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Kibaou: Why didn't you help Diavel?!
He shouted in anger. The entire room was silent now. Everyone looked at Y/N and Kirito.

Guy 1: They must be Beta Testers!
A guy yells.
Guy 2: No! They're Cheaters! They knew that the boss' attack patterns had changed and kept the info for themselves!
Another one yells.

Kibaou: So they're both Beta Testers and Cheaters... They're Beaters!
He yells. Both Kirito and Y/N start laughing uncontrollably. Everyone looks at them.

Kirito: Beater, huh? You know, I kinda like it.
He said.
Y/N: Don't put us on the same level of those useless Beta Testers. During the beta, we worked harder than anyone, and faced lots of katana-wielder monsters. That's right, we knew that the boss' attacks had changed.
Y/N said.

Everyone gasped.
Kirito: So what now? Do you plan on standing there all day?
He says, as both him and Y/N equip the Last Hit item dropped by the boss.

Kirito's was an Item called 'Midnight Cloak', while Y/N's was called 'Cloak of the Dark Moon'.
They were both black. They then turn around, and start walking on the stairs leading to floor 2, when Asuna reaches them.

Asuna: What now?
She asks. Kirito and Y/N looked at each other nodding.
Kirito: I'm sorry Asuna, but here is where we part ways.
He says, disbanding the party. She was utterly shocked.

Y/N: If a strong guild asks you to join, don't refuse.
He says. Asuna looks at them with a sad expression, as they leave.

Quite some time had passed. Everyone successfully made it to the 20th floor. Kirito and Y/N parted ways. They haven't seen each other since the day the bad beaten the Boss on the 1st floor.

Y/N kept grinding, and doing every sort of Quest, from the simplest to the hardest.

Currently, he was doing a Quest, when he heard footsteps behind him. He quickly turned around. In front of him, stood a boy with brown hair and green eyes. He was looking at him, as he pointed his sword towards him with a menacing glare.

Boy: Hey, Man!
He says in surprise. Y/N looks at him for a few seconds, before slowly lowering his sword.

Y/N: Sorry.
He says. They boy sighs in relief, as he menaged to survive.
Boy: What are you doing here all alone?
He asks.

Y/N: I was doing a Quest.
He says. The boy nods.
Boy: I see... Oh, I'm Yukio, by the way.
He says, introducing himself.

Y/N looks at him. He was surprised that the boy, who knew him for not even 5 minutes, was already introducing himself.
Y/N: I'm Y/N.
He says.

Yukio's eyes widen in surprise.
Yukio: Wait. You mean... THAT... Y/N?
He asks. Y/N smiles smugly.
Yukio smiled at him.

Yukio: Wow, I can't believe I found you here. I thought you were in the front lines.
He says.
Y/N: Oh, I am. But It's just I don't like staying among people that much.
He says, blushing a little.

Yukio: Let's be friends, then. I'm sure you can do an exception, can't you?
He asks smiling. Y/N looked at him, as his eyes widen.

Y/N: How can someone be so straightforward?
He thought, admiring Yukio. They looked ay each others for a few seconds.
Y/N: Yeah. Why not.
He says, smiling a little.

Yukio: Great!
He says happily. Y/N soon after completed the Quest, and now both He and Yukio were heading to a town.

Yukio: Where do you live, Y/N?
He asks.
Y/N: I... No where actually. I haven't bought a house yet, and I don't see a bed since the first floor was cleared, but I don't mind keep doing things like this.
He says nonchalantly.

Yukio: What?!
He says, looking at him. He was concerned. And how could someone blame him? If you looked closely at Y/N, you could see bangs under his eyes. He hadn't slept in months.

Yukio: You can't be serious.
He says.
Y/N: I am.
He says.

Yukio grabs his hand, staring to walk towards an Inn.
Y/N: Where are you going?
He asks.

Yukio: You need sleep, or else you'll go insane. You look awful.
He says, as they get in.
Y/N: Well, thank you for the compliment, Yukio.
He thought, annoyed.

They take a room, and get inside.
Y/N was annoyed.
Y/N: Who cares! It's not the real life!
He said. Yukio shook his head sternly.

Yukio: It may be a game, but you need sleep anyway. You're exhausted! You can't keep on living like this!
He yells angrily.

Y/N: Who cares!
He yells, now angry too.
Yukio: I DO!
809 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 | Sword Art Online x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now