The Orchid And The Lily Part 1:The New Student

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Summary: White Lily cookie is a new student of Blueberry Yogurt Academy, but she gets settled with help from her new friends. (I like the idea that all five of them attended the academy together.)

White lily's pov...

Today is the day, I start my studies at Blueberry Yogurt Academy. As I walked into the building, I felt the anxiety kick in and many questions ran through my mind. "What if they other cookies see me as the weird kid and I won't be able to fit in? Will I be able to actually make some friends. What if I mess up to the point they don't want me here anymore?" I always had a hard time making friends even as a kid; me being too shy and nervous just made the other kids see me as the quiet girl, making me an easy target for bullies, but I don't want to get into that right now.

I found myself in front of the doors of the headmasters office and walked in to be greeted by the headmaster and one of the professors that work in the academy.

HM: "Ah you must be our new student. White Lily Cookie right? Welcome to Blueberry Yogurt Academy."

WL: "Yes, but please just call me Lily."

HM: "Of course whatever suites you best. Anyways, this is professor Latte one of our many hardworking professors here at this facility."

PL: "It's very nice to meet you Lily and I hope you have a wonderful school experience here. I believe you're in one of my classes that's listed in your  schedule."

I looked down at my schedule that was given to me; I do have her for magic studies which looks like an interesting course than all my other classes.

PL: "You'll start your classes tomorrow. Today, we'll get you settled into your dorm; you'll be roommates with Hollyberry Cookie and Golden Cheese Cookie. Pure Vanilla Cookie is gonna take you to your dorm. Speaking of  Pure, he should've been here by now."

As soon as professor Latte said that, there was a knock the door, it's gotta be him. The headmaster invited him in.

PV: "Sorry I'm late, I completely lost track of time. Did I miss anything?"

PL: "No, not at all. In fact we were just waiting for you. Lily this is Pure Vanilla cookie, Pure this is White Lily cookie."

PV: "Nice to meet you White Lily Cookie."

WL:"Same with you, but I perfer being called Lily."

PV:"Of course. Shall I take you too your dorm?"

I nodded and he took my luggage; wow I haven't known him for an hour and he's being such a gentleman. The professor and headmaster thanked him for taking time out of his day for me and we walked out.

Pure vanilla's pov...

As soon as I saw Lily, I couldn't keep my eyes off her, there was something special about I know it, I just can't think of it. I just felt lovestruck for her  and I don't even know her well; I didn't even realize that she was trying to get my attention until I heard my name.

WL:"Pure, you didn't hear me did you?"

PV:"No, sorry. My mind was somewhere else."

WL:"It quite alright. Do you mind telling me couple things about yourself?"

PV:"My parents own a farm, so I like to help them tend to the animals, mainly the sheep. I was born with two  different eye colors and this birthmark on my head as you can see.  I'm also blind, like I have terrible vision. Enough about me, what about you?"

WL:"I love studying magic and how we cookies are made, like being around nature. I have bad memory just giving you a heads up."

We talked to each other until we reached to the dorm she staying in with Gold and Holly; I told them they're really nice people, a little chaotic at times especially Gold , but they do care for each other and there was nothing to worry about. I knocked on the door and Hollyberry opened the door.

HB:"Hey Pure, is this that our new roommate that you have been talking to us about for the past two weeks?"

PV:"Yes, this is your new roommate White Lily, Lily for short. Lily, this is my good friend Hollyberry."

HB:"It's nice to meet you Lily. Gold just went out, but she'll be back soon you can come in. I'll take it from here Pure."

PV:"Thank you Holly, and make sure she feels welcomed and comfortable. Meet you in the dining hall."

And with that I started head to my dorm, but now I can't stop thinking of Lily; she's just beautiful her lily headband, those red velvet eyes everything about her is just perfect. I..I think I have a crush on her.

Hello y'all, I hope you enjoy part 1 of The orchid and The Lily, a 3 part purelily story. I want to thank angelica9183 for requesting it, hope you enjoyed part 1 and okay with me splitting it to three parts. In other news Dark Cacao Cookie is officially coming to CRK, I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to bring him home. Stay tuned for part 2.

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