The Orchid And The Lily Part 2:The Crush

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Summary: Pure realizes that he loves Lily, but is now sure how is he gonna tell her without making her uncomfortable.

Pure vanilla's pov:

It has been a couple months since Lily came to the academy and I have to say  she fitted in quite well with us, she already met Golden cheese and Dark Cacao. Gold liked her on the spot while Cao on the other hand was hesitant at first but now he lighten up to her. Other than that, we're just your typical group of friends.

PV:"Hey Lily, are you free at the moment?"

WL:"No, I gotta get to class but I'm free after. Why?"

PV:"Can you meet me here, please?"

WL:-confused- "Sure, what for?"

PV:"I want to show you something. Can't tell you, it's a surprise."

WL:-laughs a bit- "Say no more, I'll  see you then."

We both went our separate ways for now until the end of the day. The time came and we both met in the hall and took her to the place.

PV:"This is my secret garden, I go here  whenever I need some time alone or do my studies."

WL:"This is beautiful Pure. Its really worth the surprise. Is it okay if I use the garden too? Its fine, if you don't want me too."

PV:"Nonsense, my secret garden is your secret garden, feel free to use it anytime. We're friends after all."

We talked about everything and got to know each other a little bit more. Lily talked about her childhood a little, how she didn't have a lot of friends until now, I can tell she had a weight lifted from her chest, she really needed someone to talk to and she chose me out of anyone else.

Hollyberry's pov:

I noticed that Pure was acting strange lately, I couldn't think of another way to say it, and there's no way I could be the only one seeing that, so I decided to ask Gold and Cacao at lunch; I made my way to the dining hall grabbed my lunch and met up with Gold and Cacao.

HB:"Hey guys, have you noticed anything off about Pure lately?"

GC:"Now that you think of it, he has been acting kinda odd in the past few weeks; we'll be having a conversation and he'll just daze out looking directly at Lily. I don't think she noticed it though."

DC:"Well whatever it is, maybe we should talk to him. Get to the bottom of this."

PV:"No need to, I'm right here. I heard everything you guys said by the way."

DC:"Well is there something we should know about?"

PV:"Since you all want to know, I'll tell you. I'm in love with Lily, but I need your help, I been trying to give of small hints to her but it's not working."

We were looking at each other for about minute or two, not knowing what to say next; it was a very awkward moment until I broke the silence.

HB:"You? A crush on Lily? How adorable, but seriously if you needed help trying to confess your love for Lily why didn't you say so?"

PV:"I don't know...just thought that I could pull this off on my own."

GC:"Well whatever it was you been doing, it not gonna work. Don't worry, we'll help you."

HB:"Yeah, just explain your plan to us and we'll get right to it. You do have a plan right?"

I can tell he didn't have one mainly because he went completely silent when I asked him that question.

HB:"It's okay if you don't have one Pure, we'll help you with that too."

PV:"You really would?"

DC:"Anything for a good friend."

PV:"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's get to it."

Hey y'all I hope you enjoyed part 2 of this story. What are they planning? Will everything go smoothly for them? Does Lily have the same feelings for Pure? Keep your eyes open for part 3 coming soon.

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