Hollyberry's Secret Pond

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Summary: Hollyberry had a secret pond that she goes to often. Nobody knew about it until a certain cookie  came along and let's just say that something romantic happens. (Takes place when cookies were younger had their kids. Royal and Choco are 3, but Royal is older.)

Dark Cacao Cookie has visited the Hollyberry Kingdom with his son, Dark Choco Cookie to obviously his friend Hollyberry play catch up and for his son to play with Royalberry Cookie.

The two toddlers play together in the palace courtyard, of course under their parents supervision, the weather is perfect for all of them to be outside and to chat for a while. "Hey Cao, are you sure you're gonna be okay wearing all that armor? It's quite warm out here today." Holly asked. "I'll live, it's not like gold's Kingdom where it's scorching hot year around and on the verge of heat stroke." Cacao replied, Holly gave out a hearty laugh. "We all been there once or twice before. I rarely visit that Kingdom for that reason, and if I do I'll put on a summer dress. Don't tell Gold about the visit the Kingdom part unless you want to deal with a spear being thrown at you." Holly replied. They both remember the time when Gold realized that how many of those spears she can summon without receiving them; she was like an excited little girl on christmas morning which scared the other four.

"Hey Cao, if I tell you something like a secret of some sorts, promise me that you wouldn't tell anyone else not even our friends?" At this point, Cacao was now questioning about his friends sanity because this is new to him; we'll whatever it is it can't be that bad...can it? Holly trusts him in the end; they have been friends since childhood. "It will be safe with me." The cacaoian king replied. "Well in that case, let me show you." Holly then went to inform a servant that they'll be heading out for a bit and to watch their children for a while until they return and make sure that they don't wonder off into the forested area.

The two royals walked into the forested area with their weapons of course in case they have to defend themselves; thankfully they didn't and made it to two giant leaves. "Alright Cao, brace yourself." Holly then moved the two oversized leaves and it revealed a pond; giving off a magical glow from the sun. "How on earthbread did you find out about this?" Cacao asked as he explored the area. "I found it when I was 13, while sneaking out of the palace for the first time; didn't go here a lot till after royal was born." Holly spend most of her childhood sheltered inside her own palace, with her parents strict with what's expected of her as future queen of the Kingdom at the time, no wonder why she chose to become rebellious as a teen.

Before Cacao could even say anything,   Holly had already dipped her feet into the pond; wearing nothing but a jumper that she would wear under her dress, it was glorious sight and there was no other way to explain it. "Well what are you waiting for? Come in, the water feels nice." Cao snapped back to reality and removed his armor, only wearing a simple pair of black but comfortable pants, and joined Holly. "You have scars, I mean I knew you had them, but I didn't think you had a lot of them. Can I touch them? If you feel comfortable with that?" Cao nodded, Holly was hesitant but if he was fine with it then she's okay with it. "Just let me know when to stop ok?" Holly then proceeded to place her hand on his chest; gliding them through those battle scars. "Why did you chose me out of the others?" Cacao asked, that made Holly stop in her tracks. "Because, I trust you we have been friends since childhood. I have been considering telling Lily this but it could wait, Pure probably won't understand, and we both know how Gold is when it comes to stuff like this." Holly replied, they chatted so much that they didn't even noticed that their children were there, peeking behind a rock wide enough for the two of them.

It wasn't until Cacao was about to lean  in on Holly for a kiss that they heard giggling especially from Royalberry, Dark Choco just had a small smile. How the two young princes managed to sneak out of the servants supervision is beyond them. Holly then went after the two young princes and grabbed them. "What are you two silly boys doing here?" Holly said like she was expecting a word out of any of them; her basically having a laughing fit at this point.

"Looks like someone played a little too hard." Cao said, noticing Hollyberry carrying a very sleepy prince. "I say the same thing with you." Holly replied noticing a sleepy dark choco on Cao and smiled. "But seriously, tell anyone about my pond and I'll kill you. Got it?" Cao quickly nodded, as he saw his friend get upset on a couple of occasions and let's just say it not pretty. Cao shrugged it off and joined Holly to their journey back to the palace.

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoy my creation, my second hollycao ship one shot. Stay tuned because, I'm gonna try a polyancients story so if you're a fan of this kind of ship then this is for you. As always feel free to leave a request and I'll see you in the next one and good luck getting Dark Cacao in crk. (I don't  have him yet☹)

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