We're All Here For You. That's What Matters

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Summary: After the dark flour War had ended, White Lily cookie has been having some rough nights due to nightmares. Luckily, she has her friends by her side.

It was a dark and stormy night in the Vanilla Kingdom, rain coming down hard and lighting flickering, but everyone is sleeping in their home, but that's a different story in the vanilla castle. White Lily has been tossing and turning in her sleep as images of when she was dark Enchantress cookie filled her mind along with all the terrible things she done, it was pure torture.

In lily's dream...

Lily found herself in dark void like prison; just like the one she was in when she was Dark Enchantress, she was alone until she saw some very familiar cookies. "Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry, Dark Cacao, Golden cheese." Lily tired to go after the other four, but a red line that was wrapped around her waist kept her from doing so. Lily tried using her staff but it wasn't successful, it was indestructible but she didn't care and kept going at it until she heard a familiar voice. "Well well well if it is White Lily cookie." Lily looked up to see who it was. "Dark Enchantress Cookie. What have you done to my friends?" The white haired cookie asked. "Friends? Those cookies are not your friends. You have betrayed their trust. You killed many innocent lives. What makes you think that they'll welcome you back to their team? You're just worthless." Lily felt her face burn up and her eyes tear up. "No...no please, this can't be." Before Lily could say anything else, darkness hovered over her.

End of lily's dream...

Lily shot up awake, breathing heavily and cold sweat dripping down from her head, she can feel her whole body shake. "I don't deserve to be here. My friends probably don't want me here anyway." Lily whispered to herself as she grabbed her staff and left the room she stayed at and walked down the hall quietly to not wake her friends, but that failed because Hollyberry was already awake due to lily's strong floral aroma.(Holly's room is right next to hers and when Lily's scent gets really strong when she's stressed.) "Why is Lily up in the middle of the night." Holly thought to herself as she got out of bed and went to find her friend, but was stopped by Pure Vanilla.

"Holly? What are you doing up?" Pure asked, half asleep. "Something is wrong with white lily. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm gonna go looking for her and try to talk to her." Holly replied. "I'll go with you, I've known lily longer than anyone." Pure replied. "Or I'll try to talk to her, girl to girl. Plus a king needs his rest." Holly replied. Pure Vanilla cared for Lily a lot since the academy and he just wanted to make sure his childhood friend is okay. "Fine, you can come but just let me handle it please? I'll get you when needed." Pure nodded. "Aren't you guys forgetting a couple of cookies?" The two cookies flinched and turned to see Golden cheese and Dark Cacao. They both explained the situation while searching the castle for Lily.

After about an hour, they found lily wondering in the castle garden, looking distraught. "Hey Lily?" The white haired cookie turned around to see Hollyberry. "H...Hollyberry what are you doing here?" Lily replied. "I was gonna ask you the same thing. What's going on? Are you okay?" Holly was very concerned for Lily, she has been ever since the war ended..well everyone. "Oh its was just a bad dream, don't worry about it. It'll go away eventually." Lily replied, pretending nothing was wrong. Holly just placed a hand on Lily shoulder. " You know how I can tell you're lying? You try to put a 'smile' on your face and just pretend nothing is going on." Lily really had nothing to say at all, she knew what her friend said is true, she had no idea that her friends noticed her behavior.

Lily broke down in tears while Holly tries to comfort her. "You want to talk about it?." Lily nodded; all she needs right at the moment was love and comfort from her best friends so she can talk to them; luckily they're all here, Holly must have called them over while she was too busy hugged her friend tightly. "Pure? Gold? Cacao? You guys were listening huh?" They all nodded. "And we're here to listen. Whenever you're ready." Pure replied. "Ever since the war ended I have been having these nightmare. Every time I close my eyes, I see her, Dark Enchantress Cookie. Replaying everything that happened during the war while I was her; hurting and killing innocent lives, including you guys and...and. I thought that you'll be better off without a cookie of destruction on your team." Lily explained in tears.

They were all in shock, having no idea that their friend felt that way and what she experienced. There was a brief silence, until Pure decided to break it. "It must have been very hard for you. We all knew very well you wouldn't harm innocent lives." The healer replied. "Easy for you to say, you didn't become a cookie of darkness; you weren't stuck in some prison trying to break free like I was. Neither of you weren't, so you really wouldn't understand." Lily replied. "It doesn't have to be like that anymore, the war is over, we won and Dark Enchantress is no more." Golden cheese said. "Most importantly, you're free that's all that matters. We're all glad to have you back." Dark Cacao said. Lily felt a weight lifted from her chest, especially when she heard those words and when she looked up to face them, she realized that they also had tears in their eyes.

"You guys are the best. I love you guys." Lily then leaped in hugging Pure and then the rest joined in. "We love you too Lily. Now that all of this is cleared up, how about we all get some sleep before morning. We'll all sleep together in one room in case Lily gets those nightmares again." They all agreed and went to Lily's room; where they snuggled and slept there for the rest of the night.

Lily woke up early the next morning, getting tea ready for herself and the others while humming a little tune. "Funny seeing you up this early." Lily turned to see Dark Cacao. "Oh its only you Cao...yeah I just thought that since you guys did something for me, I'll do something in return to say thank you for last night. I really needed that to be honest." Lily smiled as started to put everything on the tray. Cacao on the other hand can tell that his friend is in a much better mood than last night. "Let's go meet with the others before they go on a wild goose chase finding me again. Both Lily and Cacao started walking back to their room to meet the other and start their day.

Lily knew that this was going to be a long road to recovery; there will be some days that are easy and some that are not, but as long as she got her friends by her side nothing matters.

I hope you enjoyed this story. This is my biggest story I have ever made with over 1200 words. This story was inspired by a question that has been on my mind since forever. What would happen after white lily cookie broke free from Dark Enchantress? Yeah that's how this story was born. Anyway, feel free to leave requests in the comments and I'll see you in the next one. Also thank you for over 3.28k reads, I greatly appreciate the  love and support.

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