•When Happiness is Broken•

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Kirito: Hi?
He said awkwardly. Asuna quickly looked at Lizbeth.
Asuna: Did they do something to you?
She asks, examining her.

Y/N: We're not monsters, you know?
He protested. Asuna nodded in agreement, chuckling awkwardly.

She then started chatting with Lizbeth and Kirito, while Y/N stood alone on the stairs. In that exact moment, he received a message from Yukio.

He quickly opened it, suddenly cringing. But how could you blame him? They haven't talked in two days. Y/N would never admit it, but he really missed Yukio. Last night, when they were in the Dragon's nest, Y/N thought hard about what to do.

He had passed the last months with Yukio. They were always together, and their bond tightened day by day, becoming something more than a simple friendship. Y/N, after a though inner battle, decided to tell Yukio the truth about how he felt. About how much he loved him.

He reads the message.
'I'm free now. Wanna slay some monsters together?'
Y/N smiled at the message like an idiot, but mentally fecepalming himself.

Y/N: What have you done to me!
But he didn't notice that the other three were staring at him.
Kirito: Why are you smiling like an idiot?
Y/N was roughly brought back to reality, blushing a lot.

Y/N: O-Oh, that's nothing!
He quickly said, as he replied to Yukio.
'Sure. Where are you?'
Kirito and Asuna look at him.

Yukio replied almost instantly.
'I'm on 74th floor.'
Y/N got up.
Y/N: I'll be off. Yukio's waiting for me.
He said. Asuna and Kirito smirk at him.

Asuna: Oho...
She said.
Kirito: Alright. Guess I'll see you at the Labyrinth?
He asks.

Y/N: Like hell I'd miss that!
He said, doing finger guns.
He turned to look at Liz.
Y/N: Liz, thank you for everything.
He said. She smiled brightly at him.
Liz: You're welcome.
She said.

Y/N: Asuna, while I'm gone, take care of this grumpy old man.
He said, pointing at Kirito, smirking.
Asuna: Sure.
She said chuckling. Kirito pouted, as Y/N left.

He reached 74th floor, just to see Yukio in front of him.
Yukio: You finally decided to show up! I Thought you had forgot how to use a teleport gate.
He said.

Y/N couldn't help but smile.
Y/N: My memory works perfectly! Anyway, did you kiss me?
He said jokingly.
Yukio smirked at him.

Yukio: What if I did?
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. His cheeks flushed pink, as Yukio grabs his hand.

Yukio: Come on, let's go.
He said.
Y/N: Where are we going exactly?
He asks.

Yukio: Yesterday I just found a dungeon full of monsters, but we can get rare material to upgrade our equipment. It's in the deepest point of the forest.
He said proudly.

Y/N: I see...
He said.
Yukio: Before you ask, no. No one knows about it. It's really difficult to reach it, and not everyone's level is high enough to even try and clear it.
He said.

Y/N smiled.
Y/N: Then let the party begin.
He said, as they entered the dungeon.

It was full of monsters, and even if their levels were really high, they still had a bit of difficulty fighting the monsters. But they were ready to surrender so easily, and as a result, they cleared the dungeon.

Y/N: You improved a lot, Yukio.
He said, as they were heading back.
Yukio: But you're still the same.
He said.
Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: Let me correct you. I'm faster than before.
He said, smiling proudly.
Yukio: Now that you say it, I must agree... You've gotten faster, there's no doubt. You kept running and jumping around like a damn beach ball...
He said, making Y/N chuckle.

Suddenly, a lot of hooded figures appeared from nowhere, and surrounded them. Looking closely at them, Y/N noticed the laughing coffin tattooed on their arms.

Male 1: Do you really think you can menace us without worrying about the consequences, Y/N?
One of them said. Yukio and Y/N looked at them.

Girl: Yeah, you don't understand your position.
A girl said.
Male 2: You're just a pebble that stood in our way for way too much. That's why you'll pay.
He said, as they all charged at Y/N. But the blades never reached their destination.

His eyes widen in horror, as he saw Yukio run in front of him, encasing each hit.
Y/N: Yukio!
He yells.

Male 1: Finish him!
He yells, pointing his finger towards Y/N.    Y/N didn't even say a word, as he slayed all of them mercilessly. But he didn't have the time to worry about his cursor slowly becoming red.

He rushed to Yukio, who was on the ground, his HP quickly decreasing. Y/N pulled him closer, his mind now desperately trying to figure something out to save him, as tears began filling his eyes.

Y/N: Please... Don't leave me.
Was all he could say, as he took out a healing potion, feeding it to Yukio. But it didn't work, much to his horror.

Y/N: Why doesn't it work?! What kind of poison is this!
He frantically yelled, as he took another potion. But that too didn't work.

Yukio: You're so beautiful...
He suddenly said, weakly caressing Y/N's face. Y/N kissed him, as tears fell on his cheeks.

Y/N: Don't worry, Yukio! I'll figure something out! I won't let you die!
He says, trying to comfort Yukio, but in the end, he was just trying to comfort himself.

Was he really able to do something like that? Not even the strongest antidote in his possession had worked, so how was he going to save Yukio?

Yukio smiled at him.
Yukio: It's too late, Y/N. Let's face reality. There's no antidote that can nullify the effects of this poison. I'll be gone in a few minutes.
He said, chuckling a little.

But Y/N shook his head. He just refused to even think about losing Yukio.
Y/N: No... There must be a way!
He said.

Yukio: Stop it, Y/N. You know better than me that you can't do anything about this.
He said, weakly scolding the younger boy. Y/N's eyes widened, as he looked at Yukio.

Y/N: Don't go... I still haven't asked you your name... I still haven't told you how much I love you!
He yells, as more tears fell from his eyes.

Yukio smiled weakly at him.
Yukio: I'm so happy... My real name... Is Yuri Kiriya. What's yours?
He said, as tears fell from his eyes, his HP now in the Red.

Y/N: Yukio... My name is Y/N L/N.
He said, pulling him closer.
Yukio: Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for letting me stay by your side... It doesn't matter if I die here. I'll always love you.
He said, as his HP hits 0.

Yukio: Farewell... Y/N.
He says with a last smile, before shattering in thousands of colored polygons.
1200 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗻 | Sword Art Online x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now