A Royal's Sick Day

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Summary: Hollyberry cookie woke up feeling a little under the weather and tries to go through the day despite her friends concerns.

It's a typical January morning, the holiday season coming to a close, snow everywhere, and cold very cold. Everything is just normal in the Hollyberry Kingdom. Unfortunately, all good things have to end eventually and this was the case for Hollyberry cookie.

Holly knew something wasn't right with herself when she woke up that morning; her throat was as dry as the desert, the aches all over her body were unbearable, and she had a really nasty cough. "No way I could be sick now." Holly was supposed to meet with her friends today for their daily meeting on top of that; she knew right off the bat that they're gonna be nagging for her to relax, but she went to get ready for the day.

Fast forward....

"Where is she? Holly never misses a daily meeting." Golden cheese cookie and the others have been waiting for their friend for the past 20-30 minutes  and were on the brick of sending a search party which wasn't normal all. "I'm not sure but I hope Hollyberry would be here soon. Pure Vanilla Cookie replied;Holly arrived soon after.

"About time girl we were just about to...you feeling okay Holly? I don't mean to be offensive but you look awful." Cheese said as she placed her hand against Holly's forehead which was awfully warm. "Hate to say it but Gold is right. I think its best if you skip this one and rest; we'll get you caught up later." Holly knew that Pure was right, but she wasn't gonna be put down without a fight; everyone knew that she can be one tough cookie. "I do appreciate your concerns for me, but it's just a little cold and it will go away within a few hours." Holly said before she having a coughing fit, which made Pure and the others even more concerned. 

As the day goes on, Hollyberry condition was getting worse by the minute, and it was taking a huge toll on her; making Pure feel terrible because he just wants to help her, he's a healer for crying out loud he hates seeing his friends hurt or sick. "You okay?" Pure snapped out of his thoughts only to see Cacao and the others. "Oh Cacao, Lily, Gold. I'm alright, just worried about Hollyberry cookie, her condition is getting worse and I'm quite concerned." The healer replied. "We all are Pure, but everyone knows how she can be sometimes." It's true that Holly can be quite stubborn sometimes and yet they say that Pure doesn't take care of himself sometimes. "Well I can't just sit here and watch our dear friend crumble. I'm a healer. Holly gonna have to face it." Pure said as he walks up to one of the guest chambers where he found Holly laying in bed; the queen turn her head as soon she heard the door creak open.

"Pure? Thought you were one of the guards for a second." Pure just shrugged it off, there were more important things to tend to. "Holly are you feeling okay? Do you need our help?" Holly nodded; too sick to even respond or argue; he placed his hand on her pink hair and undo it so she can rest more comfortably. "You know that's all I need to hear. I'll let the others know that you'll be out of commission. Please take care of yourself." Pure said as he worked his healing magic on his friend. This went on for couple days where Pure would come to the Hollyberry palace to see Holly to do a healing session and tend to her needs until she was well enough to care for herself and would be back to her old self.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy my first one shot/ sickfic. As always feel free to leave a request in the comments. See you in the next story.

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