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It was late at night. Everything was silent. Y/N could hear a faint noise coming from downstairs, probably Yukio.

He was still awake. Not that he was surprised about that. He just couldn't sleep. Whenever he tried, he would have nightmares.

So he decided to pass another sleepless night, checking his items and getting rid of those he didn't need.

As the sun rose, he got downstairs. Yukio was sitting on the couch, checking his equipment. When he saw Y/N, he gave him a smile.

Yukio: Good morning.
He said.
Y/N: 'Morning.
He muttered. Yukio got up, closing his menu.

Yukio: So? How about we head out?
He says.
Y/N: I don't have anything better to do, so why not?
He says, shrugging.

They teleport to the 35th floor, where they head towards a forest. Yukio then suddenly stops, and turns around, looking at Y/N, who looks back at him.

Yukio: I need to tell you something.
He says, now serious. Y/N started to worry.
Y/N: Is everything ok?
He asks. Yukio nods.

Yukio: Y/N, all this time we passed together was amazing.
Yukio began.
Y/N smirked.

Y/N: Well, of course. I'm the best.
He said sarcastically. Yukio rolled his eyes, but continued to talk.

Yukio: As time went by, I started to feel more... Attached to you.
He says.
Y/N: So? I can't understand what are you trying to say.
He says, tilting his head in confusion.

Yukio took a deep breath.
Yukio: Y/N.
He says.
Yukio: Yes?
He says, looking at him.

Yukio: I love you.
He said, blushing. Y/N looked at him astonished. Then, he blushed too, as he realizes what Yukio said.

Y/N: You... WHAT?!
He yells in shock.
Yukio: It's ok, if you don't feel the same. It's just... I couldn't take it anymore. It's quite some time I'm trying to muster up my courage...
He says.

There was a hint of sadness in his voice. Y/N looked away.
Y/N: Why? Why do you love me?
He asks.

Yukio looks at him in confusion.
Yukio: I don't know to be honest. The only thing I know is that I keep thinking about you everyday. Whenever you're not with me I feel... Empty.
He says.

Y/N looks at him. He was... happy.
Y/N: I... like you too a bit. But I think... We should know each other better, before getting in a relationship.
He says.

Yukio looks at him.
Yukio: So? Is it a yes?
He asks hopefully.
Y/N: I'm still not ready, Yukio.
He said.

Yukio hugged him.
Yukio: It's okay with me, Y/N. Maybe I rushed things too much. Just take your time, ok?
He said, as Y/N nodded.

Later that day, they meet up with Kirito and Asuna (Y/N kept whispering 'I ship it' to Yukio, as them both kept giggling uncontrollably like two idiots), and after contacting a friend of Yolko, Schmidt, who was in her same guild, they head back to her room in the inn.

She explained them about the reason why their guild disbanded, and about their leader's sudden death.

Y/N somehow felt sorry for them. He couldn't help but think the whole situation was odd. Yolko was sitting on the window, when they all heard a thrusting noise.

They all looked at Yolko, who had a dagger similar to the Guilty Thorn in appearance, stabbed in her back.

Yolko then fell down, and once she hits the ground, she explodes in thousand colored polygons. Then, both Y/N and Yukio saw a hidden figure running away, jumping from roof to roof.

They jumped out of the window, ignoring Asuna and Yukio, who were yelling at them to go back insisde, and ran after them, trying to catch up with them.

But as they got near, the figure took out a teleport crystal and teleported away.
Y/N: Dammit!
He yells in frustration.

Kirito: We were so close to catching them!
He said gritting his teeth.
They head back to Yolko's apartment.

Asuna: Next time you plan on jumping out from the window of a room on the 3rd floor of a inn at least try to tell us, won't you?!
She yelled.

As she kept scolding them for being reckless morons, Y/N's mind kept traveling. Yolko's death was way too suspicious, something seemed off.

And later that day, Y/N discovered the truth behind that "murder".
756 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 | Sword Art Online x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now