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After what happened with Kuradeel, Y/N decided to keep it a secret for himself. He left KoB, much to Heathcliff's disappointment, but he couldn't care less.

He knew that the only thing he needed was some time to think. Ha had discovered, much to his amusement, that Kirito and Asuna had got married.

He was really happy for them. They were meant for each other. They had bought a house on 22nd Floor, and were peacefully living there.

He couldn't help but think about him and Yukio. If those bastards wouldn't have killed him, they would probably have been living together.

He had decided to sell his old house on 50th floor. Living there was just too painful for him. He bought a new house on floor 74 instead.

He had temporarily left the front and didn't know when he would return. After two years of non-stop fighting, he needed some time to relax.

It was a sunny day, and he was walking in the forest. Suddenly, he saw something moving between the trees. He cautiously walked towards it.

There, he found a little boy, all dressing in black, lying on the ground unconscious. He had brown hair and was very short and thin. He could be 5 or 6 at least.

Yes, he had recently killed a person, but he wasn't a heartless monster. He couldn't live a little unconscious boy in the forest, knowing that the Laughing Coffin members were around.

He lifted the boy up, holding him carefully in his arms, and walks back home. Once he finally arrived, he laid him on his bed, and looked at him once again.

He couldn't help but feel worried for him. But there was nothing he could do to help, until the boy woke up. He went to the kitchen and cooked something. That day he was unusually feeling hungry.

The day went by, and in no time, it was night already. The kid hadn't woken up yet. But he still needed to lay somewhere to sleep... So he laid on the bed too, facing the kid.

Then, suddenly, he felt the urge to hug him, pull him closer, as if he was scared to lose him. But what was all that about? He looked at the boy, and to his surprise, he was smiling in his sleep, snuggling into his chest.

Y/N fell asleep rather quickly. Since last year, he stopped having all those nightmares, and could now sleep peacefully.

The next day he woke up, and to his surprise, the kid was looking at him. He had emerald green eyes. Y/N's heart skipped a beat. Why was he so similar to Yukio? How was that even possible?

Y/N: You finally woke up! Are you ok?
He asked. The boy looks at him curiously, tilting his head to the side.
Y/N: Ok, maybe he isn't much of a talkative person... Can you at least tell me your name?
He kindly asked.

Kid: Keiji.
Y/N smiled at him.
Y/N: It's nice to meet you, Keiji. I'm Y/N.
Keiji looked at him.

Keiji: Y/N?
Y/N nods.
Y/N: How old are you, Keiji?
Keiji seemed to look deep in thought, trying to remember.

Keiji: I-I don't remember.
Y/N: Then why were you alone? Don't you know where your parents are? Or any older siblings, perhaps?

The boy had a pained expression, while forcing himself to remember.
Keiji: I-I can't-
He said, as tears fell from his eyes. Y/N pulled him in a hug.

Y/N: It's ok, Keiji. I'm here.
The boy surprisely calmed down. Y/N looked at him, deep in thought.

Y/N: He isn't an NPC, I can't see the Quest Mark on him. Maybe he just got lost... That's it, I'll try discover something more about him.
Keiji looked at Y/N smiling.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat again. Tears slowly flooded his eyes.
Y/N: Why does he look just like you? Why everything reminds me of you? He has your smile, for some reason. It's like having you here with me again...

He smiled back at Keiji, who tilted his head.
Keiji: Why are you crying? Are you hurt?
Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: No, I'm fine. You just me remind me of someone I used to know.
Keiji giggled.
Y/N: Alright, Are you hungry?
He asked.

Keiji's stomach growled as the food topic had been mentioned. He nodded vigorously, making Y/N chuckle.

Y/N: Ok, then! Your Big Bro will you something!
Keiji's eyes gleamed upon hearing those words.

Keiji: My... Big Bro?
Y/N mentally facepalmed. He didn't know why, but the words just slipped out of his mouth. It sounded... Normal.

Y/N: Sorry, Keiji. I got carried away.
He apologized.
Keiji: No, don't apologize! I don't mind you calling me that!
He said.

Y/N smiled at him.
Y/N: Very well, then! Let's go!
He said, giving Keiji a piggy ride to the Kitchen, both of them laughing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~853 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 | Sword Art Online x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now