Ancients In Distress Part 2

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Summary: The viscous gang group are after the five once again for revenge and are trying to end them once and for all. Will they win?

Pure vanilla cookie pov...

It's been about three months since the incident and things have been good. Remember the little girl we found? We got her the proper care that she needed and send her to a nearby orphanage. Just wish I catch her name though; we think about her all the time.

Anyway, I was doing some research on cookie fusion. I thought it was some kind of myth..well thats what it is in most stories. As it turns out it's possible, just that it hasn't been done before by anyone. Let's just hope that we don't have to do that again under any circumstances.

Gang leader pov...

I can't believe that our plan from three months ago failed to those five goodie two shoeses...well that thing whoever that was. At first there were five cookies minus the girl; then one cookie the next. I actually thought that I was starting to see things I shouldn't be seeing. Anyway myself and the team have recovered from our loss and are ready for our return and most importantly...revenge.

GL:"Alright team, here's our plan. We'll have to split up and search in all five kingdoms. They could be either together or doing their own thing. We'll do this by disguising ourselves."

I explained to everyone about their agendas including my own and we all went on our way. Our goal same as always of course.

Hollyberry's pov...

HB:Pure Vanilla, Golden cheese, white Lily, Dark Cacao. Lovely to see you all."

I invited my friends to a party tonight. We hollyberrians are know for throwing the biggest and loudest parties almost every single night for almost any celebration you can think of.

PV:"It's great to see you as well Holly."

I then offered them some berry juice, Cacao of course declined while the others accepted. We were all enjoying ourselves and just getting our minds off of what happened three months ago.

Everything was at ease until I noticed someone...within the crowd. The cookie looked suspicious and familiar on top of that. Just couldn't put my tongue to it. Maybe I was thinking a bit too much. Maybe I should just forget about it and enjoy the party.

GC:"Holly!! We were trying to get your attention for five minutes. What's going on girl?"

HB:"Oh its nothing just thinking of something. I'm okay really."

GC:"Alright then."

I resumed listening to my friends conversations about their kingdoms and whatnot. I just couldn't stop thinking about that cookie. After about five minutes I couldn't wait any longer, I must find that suspicious cookie.

HB:"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back."

I excused myself and left really hated the fact that I just lied to them but I don't want them to worry. It should be quick...right? I'll be right back before they know it. I'm just looking for that cookie.

White Lily pov...

Holly has been gone for a while and I'm starting to worry. And I can tell that the others are starting to worry as well. I know that she said that she was going to the bathroom so maybe shes heading back now. We decided to give her another minute or two.

Two minutes later...

We went searching searching for hollyberry. It wasn't long till we heard a familiar voice. Of course we have to follow it; we made our way down the hall where we're met with Hollyberry and some cookie.

Gang girl:"Well well well, looks like your little friends have decided to join  us in our little game."

DC:"Not if we have something to do about. You will regret this."

GC:"Alright, Lily and I will fight her off, you boys get all the guest out of the palace and somewhere safe."

Pure and Cacao have left to evacuate the guests while Cheese and I try to fight the gang girl off. She messed with my best friend so she messed with all of us. At first I thought that we were going to win it but that has proven to be a struggle.

HB:"Where are Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao when you need them?"

WL:"I...I don't know."

GL:"Looking for these two?"

Pure Vanilla's pov...

It's the negative five, I knew I had a bad feeling about this. Cacao and I were just getting everyone to safety and we were ambushed by the gang.

We did everything we could to fight them off but there was no outcome to it.

DC:"Pure Vanilla, they're too strong for us to handle. We need to be stronger."

HB:"Dark Cacao is right if we surrender now who knows what they'll do to us. Hate to say this, but we'll have to fuse."

PV:"What?! No? We can't do that again. I'm sure we can hold them off a little longer."

GC:"It's either now or never pv."

WL:"There's no way out of this."

Pure vanilla decided to give in. We may be strong individually but we can be stronger together.

PV:"If there's really no other way, than so be it."

What happened next came within a blink of an eye. We once again became...what was the name again? Oh right, Ancient warrior cookie.

Gang leader's pov...

Oh great it's that cookie is back once again. She beat us last time, but this time we're going to win; I'm sure of it. Those ancients will crumble once and for all and we'll take those soul jams. I looked around only for my crew to be in a standoff with ancient warrior.

GL:"What are y'all waiting for? Pin that cookie down! I'll take care of the rest."

I took out a destablizer that I invented  while I was putting together our revenge plan. It can a cookie apart with just a flick of a wand. My crew already pinned ancient warrior down to the ground, and I can tell that they were struggling to keep her down.

GL:"Any last words before I use this split you guys apart bit by bit?"

I gently pressed the weapon up against her chin, she was silent for a while until she suddenly spoke up.

AW:"Yes...the ancient warriors live on."

I was confused for a second before I felt a spear forced my back against a wall piercing through my clothes. She then freed herself; I didn't want to show weakness but man I was scared of this women. So scared that I dropped the destablizer in the process.

AW:"What will it be? Surrender? Or suffer a painful death?"

GL:"uhhh sur...Surrender. I Surrender."

AW:"Wise choice. Anyone else?"

My entire crew backed down almost immediately. I rather suffer in a prison than go for curtain death.

Dark Cacao's pov...

After changed back to our normal selves, the guards of the Hollyberry palace escorted the perpetrators. All the damage that was made was fixed thanks to white Lily. Pure Vanilla healed whoever was injured. I mean they were mostly just some slight scratches but nothing too serious. Finally, we're at peace, I bet we'll never have to hear from those guys again.

And that's is my early christmas gift to all of you. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Once again thank you DragonCookie_10 for the request. Speaking of the holiday I am doing a Christmas special, it will come out either Christmas day or few days after, I'm not really sure. Anyways feel free to leave requests in the comments regardless if it's for my Christmas special or not I would love to hear what you come up with.  This is your girl wishing you all a safe, healthy,and happy holidays. Please spend time with those around you.

I'll see you in the next story 👋

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