•A new Sword•

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Y/N sat on down, as Lizbeth lit up a fire. Lizbeth lays down. Kirito and Y/N do the same. Kirito fell asleep right away.

Y/N, instead, looks up at the starry sky, wondering where Yukio was or what he was doing.

Lizbeth: Are you still awake?
She asks. Y/N turns to the side, and looks at her. She looks at him with a small smile.

Y/N: Yep.
He says in a low tone, so he wouldn't wake Kirito up. Lizbeth looks away for a few seconds. Then, she looks at him again, sticking her hand out.

Lizbeth: Hold my hand.
She said. Y/N looks at her awkwardly.
Y/N: Uh...
He says.

Lizbeth: Come on!
She says, chuckling. Y/N sighs, and slowly takes her hand. She smiled again.
Lizbeth: It's warm.
She slowly said, drifting to sleep.

Y/N looks at her, sighing.
Y/N: Girls... The day I'll understand how their brains work It'll be the end of the world.
He said muttered, drifting to sleep too.

The next day, he woke up, and saw Kirito digging in the snow. He then held a crystal up high. Lizbeth, who was already awake, looks at it in awe.

Lizbeth: It's the crystal we're looking for!
She says.
Kirito: I see... The dragon eats, then it's stomach transforms the things it eats into crystals.
He says.

Y/N: So... Basically, that's Dragon Poop.
He says, getting up.
Kirito: Exactly.
He says grinning.
Lizbeth: Ew.
She says in disgust.

Kirito's eyes widen.
Kirito: Dragons are nocturn creatures...
He says. It took a few seconds for Y/N to realize.

Y/N: And this is the dragon's nest...
He says. They all look up, and see the dragon, which was about to reach them.

Kirito: Come on! This might be our last chance!
He says, as he grabs both Lizbeth and Y/N.
Lizbeth: Wait!
She yells.

Y/N: Stop touching my butt!
He protested.
Then, Kirito planted his sword on the dragon's back, as it began flying upwards.
They were finally out, and Lizbeth was smiling widely.

They menage to go back to Lizbeth's shop. She pulls out one of the crystals, and heats it.
Lizbeth: Kirito, this is for you.
She says, as he nods.

She took out a hammer, and then proceeded to hit the crystal till it took a sword shape. It had a beautiful green color. Lizbeth opens the sword's info panel.

Lizbeth: It's name is Crystallite Long Sword.
She says, as she hands it to him. He takes it, and a smile slowly spreads on his face. He swung it, and looked at Lizbeth.

Kirito: It's perfect!
He says. She smiles, as she grabs the other crystal, and heats it. Then, as she previously did, she began hitting the crystal with a hammer till it gained a sword shape.

Y/N looked at it. It's color was black. She opened the sword's info panel.
Lizbeth: It's name is Dark Repulser.
She says, as she hands it to him. Y/N took it, and examined it.

Lizbeth: So? How is it?
She asks. Y/N swung it, and then smiled.
Y/N: It's perfect. Thank you!
He says. She smiled at him.

Lizbeth: I'm glad you like it.
Kirito: How much is it?
He asks. Lizbeth shook her head.
Lizbeth: Nothing. It's a gift.
She says. They both look at her in shock.

Y/N: Are you sure?
He asks. She nods. The boys smile at her.
Kirito&Y/N: Thank you.
They both say.

Lizbeth: At one condition!
She says.
Y/N and Kirito gulp.
Lizbeth: From now on, I want to be your Blacksmith. Everytime you come back from a battle, come here, and I'll restore your equipment.
She says, smiling.

Kirito: Yeah.
He says.
Y/N: Sounds good to me.
He says, as the door opens.

Asuna got in, and threw herself on Lizbeth.
Asuna: Liz!
She yells, hugging her.
Lizbeth: Asuna...
She says.

Asuna: Where did you go! I was so worried! You had disappeared from the map!
She says.
Lizbeth: I was with them.
She says, pointing at the boys. Asuna looks at them.
Asuna: Kirito? Y/N?
706 words.

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