The Orchid And The Lily Part 3:Ice Cream And Love Confessions

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Summary: The time has come for Pure Vanilla to confess his love for his best friend, but he has to be quick.

Pure vanilla's pov:

After months of planning, it was finally time for me put it into action, but with exams starting in about two weeks my time is pretty tight, but I'm willing to do it. Good thing, Lily and I going to do our studying in the secret garden, a good time for me to ask Lily.

PV:"Hey Lily, can I ask you something?"

WL: "Sure, what is it?"

PV:Holly has been talking to me about this new ice cream place that just opened and I was wondering if you want to go there after school today, just you and me?"

WL:"I would love to Pure."

PV:"Great, meet me at the main hall. After your last class for the day."

I can feel the excitement burning up in my body, she actually said yes everything is going according to plan. Now, I have to get back to studying, for the time being.

Fast forward...

The end of the school day came, and I was waiting for Lily, it has already been about 5 minutes and she still hasn't arrived, I hope she's okay. I waited for about another minute or so and she came.

WL:"Sorry I was late, the teacher decided to hold me back after class to talk to me about something and then I had drop my books off at my dorm. I completely lost track of time."

PV:"Oh no worries, plus I wouldn't leave without you."

WL:"I suppose you're right. Now shall we get going?"

I nodded and we went off; the other are going to meet us there but Lily doesn't know that.

White Lily's pov:

We arrived at the the ice cream place Holly has been talking to Pure about, and the first thing I saw was Cacao, Holly, and Gold all sitting on the bench across from us. I asked Pure why they were here, and he said that he didn't know that they were here and I just shrugged it off and went to get Pure ice cream.

We talked about everything and I was very enjoyable, we had a lot in common I actually started to fall head over heels for him.

PV:"Lily, you're probably wondering why I brought you here."

WL:"What do you mean? I thought we're here to have ice cream."

PV:"No, there's actually more than that and I been meaning to tell you something."

WL:What...what are you saying?"

PV:"Well what I'm trying to say is that ever since you first came to the academy, you changed my life. I love you Lily." 

WL:"Oh Pure do you really? Who would like a girl with red eyes like me?"

PV:"I do I really do plus I think your eyes are beautiful."

WL:"Wow nobody ever told me that before; you're the first. Wait, so do the others know about all this?"

HB:"Oh yeah we knew, we were here for moral support and in case he decided to call it quits at the last minute."

PV:"So what do you think, do you feel the same for me?"

I nodded and hugged him in reply. Pure kissed me on the cheek, it was the best day of my life and I'll never forget that day. It turned out to be happy ending for us.

Hey y'all I hope you enjoyed this 3 part story, I had a great time making it happen for you guys. Once again I want to thank angelica9183requesting this story I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave requests in the comments and I'll  see you in the next one.

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