Mystery Of The Missing Orchid Staff 🌼

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Summary: Pure vanilla's losses his staff and couldn't remember where he left it. It's all up to him and his friends to retrace their steps in hopes of finding the staff.

The night before...

A peaceful night has arose in the Vanilla Kingdom and the healer was getting ready to settle down for the night after a long day of work. Well, Pure had a busy couple of days and has his kingdom to look after on top of it, so he didn't really get a lot of sleep in.

Pure jumped on his bed, got comfortable and look up to his staff. (He has little bit of vision but mainly blind.)"We both had a long busy couple of days but we made it...I would've been lost  if it was for you." Just like that Pure turned off his lamp and drifted off into a peaceful well deserved slumber. Little did he know was that everything will be completely different by morning.

The next morning...

Pure woke up feeling well rested and energized; he really needed that good nights rest. When he tried to feel for his staff, the only thing he felt is wall. "Strange...maybe it fell on the floor." Pure thought to himself as he went on his knees in hopes of finding his staff; no luck. Pure then heard a knock on the door. "Oh please come in." The door opened to reveal a royal guard; who was rather worried seeing his king on the floor. "Are you alright your majesty?" "I'm fine, just looking for my staff. Have you seen it by any chance?" Pure asked with concern. "Unfortunately no, your majesty." The healers heart sank.

Later that day...

"Pure we came as quick as we could." Holly came barging into her friends chamber to find him wrapped in a blanket, like a cookie burrito. "Thank goodness, it's an emergency. I can't find my staff anywhere. You guys know that I can't see without it." Pure replied. "Wow, I never see someone so emotionally attached to their staff." Cheese said only to be elbowed by White Lily. "We'll find your staff Pure. We just have to retrace your steps. Where did you have it last other then beside your bed?" Lily asked. "That's the thing, I been all over the place it could be anywhere." The blind healer replied. "Looks like we'll have to split up and search the whole castle." The five agreed and split up to search the castle; Pure, Holly, and Lily on one and cheese and Cacao on the other.

Sometime later...

The five have been searching for quite a while and still no luck, so they decided that it would be best if they take a break. "Please tell me that you three had found Pure's staff." Cheese said looking at a kinda sad looking Pure. "No unfortunately, but I did find this random stick to use as a doesn't feel the same. Anyway what about you two?" Pure asked pleaing in hopes that his orchid staff was found only to be told no by cheese and Cacao. "Say Pure can I ask you something?" Holly asked. "You may Holly." "Do you have any habits? I know this may not have anything to do with it but it's possible." The hollyberrian queen asked. "Well Lily always told me that I do sometimes sleepwalk in the middle of the night, but I refuse to believe that. Why?"

"You may have given us an idea." Pure was confused; he just told them that he doesn't sleepwalk despite Lily saying he does. "Just trust us Pure." Cheese then took the healers hand and flew to the kitchen where there was a small trail of what crumbs from Pure's meal last night and at the end of it was the orchid staff who now had the look of betrayal as soon as it saw his owner using a stick for a temporary staff. "You say that you don't sleepwalk?" "Well...I guess I do have that habit, but doesn't matter my staff is here safe and sound." Pure was finally reunited with his staff; feeling the power of sight come back to him, finally seeing himself and his friends. "Feels good to be back." Pure said.

There was a long and awkward silence and everyone was just dying to break this silence. "Sooo...what do we do now?" Lily asked. "Well since we all worked together on finding my staff, who's up for some tea?" The five all agreed and spent the rest of the afternoon drinking tea and enjoy each other's company. At least now that they have something to laugh about.

Thank you Bluebunny2017 for requesting and I hope you enjoyed this story. Feel free to leave any requests in the comments. I'll see you in the next one.

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