•Not the Same•

470 15 1

They left Agil's shop, and looked at Asuna. Y/N, however, was looking at the guy that was with Asuna.

Just looking at him, made him feel like something wasn't right, about him. He felt really uncomfortable, and he couldn't deny that the man looked suspicious.

Asuna: Do you have the equipment needed to cook it? She asks, looking at both boys. Kirito shook his head, smiling sheepishly.

Y/N: Mine is just basic, that's why I couldn't cook it.
He said. Asuna sighs.
Asuna: Fine. We'll eat at my place. Just for this time.
She said, making sure to say the last part clearly.

Kirito didn't mind, but the man didn't think it like he did.
Kuradeel: Asuna, I think you shouldn't stay with those two. They are the filthiest beaters to ever exist!
He said.

Y/N looked at him annoyed.
Y/N: Well, thanks for the compliment.
He said sarcastically.

Asuna: It's fine, Kuradeel. I can defend myself, if I need to.
She said.
Kuradeel: I'm the one in charge of your protection-
He started, but Asuna was already angry.

Asuna: And I'm your Vice Commander. You will do as I say. Now go back to the HQ.
She said menacingly.
Kuradeel: Tch.
He muttered venomously, as he stormed off angrily. Y/N looked at both Asuna and Kirito.

Y/N: Well, It's kinda late. See you, guys.
He says. But as he walked away, Asuna pulled him back.
Asuna: Where do you think you're going, exactly?
She asks, raising a brow.

Y/N looks at her, keeping an unfazed expression.
Y/N: Uh... Home?
He said, making it sound more like a question.

Both of them look at Asuna, as she shook her head.
Asuna: I don't think that. You're coming too.
She said.
Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: No. You don't need me to be there to eat.
He said. Asuna smiled at him, but Y/N could clearly see the veins on her temples all pumped up in rage.

Asuna: Is that so?
She didn't even let Y/N answer. She punched him so hard that he fell on Kirito, who just looks at her in shock.

Y/N got up.
Y/N: On a second thought, I think I'll come with you, guys.
He said in a frightened voice, as he regained his composure.

Asuna smiled again. There was something in that smile that terrified Y/N.
Asuna: You'd better do that.
She says. Y/N sighs, as he was now following Asuna and Kirito.

Y/N: Where do you live, exactly?
He asks, finally interrupting that embarrassing silence.
She looks at him.

Asuna: I live on 61st floor.
She said.
Y/N: It is indeed a beautiful floor to live In.
He agreed.

They reached the teleport gate, and teleported to the 61st floor, and then, they followed Asuna, as she leaded them to her house.

Asuna let them in, before closing the door.
Asuna: Make yourselves at home.
She said. Kirito and Y/N sat down, looking around the room.

Kirito: Say, Asuna, how much did this all cost?
He asks curiously. Asuna, who had just changed to a more comfortable outfit, looks at them, deep in thought.

Asuna: Around 4 Million Col... I think?
She said. Y/N's jaw drops. He couldn't gather so much money even if he kept doing every type of Quest or by selling every item he possessed.

But he wasn't surprised at all. After all, Asuna was the Vice Commander of the strongest guild of Aincrad, the Knights of the Blood. She looks at them, raising a brow.

Asuna: Aren't you gonna change?
She asks.
Y/N: Oh, right.
He said, as he and Kirito both changed to a more comfortable set of clothes, black as always.

Asuna started cooking, but it didn't take her that much, and half an hour later, they were sitting at the table, eating.

Y/N ate in silence, as Kirito and Asuna chatted a little. It was strange for Y/N to be that silent. Everyone knew he really liked to talk all day, and always joked around.

But even if Kirito menaged to cheer him up a little, after Yukio's death, Y/N wasn't the same. And they knew he'd never be the same again.

He felt responsible for Yukio's death, and not even Kirito, his best friend, could shake that thought out of his mind.
744 words.

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