•Silica, the Dragon Tamer•

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Y/N, Yukio and Kirito were walking on the 35th floor, when they noticed a lot of monsters ready to attack a girl about Y/N's age.

Y/N: We need to help her.
He said. The other two nodded, and together, they took out all the monsters.

Y/N kneeled in front of the girl, who was holding a glowing feather, while sobbing.
Girl: I'm sorry, Pina... I couldn't do anything...
She says, still sobbing.

Y/N: Was she your familiar?
He asks. The girl slowly nods.
Kirito smiled at her.

Kirito: Don't cry. You can revive it.
He said. Her face lit up.
Girl: Really?
She asks.

Yukio nods.
Yukio: On hill on 47th floor, known as the Hill of Memories, grows a flower that can revive familiars.
He axplained.

The girl's smile faded away.
Girl: The 47th floor... I can't go there with my level, but if I keep grinding, maybe one day-
She says, but Y/N interrupts her.

Y/N: You can revive it only within three days since its death. I would bring you the flower, but it won't bloom, if the tamer isn't there.
He said.

The girl's eyes filled with tears again.
Girl: Pina...
She said, her voice broken. Y/N sighs, opening his menu, and selecting a few items.

The girl looks at Y/N, who's trading the items with her.
Girl: Why are you-
She asks, but again, Y/N interrupts her.

Y/N: Please, accept them. We'll lead you to the 47th floor.
He says.
Girl: Thank you so much...
She says, wiping her tears away, and equipping the items.

Girl: I'm Silica, by the way.
She said, introducing herself.
Y/N: I'm Y/N, and those two are Kirito and Yukio. I hope we'll get along.
He says, smiling at her.

They teleport to a nearby city, where, according to Silica, there was the bar with the best Cheesecake.

As they arrived, a few players made their way towards her, asking her to join their parties, but she held onto Y/N's arm, and refused, before walking away, smiling awkwardly.

Soon after, just as they were about to arrive to the bar, they saw a red-haired woman approach them.

She had a spear on her back, and a black dress, that Y/N found literally disgusting.
Woman: Silica! Where have you been? I was so worried for you!
The woman asks.

Silica looks at her.
Silica: Rosalia? What are you doing here?
She asks. The woman, however, didn't answer.

Rosalia: Wait, where's that beast of yours? Don't tell me...
She said, pretending to be surprised.

Silica: Pina died to protect me. But I'm going to revive her!
Silica said. Rosalia's lips curled, and both Y/N and Kirito didn't like it.

Rosalia: So you're going to the Hill of Memories, huh? But with your level you won't last long.
She said, pretending to be worried.

Silica: They're accompanying me.
She said. Rosalia looks at Y/N, Yukio and Kirito.
Rosalia: I can't believe you got seduced by her.
She said, smiling.

Yukio: She hasn't seduced none of us.
He says. She walks up to Y/N, and then, she clings to his arm.

Rosalia: I must admit it... You're kinda cute.
She said, looking at him seductively.
Kirito: Who's the one trying to seduce now?
He says, chuckling bitterly.

Yukio was glaring at Rosalia. If stares could kill, then she would already be dead on the ground. Yukio was extremely protective towards Y/N.

Y/N: You are too close. Your breath stinks.
He said, disgusted. Rosalia blushed, and Kirito and Yukio started laughing uncontrollably.

She gritted her teeth, before storming off.
Silica: That wasn't very kind of you, Y/N.
She said.

Y/N: She was breaking my arm, and her breath really stinks.
He said, defensively.

Yukio couldn't stop anymore, and he was slowly forgetting how to breathe.
Y/N: Breath, you moron.
He said, chuckling, as Yukio got up, wiping a tear away.

Yukio: I'll never forget the face she made.
He says, with a dreamy voice.
Kirito: Well, Y/N has never had a girlfriend, so he doesn't know how to deal with girls, and panicks every single time. He always ends up telling them their breath stinks.
He said, amused.

Y/N blushed in embarrassment.
Y/N: It's not my fault.
He murmured.

Yukio: Well, thank God you made her go away because if she kept touching you, I'd have killed her.
He said, smiling, but the tone of his voice was menacing.

They followed Silica, and got in the pub. After eating their cheesecakes, they got out. It was already dark.

Y/N: Come on, let's get a room in a inn.
He said.
Silica: Where do you live?
She asked, curious.

Kirito: We live on 50th floor, but we'll just stay here, for tonight. After booking two rooms, they parted and went to sleep.

The next day, they teleport to 47th floor. Silica looks around amazed, seeing flowers everywhere.

Kirito: Welcome to Floria. The entire floor is filled with flowers.
He says.
Silica: It's so beautiful!
She said, almost out of breath.

Her gaze then moved to all the couples around them, which were exchanging flowers and kisses, while smiling, enjoying each other's company.

Silica's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment.
Yukio: And there... You can see the Hill of Memories.
He said, pointing to a hill, that was barely visible in the distance.

They follow the path that leads to the Hill. They kill some monsters along the way, and then, finally reach it. In the center of it, stood a pedestal.

Once they approached it, a white flower started to bloom. Silica took it, revealing it to be a rare item called "Pneuma Flower".

Kirito: You'd better revive Pina back in the town. There are too many monsters here, and she could die again.
He said, as Silica nods.

On the way back, Y/N suddenly stops them.
Silica looks at him, in confusion.
Silica: What...?
She asks.

Kirito motions her to keep quiet.
Y/N: Whoever is hiding behind those trees, you better come out!
He yells.

Voice: I'm impressed, you were able to spot me.
A voice said. A woman came out from behind a tree, revealing her to be Rosalia.

Silica: Rosalia?
She says. Rosalia looks at her.
Rosalia: Oh, you got the Pneuma Flower, i see. Good girl. Now give that to me.
She said, sticking out her hand.

Silica: What?
She said.
Rosalia: You heard me.
She said, starting to get annoyed.

Y/N: Oh, no, she won't.
He said. Rosalia looked at him.
Rosalia: Fine then. I'll have you deal with my friends.
She said, as a smirk starts spreading on her face.

As she snaps her finger, 7 people come out from behind the trees around them. They all had orange cursors.
1154 words.

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