•The Gleam Eyes•

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Y/N, Asuna and Kirito were in the labyrinth on 74th floor. They had just found the boss room.

Y/N was curious to k ow what was inside, and so were Kirito and Asuna.
Asuna: Let's have a peek inside.
She suggested, as the other two agreed, nodding, as they slowly pushed the door open.

It was all dark, but in the exact moment they got in, two blue eyes lit up in the darkness. They ran away, frightened. Once they were safe, they looked at each other.

Asuna: I don't think we'll beat it easily. We don't even know how it looks like or what it is!
She said.

They heard footsteps, and quickly took their swords out, ready to fight. To their it was just Klein and his guild. When he saw them, his eyes lit up with joy.

Klein: Kirito! Y/N!
He yells. Y/N looks at him. He hadn't seen Klein since the day they left him at the Town of Beginnings, two years before.

Klein: It sure has been a while, since we've seen last time!
He said, when he reached them. He then looks at Asuna.

Kirito: Klein, she's Asuna. Asuna, she's Klein.
He said, quickly introducing the two to each other. Klein suddenly bowed.

Klein: H-Hi. Klein. 24 years old. Single-
He started, but both Kirito and Y/N kicked him away.

Y/N: You're still the same, you perv.
He said, making Asuna chuckle. They started chatting, so they didn't notice the large group of players that approached them.

Y/N looks at them, as who he assumed was their commander took some steps forward.
Commander: Good morning. Have you already mapped the labyrinth?
He asks.

Y/N: Yep.
He said.
Commander: Very good. Now, please, hand it over.
He said. But Klein didn't have the slightest intention of agreeing.

Klein: Hold on, dude! Do you know how hard is to map a labyrinth?!
He said angrily.
Commander: We are part of the front. It's your duty to collaborate with us.
He said.

Klein: We're in the front too! And we are in the front from the raid on the 1st floor!
He protested, but Y/N shushed him.

Y/N: I don't think it's the right place to pick up a fight, Klein. I was going to make it public anyway.
He said, as he handed the map to the commander.

Klein: You're way too kind, Y/N.
He muttered. But Y/N ignored him. He looked at the commander.
Y/N: However, I suggest you to not fight the boss yet. With those so few players you won't be able to succeed. You'll die.
He told him.

Commander: Wether to fight or not the boss a decision I have to take.
He said, as he and the other players walked away, in the direction of the Boss' room.

Asuna: We'd better go with them.
She suggested. Kirito and Y/N nod, as they started running after them.

Y/N: I have a bad feeling about this.
He muttered, as they ran towards the boss' room, followed by Klein and his guild. Suddenly, they heard a scream.

They reached the room. The commander was on the ground. Asuna rushed towards him, but it was already too late. The commander shattered in thousands of colored polygons.

Y/N stared blankly at the point where he stood a few Instants ago, as memories started to flood his mind. They looked inside, and their eyes widened in horror.

The boss was slaying all the players that stood in front of him. It was a giant minotaur, with gleaming blue eyes, a dark blue fur, and a snake as tail.

It was wielding a huge sword, and was swinging it around, wounding every player. Asuna rushed inside, and used a sword skill, me aging to land a few hits on the boss.

But then, due to the skill's after effect, she couldn't move, and was about to be hit by the boss. Images of Yukio's death flashed in front of his eyes.

He grabbed his sword tightly, so tightly that he heard the handle crack. He couldn't stand to see another important person die in fron of him, and just stand there without doing anything. Not again.

He rushed inside, followed by Kirito, both of them ignoring Klein's warnings.
Kirito: Asuna!
He yells, grabbing her, and taking her to the other side of the room just in time.

The boss swung his sword, hitting the ground. Y/N looked at the beats right in its eyes.
Y/N: Let's end it here.
He said, getting ready to attack.
783 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 | Sword Art Online x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now