Snowed In 🌨

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Summary:A huge snow storm has rolled into the Vanilla Kingdom, making the five stranded in the Vanilla castle; turning a visit to a sleepover.

A beautiful snowy winter afternoon upon the Vanilla Kingdom and our five heroes are enjoying each other's company in the Vanilla Castle; sheltering themselves from the light snow but everything will change in a matter of hours.

Lily looked out the window; seeing the snowflakes falling harder and the wind howling like a wolf. "Hey Lily, something on your mind?" Lily snapped back to reality and turned to see why it was. "Oh Golden cheese cookie. Nothing much, I was just thinking that you and the others  should plan on staying here for the night; it's getting pretty bad out there and I'm sure that Pure wouldn't want you or the others out there." Gold laughed hearing the reply. "Girl, it can't be that bad. See these wings? These babies can fly through any storm. I was born to fly." Gold replied being a show off her golden wings; Lily becoming more concerned. "Don't you remember what happened last time? Do you?" Gold went silent real quick, she knew exactly what her friend was talking about and she dreaded that memory. Last time she tried to fly home during a storm, she ended up losing control and crash landed somewhere in the Hollyberry Kingdom; injuring her right wing and lost consciousness. Gold didn't like that memory at all, but she knew that Lily was just trying to prevent the same thing from happening again, plus she really wasn't a big fan of snow; she doesn't hate it though.

As the day turn into night, the snowstorm intensified. "Looks like we're all stuck here." Cacao knew that this visit is gonna become an over night stay with friends. "I agree, looks like we're all in for a lil sleepover. Let us all change to our comfy clothes." And with that Pure sped off to his room to change along with the others; good thing they each left a set of pj's in case of situations like this.

"Hey Lily? Gold? Have any yall seen my robe? It's pink and white, has heart stitched on-" Holly was cut off by a pillow that hit her in the back. "Think fast Holly" Gold threw another  pillow, but Holly caught it right on time. "Ha ha very funny Gold." Holly sarcastically said.  "Come on, you know I'm just trying to have fun. Your  robe is over there by the way. Right by my slippers." Gold replied. By the time their mini pillow fight was over and done with Lily had already came out in her pajamas and notice the amount of feathers and they definitely weren't gold's. "Uhh did I miss something?" There was a brief silence. "It's nothing really Lily." Hollyberry broke the silence. "Yeah sure, come on I bet the boys are waiting for us." And with that Lily and the gals went to meet up the boys.

The ancients had a lot of fun, looking back at their adventures together before the Dark Flour War and enjoying some food; the perfect bonding experience until everyone started getting tired and dozing off; they all agreed to call it a night and sleep together in one room.(Because one I said so,don't change my mind. Two I did this whenever I stayed at my aunts house for the night.) Good thing for Pure's massive bed being able to fit all five heroes and everyone got comfortable. Holly and cheese being the first cookies to fall asleep and slowly following the rest becoming a cute ancient snuggle pile in the end.

Hey y'all I hope you enjoy this story. I put a lot of thought and effort into making it. Now you're probably wondering; valentine's day is just around the corner, are planning on doing a valentine's day special for this book? Yes I am, but I need help on deciding which ship I should go with. (I was originally going to go with either purelily or Hollyberry x Dark Cacao) feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments and I'll see you next time.

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