A Prank Amongst Friends

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Summary: Golden Cheese Cookie is known for pulling pranks on her friends. The pranks were mostly harmless, but what could possibly wrong.

Golden Cheese Cookie loves pulling pranks on her friends, she can't explain why she just adores them, even if the others find it annoying. On the bright side they would have something to share a laugh about later on, so as long as it doesn't get to the point that it actually harmed someone, Cheese should be okay.

"Cheese? Have you seen my shield?" Holly asked her bird friend. "Uhhh no I haven't. Maybe it's in your chamber, go look there." Holly just rolled her eyes and went back to finding her shield while Cheese was trying her best to hold back her laughter. The thing is that, Holly already knew that where it was cause her friend had done it so many times, she doesn't become phased by it and cheese just leaves it at one place despite her palace being huge; she not the only victim it's also her friends and their weapons that just magically go missing.

Few days later...

Hollyberry met up with the four at a Cafe for lunch, talking about their lives and other things for a bit. "I'm gonna go to the washroom, I'll be back." Cheese excused herself and left. "Good thing she's gone for a moment, now I can talk to you guys about...in regards to cheese." They all looked at Hollyberry confused for a about a moment. "Guys you know what I'm talking about. Have y'all noticed that Cheese has been pulling off more of her pranks than usual?" Holly asked. "Well she has been doing that a lot more. We can all remember one or two occasions we fall for Cheeses pranks. It's not like we could do anything about it, that's who she is." Lily explained. "What if there is? Yes, give Cheese a taste of her own medicine." Cacao let an evil looking grin grow on his face. "How about we talk to her first instead of violence. Pure replied; Cacao thought about for a second and then gave in. "Fine, but if that doesn't work, we're proceeding with my plan."

"Which is?" Lily asked Cacao. "I didn't think this through too well, I'm not good with these so called pranks." Cacao replied honestly. "Don't worry dear friend we'll help you. Plus I'll talk to her later." Holly replied and just as that conversation ended Golden cheese was already heading back to their table; looks like that have to act cool till then.

Later that day, Holly had a chance to talk to cheese and looks like she didn't really cared or even listened to it. "Holly? Why are we even having this conversation? Everyone likes my pranks. There shouldn't be a problem." The Golden queen looked offended by the whole conversation. "Nobody is saying that Cheese, we're just trying to say is to be careful with what you been doing; other cookies may take a joke while others might try to hurt you or worse. We all care about you cheese." The berry queen knew what she was getting herself into with her best friend; she never wanted to do this but someone had to bring it up eventually, plus who is she to judge she had involved in a couple  of Golden Cheeses pranks. "Let me ask you something Holly. Are you and the others trying to get back on me?" Holly didn't even respond at the question right away. "Well look at the time, you should really get going. It's getting pretty late." Holly then gently pushed her towards the balcony of her chamber cheese just shrugged it off like it was nothing and started her trip back to her Kingdom.

They eventually pulled off a simple  prank on Cheese which was simply just placing star jellies and other sweets all over cheese including the mouth and wings; while she was taking a short nap outside. With the sun hot that day it created a sticky situation for her to clean up later; cheese was going to get them back, not now but eventually.

Now I know I'm late on this but, happy belated April fools day y'all. I hope you enjoyed this story. As always feel free to leave requests and I'll see you in the next one.

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