Mistletoe(Late Holiday Special/PureCacao)

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Summary:Pure Vanilla Cookie was invited by Dark Cacao Cookie to spend the Christmas holiday with him, but it turns to be a christmas he'll never forget.

The most wonderful time of the year has arrived to earthbread, cookies spending time with those dear, exchanging gifts, putting up christmas trees, and taking part in fun holiday festivities. For the ancients, it means a break from their royal duties to celebrate, weather it be celebrating alone or with family.

In Pure Vanilla's case, he spends it alone; usually he'll celebrate christmas with his best friend, White Lily, but it was never the same after the war. Now he spends his holiday either reading a book, watching the falling snow from the castle, or tending to his citizens. Little did Pure know, that this year would be different, staring with a simple knock on the chambers door.

"Please do come in." The healer called out and the door opened; revealing one of the many castle guards. "Your majesty, you've received a letter from king Dark Cacao Cookie." The guard gave him the envelope and Pure thanked him. "Dark Cacao? Sending me a letter unexpectedly? Why?" Pure  questioned himself as there could be many possibilities, Cacao could be sick or worse. The healer opened the letters expecting the worse only to find out that it wasn't.

"Dear Pure Vanilla Cookie,

I hope you have been well. I am doing fine myself, but I couldn't help but notice that you been a little sad  especially the weeks leading up to the holidays.

Hence the reason why I'm inviting you to spend christmas in my Kingdom. It's the least I can do. I'm really looking forward for you to come.


Dark Cacao Cookie"

Pure vanilla was in shock by the letter he just read, his good old friend opening his doors so he can celebrate the holidays with him; how generous of him. Pure vanilla of course decided to accept Cacao's offer and ordered one of the guards to arrange a him  carriage to the Cacao Kingdom for tomorrow, christmas eve.

The next day...

"Pure Vanilla cookie, pleasure to see you." Dark Cacao was already waiting outside the citadel, waiting for his friends arrival. "I can say the same thing with you. And thank you for your kind hospitality." "Anything for an old friend, like I said in the letter it's the least I can do. Please come in." Pure Vanilla enter the cold citadel, he many have been to Cacao's Kingdom hundreds of times, but could never get used to the bitterly cold conditions; even when he is all bundled up he can still feel the cold draft.

As the day went on Pure can feel a strong connection between himself and Cacao as they were talking about their lives and whatnot; over a warm cup of snowman soup (Basically hot chocolate w/ marshmallows) "Say Cacao, what made you come up with the idea of inviting me over here?" The healer asked before taking a sip of his drink. "Well, Hollyberry was the first to notice that you been sad and suggested that I have you over here for christmas, figuring that you were going to be alone." Cacao replied. "Easy for her to say, she has a family she can spend time with, I usually spend the holidays with Lily, but you know what happened. Now I just spend it alone I do try to keep myself occupied." "I see."

"Don't get me wrong Cacao, I really enjoyed spending some time with you and being around you. It's been a true pleasure." Pure was now a blushing mess; he couldn't really believe the words that were coming put of his mouth. "In fact, being with you actually makes me feel warm inside." That made Cacao blush a little which mostly never happens. "Well your body shaking from the cold say otherwise. Allow me."  Pure didn't even realize that his body was trembling from the cold; the two men shared an awkward laugh, then Cacao  lend him his fur drape.

"Aren't you cold my friend?" Pure asked attempting to give the drape back. "Nonsense you know that I'm used to this weather." Then there was silence all around. The healer took that time to look at his surroundings till he just found something quite appealing to him. A mistletoe was hanging under the two men and Pure went in and kissed Cacao on the cheek  without thinking. Did the healer regret doing that? Not one bit, because Cacao leaned in to kiss Pure back on the lips; and they enjoyed every bit of it.

Hope you guys enjoyed my very late holiday special, and my very first PureCacao story. As always feel free to leave requests in the comments. I'll see you in the next one. 👋

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