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Y/N looks at him, and Yukio starts blushing, as soon as he realizes what he said. But he shook his head, and looks at Y/N.

Yukio: I do care. How can you keep going like this? You'll collapse.
He said. For the first time since he was trapped, Y/N felt guilty.

He looks at Yukio.
Y/N: Sorry. I haven't thought about it. You're right.
He said. Yukio smiled.

Yukio: It's ok. Now go to sleep!
He said. Y/N looks away. He took a deep breath.
Y/N: If I say something while asleep... Please, don't pay attention to it.
He said, blushing.

Yukio looks at him.
Yukio: Ok. You have my word.
He said. Y/N gave him a small smile, before laying on the bed.

He slowly drifts to sleep, as if someone had casted an incantation on him. Yukio looked at him, and couldn't help but smile at how peaceful he was.

Some hours went by, and Yukio was checking his equipment, while Y/N was still asleep. But suddenly, he starts mumbling.

Yukio turns around, looking at him. Y/N, whose eyes were still shut, had a pained expression on his face.

Y/N: Diavel... I'm... Sorry...
He mumbled. Yukio sits beside him.
Y/N: Daichi...
He mumbled.

Yukio: Daichi?
He thought. But then, Y/N mumbled again.
Y/N: Daichi... I... Miss you...
He said, suddenly crying.

Yukio looked at him. He quickly put the boy in a hug, trying to make him stop crying.
Yukio: It's ok, Y/N. Calm down. Everything is going to be fine.
He said.

Y/N clings onto Yukio, much more calm, but still crying.
Yukio: I guess that's why he didn't sleep In months.
He thought, now feeling guilty.

Y/N slowly opens his eyes. Yukio's still hugging him tightly. He felt something running down his cheeks.

Y/N: Tears?
He thought. Yukio let him go, and looked at him.
Yukio: I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have forced you. You... Had a nightmare, didn't you?
He asks.

Y/N smiled at him.
Y/N: It's ok, Yukio. It's nothing. Thank you for being here, though.
He said.

Yukio nods, but Y/N could tell there was something over his mind.
Yukio: Can you tell me who Daichi is?
He asks. Y/N looks at him.

Y/N: He's my brother. The only one who took care of me, actually.
He said, looking down saddened.

Yukio: Oh. I see. Well, he's very lucky.
He said. They looked at each other for a few seconds, and then, they both blushed.

A week later, it was Christmas. It had been already three months since they were trapped in Sword Art Online.

Y/N was walking alone around a city, when he noticed Kirito in a Inn. He looked at him.
Y/N: Is he... Crying?
He thought. Y/N rushed inside as quickly as he could.

He ran in his room, and found him, crying over a message box. Kirito, who had heard Y/N running inside, turns around, looking at him.

Kirito: I couldn't do anything to save her...
He said. Y/N looks at him, standing still on the door.

Y/N: I don't know what happened, but listen carefully. Whatever has happened, I'm sure she doesn't want you to cry. Probably it was her fate or probably not, but don't cry. You have to stay strong. You have to be strong for her.
He said, trying to comfort Kirito, who suddenly got up, and rushed to hug him, still crying his eyes out.

Y/N: Let it all out, Kirito. You'll feel better.
He said.
Kirito: Y/N...
He said, clinging onto him.
Y/N hugged him tightly.

Y/N: It's ok, Kirito. I'll always be here for you.
He said. Kirito kept crying for a few minutes, before breaking the hug, and wiping his tears away.

Kirito: Thank you, Y/N. I feel better now.
He said. Y/N smiled at him.
Y/N: Good, because we have to grind!
He said, pointing his fists in the air, definitely trying to cheer his friend up.

And, much to Y/N's surprise, it worked. Kirito was laughing.
Kirito: You're always the same.
713 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 | Sword Art Online x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now