Lending A Helping Hand(Dark Cacao Cookie x White Lily Cookie)

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Summary: White Lily cookie visits Dark Cacao Cookie for the first time since his son, Dark Choco Cookie was born. Little does she know that this would change.

Dark Cacao Cookie is the king of the Cacao Kingdom and just became a proud father to their heir to the throne, Dark Choco Cookie and Life have been busy for him; his friends have been trying to pay a visit but they're too busy with their royal duties and their own Kingdoms.

"White Lily Cookie, long time no see." Cacao greeted. "Same with you and congrats on your role as father, your majesty." Lily replied. "No need for formalities, we're good friends. Now come inside, I don't want to keep you waiting out here in the cold." Cacao  had a good point there, weather in the  Cacao Kingdom can go from mild to extremely cold, which Lily is not used to; she rarely visits this Kingdom for this reason and if she does she makes sure that she's bundled up.

Lily walk in the Cacao castle; feeling the bast of bitter cold inside which was no surprise, plus she was only here catch up on Cacao and to see his newborn son. "So how is life as a new dad treating you? What's it like?" Lily asked. "You're really eager to know huh?" Lily nodded; despite she doesn't see herself having kids of her own. "Very well then, at first I thought that parenting would be easy, but I was wrong." Cacao replied honestly. "I'm sure that it is hard, but who am I to judge." Cacao and Lily chatted for a while until the cries of a newborn baby can be heard from a distance, the dark chocolate king excused himself to go tend to the child's needs, leaving Lily alone for bit.

After waiting what felt like forever Cacao came back holding little Dark Choco, swaddled in his arms. "May I?" Lily asked, the king nodded and handed over the baby who was calm and wide awake, staring into lily's velvet eyes. "Dark Choco looks a lot like you, that for sure minus the eyes but you got yourself a mini version of yourself." Then they went on to taking about how Choco would make a great king one day and great playmate for Hollyberry's son, Royalberry and just life in general.

Cao and Lily didn't realize that it was already night and Choco was already asleep after being fed. Lily looked down at the little sleeping prince and went to his room and gently placed him in his crib. "I should probably get going. Getting pretty late." Lily was about to say her goodbye but was cut off. "No stay for the night, I can't let you go out there by yourself, especially at night." Cacao replied; Lily was confused and then thought about the possibilities of cake hounds roaming around the area. "Are you sure about this? I don't want to overdo it. And-" Lily was suddenly cut off by a kiss from Cao, she quickly reacted and pushed him off; she wanted to grab for her staff but her guts told her not too. Cacao realized what he just did and apologized profusely, but Lily stopped him in his tracks; she wasn't upset or anything. "That...that actually felt nice." Lily's face went as red as the reddest tomato  in a vegetable garden; Cacao on the other hand was shocked to hear this as I she never acts likes this but he didn't care about that at all.

Cacao invited Lily to his room for a little romantic session; baby Dark Choco was sleeping so that gives them a perfect opportunity for them to express their love towards each other all through the night.

Hey, happy love day y'all I hope you enjoyed this story. I'm new to this Dark Cacao x White Lily ship so please bare with me, I greatly appreciate it. I want to thank vampirecorez for suggesting this ship to me and I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave your requests and I'll see you in the next one. Enjoy your love day.💘💝

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