A Very Berry Heatwave 🥵🌡🔥

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Summary:A heatwave has made its way to the Hollyberry Kingdom and it looks like the five are in for a long day. Let's just hope that they make it through.

Hollyberry cookie is no stranger to summer heat, in fact she is quite used to that and has been part of her Kingdom all her life...during the summer months of course. When I comes to heatwaves in the Kingdom, that's a completely different story.

Today was one of those hot sweltering days, Holly has never seen her Kingdom so quite, most of her people were staying inside trying their best to cool off and she doesn't blame them one bit cause she too rather be in her palace than out there and her friend would agree.

"Girl, when you said that it was hot in your Kingdom I didn't think it was going to be like this. Are those dragons fighting fire with fire or something?"Cheese waving a fan on herself trying to cool off. "I'm not sure at this point cheese. This weather have been going on for days now; today definitely feels like the hottest."
Then the door opened showing white Lily, Pure Vanilla, and Dark Cacao.

"What's wrong Caca? Weather is not to your liking?"

"You know that I'm not used to this cheese...and I want you to stop calling me Caca."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"Now now Golden cheese, like Cacao said he's not used to warm weather like this. Give him a break." Pure stood up for Cacao who was holding two overwhelmingly large ice bags against his chest, which wasn't helping as much. Cheese on the other hand was annoyed by the healers little lecture.

"Hey white Lily, tell your childhood friend to not lecture me like a first grade teacher."

Lily would step in but, that's what her friend does from time to time, plus it was way too hot to intervene. "I would, but I won't. He is Pure Vanilla for a reason." Cheese just sat there huffing and puffing in front of a fan the Holly had in her room.

The five heroes just hang in Hollyberry's room suffering internally for about an hour or so, despite a fan blowing off wind and the five wearing the summer clothes. It was like that until Hollyberry got a clever idea up her sleeve.

"I'll be right back. Got to take care of something." Holly got up and left the room for some unknown reason, leaving the other four puzzled.

There were many possibilities what the hollyberrian could be doing; most likely either indulging herself with berry juice or bringing up a bottle.

"Think fast y'all." Holly came barging in with water soakers, Cacao taking a direct hit, which started a wild goose chase between two friends. Finally turning into a full on water soaker war...let's just hope that nobody becomes a pile of soggy crumbs.

I hope you enjoyed this story, had a lot of fun making it for everyone to enjoy. I started school today so updates are going to be a little slow  right now, but still feel free to request a story you would like me to do.(I'll most likely see it.)

See you in the next story.

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