•Neverending Fights•

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Some time had passed, since Rosalia's arrest. Currently, Y/N, Yukio and Kirito at the HQ of SAO's most important guild, Knights Of the Blood (KoB for short).

They were preparing their strategy to beat the boss. Asuna, who had become Vice commander, looked at everyone sternly.

Asuna: We'll lure the boss into the village, and then we'll kill it.
She said.

Kirito: I'm not ok with this plan.
He suddenly said.
Y/N&Yukio: Neither am I.
They added.

Everyone looks at them.
Asuna: And why, if I can ask?
She asks in a cold tone.
Kirito: The boss will slay the NPCs.
He said. Asuna scoffs.

Asuna: Are you serious? You're worried About NPCs? It doesn't matter if they die! They can return anyway!
She yells.

Y/N froze. He had never thought Asuna could say something like that.
Y/N: How can you say something like that?
Ha asks. Asuna looks at him.

Asuna: Listen, you three are just making a fuss over something really stupid. It's nonsense. I don't care about NPCs. We have to clear the game, in case you forgot. Case closed.
She said, sternly.

But Y/N shook his head.
Y/N: No. It doesn't end here.
He muttered to himself.
Asuna looks at him.

Asuna: Have you said something?
She asks, raising a brow.
Y/N: No.
He said, gritting his teeth.

When the meeting end, They see Agil walking towards them, while Kirito was giving Y/N one of his lectures.
Kirito: Y/N, you're constantly fighting with her-
He said, but Agil interrupts him.

Kirito: He's not the only one. You too keep fighting with her, Y'know...
He said, as Kirito scratches the back of his head in embarrassment.

Y/N: I can't stand her. She just keeps getting on my nerves.
He said, gritting his teeth.
Yukio sighs heavily.

Yukio: Just hold it in!
He said, In an exasperated tone. Y/N looked at him. Even the stupidest, looking at him, could tell he felt hurt.

He stormed off without saying a word, leaving them behind.
Agil: What's wrong with him?
He asks.

Kirito: Wish we'd knew. Before he was always joyful and all, but suddenly, he became a quiet and serious person. He gets angry for nothing, and then he realizes what he does is wrong, and scolds himself for acting that way.
He said.

Yukio: No. Something about this feels off. One day he said he was going to a dungeon, and when he came back, he had a strange knife in his hands, and his HP was in the red. When I asked him what was going on, he put on a smile, and said 'it's nothing', but he didn't convince me at all.
He suddenly said.

Both Agil and Kirito look at him.
Agil: I see... We'll, you shouldn't let him stay alone. He must be in a very difficult moment, and needs your help. God knows what pain can make people do... He might end up doing something he'll regret.
He said.

Yukio and Kirito nod, before leaving. They find Y/N not too far from them. He was laying against a tree, looking into nothingness, as players passed by.

Kirito: Room for two more?
He asks, smiling at the boy. Y/N raised his head, looking at them. It was in that moment, that they saw his teary eyes.

Y/N: Do what you want.
He muttered. They sit beside him, and Y/N lays down on the grass.

Yukio: If you've been crying because of Asuna, just do as I do. Ignore her.
He said.
Y/N looks away.

Y/N: I've not been crying.
He muttered. Yukio raised a brow.
Yukio: Well, the tears in your eyes tell a different story.
He said.

Kirito: You're not good at lying, Y/N.
He said, as Yukio nodded in agreement.
Y/N didn't say anything.
Kirito: Yukio is right. Don't think of her.
He said.

Yukio looked at Kirito, and they both started to worry. It was very rare, infact, for Y/N to be that silent.

Y/N: I want... I want to put an end to this. I can't do this anymore.
He suddenly said, trying to not let any more tears slip from his already wet eyes.

They hadn't noticed that Asuna had hid behind a tree, and was looking at them.
Kirito: What do you mean?
He asks.

It was too much for Y/N to bear. He suddenly burst in tears, shocking the two boys and Asuna. Yukio pulled him in a hug, trying to reassure him.

Y/N: I miss my brother. I miss my old life. This is just too much. It's already been 2 years. No matter how much I try to force myself to think that we'll get through this, we're still here.
He said, his voice broken because of his tears, as he dug his face onto Yukio's chest.

Yukio started to pat his head, when Y/N opened his menu. He took a knife from his Item Storage. It was the same Yukio had saw him with.

He reluctantly threw it to the ground, making it suddenly shatter in thousands of colored polygons.

Kirito: Why did you have that?
He asked, there was an hint of panic in his voice.

Y/N looked away, not able to look in his eyes. He took a deep breath, as his tears finally stopped.
Y/N: I... Tried to kill myself.
920 words.

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