•Y/N vs Heathcliff•

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The next day, Y/N was with Heathcliff, both surrounded by lots of players. He looked at Heathcliff.

He was aware of the fact that he too had a Unique Skill, but he wasn't scared. Like hell he was scared of the only idiot who kept using a shield.

The duel was about to begin. Y/N grabs both his swords, getting ready. He glared at Heathcliff.
Y/N: Like hell I'm going to hold back!

The duel finally started. They both stared at each other, and then, as if he had just teleported, Y/N appeared behind Heathcliff, who was utterly shocked, just like everyone else.

Y/N started to hit him repeatedly, but Heathcliff blocked every single hit with his shield. Y/N gritted his teeth, annoyed.
Y/N: This isn't enough. Fast, no, Faster!

He starts hitting faster, his speed now increasing second by second. Players were growing more and more shocked. They couldn't even see his hands moving because of the speed.

Y/N: Faster... FASTER!
He finally overwhelmed Heathcliff's Shield, cutting his cheek, his eyes now widened in shock.

Y/N: Perfect! He's distracted! Now!
He used the skills <<Horizontal Square>>, <<Sharp Nail>>, <<Vertical X>> and <<Avalanche >> in rapid succession, landing many hits.

He was about to use <<Fallen Angel>>, but then, Heathcliff's shield moved way too faster to be normal and blocked Y/N's last hit, who looked at him in shock.

He then hit Y/N, his HP rapidly decreasing, thus ending the duel. Y/N stood there, speechless, but his mind was running frantically.

Y/N: That wasn't normal. At all.
Heathcliff looked down on him, a smirk growing on his lips.
Heathcliff: Welcome to KoB, Y/N.
He said, leaving.

Y/N just looked at him. There was no doubt now. What Y/N Hypnotized had just become reality. He saw Asuna and Kirito walk towards him.

Asuna: You did well Y/N. No one has ever landed so many hits on him. He too was shocked, and your speed was absolutely flawless!
She said, trying to cheer him up.

Y/N: Thank you.
Asuna lead him to the HQ, where she gave him the darkest clothes they had, a dark shade of gray, while Kirito looked at him, smirking.

Y/N looked at his own reflection in the mirror.
Y/N: Ew. These damn clothes make me fat.
He muttered, looking at it from different angles, but it still looked the same.

Asuna: Nah, it fits you.
Kirito was desperately trying to hold back himself from laughing, and Y/N glared at him.

Y/N: What's so funny?
Kirito: You're a drama queen.
He said, now laughing at him.
Y/N's eye twitched.

Y/N: Says the edgy one. If I'm a Drama Queen, then you're an Edge Lord.
Kirito: I'm not.
He said, still laughing.

Y/N just ignored him.
Y/N: This is gonna be a veeeeery long journey.
He said, dramatically flopping on his new bed.

Asuna: Don't be so negative. Being in a guild isn't that bad.
Y/N: Oh, it is, if you're an Anti-social psycho who hates literally being around people!
He said dramatically.

Asuna rolled her eyes.
Asuna: Anyway, thank you. You're here because of me.
Y/N: It's fine, Asuna. Don't worry about it.

She smiled at him, and he smiled back at her. She was surprised to see him smile. Kirito looks at Y/N.

Kirito: I'm gonna grind some XP. If something happens, just text me, ok?
Y/N nods, as Kirito ands Asuna left.
He sighed.
Y/N: Ugh, I hate this shit.
609 words.

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