A Birthday For A King

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Summary:It's Pure Vanilla Cookie's Birthday and his friends have something special in plan. The problem is keeping a secret from him.

Hollyberry's pov...

Pure's birthday is two days away and my friends and I are planning a special surprise for our dear friend. Everything is set and ready to go, the problem is keeping it a secret from him; it may sound simple but it's not the case with Pure, he would do anything in the book for someone to tell them. Enough about him, there's a lot to do within two days. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

Royal guard: "Your majesty White lily cookie, Golden cheese cookie, and Dark Cacao Cookie are here."

Hollyberry: "Perfect timing. Please bring them to my chamber."

The royal guard nodded and went back to get them.

A minute later...

GC: "Alright girl, how many times do you have to go over this with us?"

HB:"Hello too you too Cheese. And its only last time before his birthday, you'll be fine."

I can tell that Cheese was a little irritated by the fact that I'm doing this over and over again, but she is a good friend and would do anything for us. So I did what I have to do and now our plan is in full swing.

Pure vanilla's pov....

2 days later

Today is a special celebration filled with life and happiness, it's my birthday of course and I just can't wait for what my friends have in store for me...well I hope they have something. I have been asking Holly and the others on what their plans are for weeks; they would either change the subject or not respond at all, it does upset me a little, but even if it's just cake and presents I'll be happy with that. Anyway, I have a couple things that need to get done, it may be my birthday but I still have to fulfill my role as king of the Vanilla; I hope that nobody forgot.

Few hours later...

I just finished my work for the day when one of my royal guards came barging into my chamber.

PV:" Please do consider knocking next time. You gave me quite a fright."

RG:"My apologies your majesty, but its urgent. Hollyberry cookie needs you over her palace immediately."

Right now? This can't be good; I hope they're all okay, if Holly wants me there at this moment something must've happened.

White lily's pov....

Everything over at the palace is all set and ready to go, all we need is Pure and the real celebration can begin; he should be here at moment now as his kingdom is closet to Holly's. We weren't planning on making a diversion, but how else are we gonna get him here; at first he's gonna think that he's just helping cheese for an injured wing but what he'll really see is a lil surprise party. Hope this goes well.

Pure vanilla's pov...

After arriving in front to the Hollyberry palace, first things I saw was Hollyberry and....dark Cacao waiting for me. Okay I get Hollyberry but what was dark Cacao doing here? That question can wait till later, there are more important things to take care of.

PV:"Hollyberry...dark Cacao I came as quickly as I could. Is everything okay?

DC:"It's Golden cheese, she injured her wing."

PV:"How bad is it?"

HB:"You might want to go see for yourself. She's in the ballroom."

And just like that I ran as fast as I could hoping that Cheese didn't crumble by the time I get to her, but the ballroom itself was dark. Eventually I did find the light switch and turned it on and what was waiting for me was truly surprising.

All four ancients:"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" 🥳🎂

PV:"Oh wow, thank you all. I thought you guys forgot about it."

WL:"What no, we would never do such a thing. You're our friend."

PV:"But I haven't heard from neither of you guys till now."

HB:"That's because we all put together a surprise party for you. All of this we hid behind your back.

PV:"Oh that's reasonable, but Cheese your wing."

GC:"I was never hurt to begin with, we did that to lure you here. Now are you gonna stop questioning every little thing or no?"

There was no real emergency, so I nodded and started to have the best night night of my life with Friends. It was a birthday I'll never forget.

Hey y'all I hope you enjoyed my Belated birthday special for Pure Vanilla cookie(yes I know I'm very late on it) but it was worth it, plus I busy with school and my dog had puppies recently so I really didn't have enough time to get to it, but it's finally ready for all of you to enjoy.

As you may have know, mother's day is tomorrow, so I will also be doing a mothers day special. Expect that to be up sometime today or tomorrow. Till then I see you in the next one.

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