Berry Juice disaster🍓🍷

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Summary:The five are celebrating Hollyberry's birthday, but when berry juice come to the mix, things go south from there.

Today is a very special day, it's Hollyberry Cookie's birthday and everyone is a buzz. The five had plans to celebrate, but the birthday queen had her own plans. "It looks like an invite from...Hollyberry Cookie?!" Pure Vanilla proceeds to open the invitation, even though he already had the feeling what it was going to be.

"Dearest Pure vanilla cookie,

As you know, it's my birthday today and I hereby invite you and the others to my birthday party that will be held tonight in my Kingdom of course. I wish to see you and our friends there.


Hollyberry cookie"

This is was exactly what pure thought it was going to be, he doesn't have a problem with that, he's always happy to celebrate special occasions with friends and he's sure that the others would think the same.

Later that day....

"I have a bad feeling about this guys." White lily said with a worried tone. "What do you mean? It's a just a birthday party." Golden cheese said. "It's not just any normal birthday party Cheese. This is Hollyberry's party." "Okay her Kingdom is known for throwing big loud parties for almost any occasion." Cheese did had a point there, the Hollyberry Kingdom does in fact throw the largest parties for any occasion a cookie can think of. "You may have a point there, but when it comes to Holly's parties it always comes with one thing in particular." Cacao said. "Berry juice...I know, I'm not stupid Cacao." Cheese replied looking offended. "Well berry juice or none, let's hope this party doesn't take an unexpected turn." They all agreed and proceeded to the Hollyberry palace for the grandest celebration. Little did they know is that everything will change with just a sip of the iconic hollberrian drink.

"Happy birthday girl!!!" Cheese yelled on the top of her lungs, going in for a hug of course Holly would do her bear hugs. "I'm glad you all came." Holly said. "Of course we would come. Why wouldn't we?" Pure replied. "Good point, now come join me for a glass of berry juice." Holly gestured the others to a table already set up.

As the party went on, everyone had enjoyed themselves just like all the other parties; laughing, dancing, and of course eating a variety of treats. "Cacao old pal, how come you're not drinking your berry juice?" Holly asked as she was on her third or forth cup of the drink. "You know I don't drink Holly. It's important that I look presentable for my people." "That's ridiculous, a glass or two of this stuff won't hurt. Let loose will ya?" Holly tried convincing Cacao for another minute till Holly shoved the drink down Cacao's throat. "I did tell you to let yourself loose did I...dark caca?" Cacao only grumbled in response.

When it came close to the end of the night, the five...well four of the five heroes became quite tipsy; they all knew the news with Holly yet they still tend to have a good time laughing up a storm. "Well...well ...well, looks like Dark Caca is about to fight something." Cheese said slowly while pointing at her friend who was a put to fight...a palm tree. "You dare challenge me wimp?! I'll give you a challenge alright." Cacao then pulled out his sword and charged after it; the others just laughed as they watched. "You're worried about what Dark Cacao was doing, what's happening with you cheese?" Holly asked. "I don't think there's nothing wrong with me." Golden cheese lied, in fact she somehow managed to fly upside-down.

This went on till the party ended and was about time for them to settle in for the night. Let just say that they're going to in for a pretty rough morning. 

Okay, I already know what y'all are going to say. Yes, I know that Hollyberry's birthday was like a month or two ago.( I don't remember to be honest.) But it was worth it.

Anyway I hope y I you enjoyed this story. Feel free to leave requests in the comments, and as always I'll see you in the next one 😉

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