and Kirito mounted on a Horse, heading to a forest on 27th floor.

Once they got deep in the forest, they saw who they were after. There were Yolko and Caynz (unbelievable how they were still alive, right?), who both wore strange cloaks.

Schmidt was on the ground on his knees. In front of them, there were 3 hooded people.
In the background, stood a wrinkled tree and grave, giving the scene a creepy atmosphere. Griselda's grave.

Kirito: Yo.
He said, as everyone turned around and looked at them.
Y/N: And there it goes our surprise effect.
He said, sighing.

Schmidt: What on earth-
He was about to say, but Yolko shushed him. Y/N looked at the hooded people. They were members of the most known PK guild: Laughing Coffin.

As expected, they had a white smiling coffin tattooed on their hands.
Y/N: Do you want to go away unharmed, or do I have to stab you to death? Your choice.
He says.

Laughing Coffin member: I wouldn't get so cocky If I were you. It doesn't end here.
He said, as they left. Both Asuna and Yukio arrived, panting.

Asuna: You have to stop running away like that!
She yells.
Y/N: But we told you where we were going!
He protested.

Yolko: We're sorry, guys. We didn't mean to trick you or something.
She says. Asuna smiles at her.
Asuna: We know the truth-
She was about to say, but Y/N interrupts her.

Y/N: Thanks to me!
He pointed out. But Asuna ignored him, and kept talking.
Asuna: But it would be better if the responsible would explain how things went.
She said, and after running away, she returned, followed by a man.

Caynz: Grimlock?
He says.
Grimlock: Long time no see.
He says. Then, forced by Asuna, he explains how he killed Griselda just because he wanted her all for himself.

Y/N, Kirito and Yukio looked at Asuna, as Yolko and Caynz took Grimlock away.
Y/N: Case resolved.
He said. Asuna points at the grave behind them, with a shocked expression.

They all look at it in shock. Just beside it, stood the transparent figure of a brown haired Girl. Griselda. Then, she disappeared, and Asuna smiled.

Asuna: Tell me Kirito... If you married someone, and then you discovered something secret about them... What would you do?
She asks. Kirito looks deep in thought.

Kirito: I guess... I'd live them even more.
He says.
Y/N: Aw... Who could've said you're so romantic?
He says teasingly, as Yukio looks at him, rolling his eyes.

Kirito: Oh, shut up! At least I know how to be romantic. You literally scare everyone off! I still wonder why Yukio hasn't ran away from you.
He says.

Y/N: He hasn't because he knows I'm awesome.
He said sarcastically.
Yukio: You're not that awesome.
He said teasingly.

Asuna: You know guys... I think you three need more friends.
She said. She sends each of them a friend request.

Y/N: I guess it won't be that bad.
He says, accepting it. Kirito and Yukio dl the same.
Y/N: Perhaps... Asuna, do you know someone who forges good weapons?
He asks casually.

Kirito, who knew what he was trying to do, looked at him. Asuna smiled at him.
Asuna: Sure. A friend of mine has a weapon shop on 48th floor. Her name's Lizbeth, but everyone calls her Liz.
She says.

Y/N: Thank you. I think I'll go pay her a visit, one of these days. Later that evening, both Yukio and Kirito ate at Y/N's house. His cooking skills were improving.

Kirito: So... You asked her because of You-Know-What, or just because you want a new weapon?
He asks.

Y/N: The first one.
He says, doing finger guns.
Kirito: I knew it! I know you too well!
He said.

Y/N: I won't be so proud of that. People may think you're a stalker.
He said playfully, as Yukio laughed.
Kirito: Nah. Anyway, I'll come too.
He says, as Y/N nods.

Y/N: How about we go tomorrow?
He asks.
Kirito: Yeah, I don't have anything to do tomorrow.
He says shrugging.

Yukio: You never have anything to do, do you?
He asks sarcastically.
They smiled at him sheepishly.
Y/N: Do you want to come too?
He asks.

Yukio: Sorry, but unlike someone, I'm busy tomorrow.
He says.
Y/N: Oh.
He says. They look at each other.

Kirito: Guess I'll get going. I'm really tired.
He says, getting up. Y/N nods.
Yukio: I'll go too. I need to get up pretty early tomorrow.
He says.

Y/N: You finally surrendered on keeping an eye on me?
He says.
Yukio: I don't need to be with you to know what you're doing.
He said, grinning.

Y/N ignored him, and lead them to the door.
Y/N: See you tomorrow.
836 words.

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