The Perfect Beach Day ⛱

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Summary:The Summer season is coming to a close and the ancients have decided to spend the day at the beach.

Its a typical summer day, the weather is warm, the sun is bright, but there is some signs of autumn approaching like the leaves starting to change colors. Pure Vanilla Cookie knew that this was now the time go have a beach day with friends. Luckily, there is a beautiful beach spot, just on the outskirts of the newly found Cookie Kingdom.

The five have in fact done this in previous years before the Dark Flour War, and now it probably won't be the same. "I don't think this would be worth it. Ever since the war...things just aren't the same." The healer thought to himself as he became hesitant about writing the letters; it's been years since they last done this, who knows what could happen. After a while Pure gave in and wrote the letters and sent them out.

Few days later the five have come together in the summer wear for what they call, the perfect beach day; nothing can go wrong...or could it?

"Pure Vanilla cookie, long time no see old friend." Hollyberry greeted and gave Pure one of her iconic lung crushing bear hugs. "I....I can..s..say the same thing with you Hollyberry cookie. *coughs* Wow your hugs as tight as ever." After what felt like forever Holly released him and went to greet the others and probably do the same hugs; it's been a while since they last seen each other so it's understandable.

"Hey Holly, you and me in a game of volleyball. What do you say?" Golden cheese yelled our as she holds a volleyball. "Sure...Pure? Cacao? Lily? Game or two of volleyball?" Holly asked. "I think we're okay for now, thanks for the offering though." Pure replied. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna explore the beach for a little bit. Plus, when it comes to you and can be a little...uhhh." Lily tried to think of right word but couldn't really think of it or say it without offending cheese.

"What Lily was trying to say is that you are insanely competitive." Cacao completed the phrase for Lily. They all knew that just a simple game can turn into some competition in a matter of seconds. "Whatever, y'all are no fun. It's our beach day, let yourselves loose just for one day." Cheese then glided off to meet up with her bestie. The boys watched the gals from a distance...a safe distance.

Lily on the other hand was enjoying some quite time alone. The gentle wind blowing through her pale white locks, the sound of waves crashing onto the surface, and the feeling of wet sand sinking under her feet, she had always adored and missed those things. "Figured I find you here Lily." A familiar voice suddenly called out, Lily turned around. "Pure Vanilla? What are you doing here?" Lily asked.
"Just had to check to make sure you're okay. You've been gone for quite a while." "You just want someone too talk to huh?" "Well,that too." The two then enjoyed some time with each other; that later turned into them playing in the water like little children, the other four gave in and joined as well.

It was just like how the five have remembered their last beach day before the war; Hollyberry and Golden cheese splashing Dark Cacao with water in the face along with Pure and Lily either exploring the beach or having a conversation. It was all fun and games until the sky suddenly went dark and wind started to pick up. "A storm is coming and it's coming in fast." Cacao said as he looks up at the darkened sky. "A storm?! But that's impossible. Why is this happening?" Pure asked. "I....I don't know unfortunately. The weather was supposed to be nice all day." Cacao replied. "What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you like a professional weather watcher or something?" Cheese yelled out. Right when Cacao was about to respond the waves started crashing into them roughly; rain started to pour and they all run for cover.

"Is everyone okay?" Pure looked around seeing of any of his friends are hurt; they all nodded ensuring that they were safe and uninjured; super soaked, but uninjured as everyone was holding down everything they had which was just an umbrella, beach blanket, and a picnic basket with some snacks in it. They couldn't risk the potentially injuring themselves or anyone that could possibly within range.

The storm continued to show its fury for about 5 minutes till it started to clear up, thankfully there wasn't any damage and everyone was okay and everything went back to what it was before. "What was that?" Lily questioned. Everyone was confused about what just happened; everything was peaceful and fun then it took an unexpected turn. "Guess...we'll never know what really happened. For now we can just take it as some regular unexpected storm." Cacao replied, he was right about one thing. They may never know a day in their lives that day, all they can do for now is enjoy the rest of their day, eat some snacks, have ice cream. The 5 Ancients did just that without problems.

Happy belated spooky day y'all I hope everyone had a safe night weather you were trick or treating or handing out candy. Also the picture you see at the top, those are NOT official crk costumes, yes I know they look like official costumes but unfortunately they're not. (Randomly found it on the internet.) Now for my announcement that I brought up prior to this post.

I been thinking about this for quite awhile now and I've come to conclusion that...I will be making a second Adventures with the Ancients book, yes you heard me there will be a 2.0 version of this story. You guys have loved my work so much so why not. The 2.0 version of the story will come out in 2023, there are also other stories I'm planning on not just for crk but for other fanfictions for shows I been into but they're early in the works at the moment.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story. If you have anything requests please leave them in to comments and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

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