Start Of A Friendship ❤

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Summary:Hollyberry and Dark Cacao both have kids and decided to have them meet.(Royalberry and Dark choco were babies.)

Dark Cacao's pov...

It's been a while since I last seen or heard from Hollyberry. Last time I heard from her, she brought up her new son fresh from the oven and heir to her Kingdom, but would also love to pay a visit up here with the young lad.

Holly had been busy since, plus the weather up here has been quite tremendous at the time so I wasn't desperate for her to come up for a visit. Now the weather has calmed down to where it's safe for anyone to come and go which can mean one thing; I must send out a letter to Hollyberry before the next big blizzard rams into my Kingdom.

Hollyberry's pov...

Wow, these last few months have been quite the ride, it not easy tending to royal duties and being a mother at the same time, I'm not complaining or anything like that I love raising the little bean and watching him grow.

Anyway, I received Dark Cacao's letter early this morning, just haven't gotten the chance to read but now I do.

Hello Hollyberry Cookie,

I hope this letter finds you and your son well. The weather in my Kingdom has calmed down, and it's safe for you to come this way.

Please do come by for a visit before the next big blizzard. I'm very looking forward to meeting the handsome lad.


Dark Cacao Cookie

Well then, looks like I'll be making a visit to the Dark Cacao Kingdom with Royalberry Cookie. Not a problem, I actually been wanting catch up with him after being gone for so long. I better get ready now before he's stuck in another blizzard.

Dark Cacao's pov...

2 days later...

Hollyberry should be coming any moment and I made sure that everything is ready for her arrival. There's nothing wrong with being prepared for anything; well thats what pure vanilla told me.

I then finished up what I was doing and head up to the front of the citadel where Holly was already making her way in the distance. I can tell that she was wearing the black and pink hanfu that I gifted her during our last visit.

HB:"ah Dark Cacao Cookie long time no see."

DC:"Same thing with you. How have you been?"

HB:"I'm fine..little tired but fine. This young lad has been keeping me up."

As soon as we went inside, she undid part of the cloth that was covering the child's face; revealing the most remarkable thing.

HB:"Cacao, meet your nephew Royalberry Cookie."

Okay, straight forward Royalberry looks so much like his mother the hair and everything. Wait, did she just said nephew? I know that I didn't hear that correctly.

Hollyberry's pov...

Oh my dear. Why did I even say that? It's way too soon, and he'll probably say no to this. Okay, maybe I'm over thinking this just a little; the least thing I can do is ask him. What I should've done in the first place, plus he's probably confused.

HB:"Cacao, you're probably confused from what I said just now. I wanted to ask you if-

DC:"I'll be back."

No way in heaven did that grumpy old grandpa just cut me off, I don't blame him though could be something important he had to do. It wasn't long until he came back holding a glorious sight.

HB:"Please tell me you're joking. that really your child?"

DC:"This is Dark choco Cookie. The future of the Dark Cacao Kingdom."

I couldn't believe my eyes, the kiddo looks just like him..what a conuincidence.

DC:"So Holly, were you asking me something?"

HB:"Oh uh yes, but I actually forgot what I was going to ask you. I'll let you know when it comes back."

What's wrong with me? Why did I just do that?

Dark Cacao's pov...

These last couple hours have been quite pleasant sort to say, our children have bonded..well I think, but it still adorable. As the day goes on I just couldn't stop thinking about the question Holly was going to ask me.

If she forgotten about it, it must not be important, but what if she just panicked and forget about it on purpose; it doesn't matter she the type of cookie to never forget anything important. I didn't even realize that she was trying to get my attention.

HB:" to Cacao..Dark Cacao."

DC:"Hollyberry... my apologies, I was just thinking of something. What do you need?"

HB:"Remember that question I forgot about? It just came back to me."

DC:"I'm listening."

HB:"It will be an honor if you can be an uncle to my son. I know it may be too soon, but I have too; we known each other for a long long time, and I trust you with my heart. If don't want to be part of this, then I'm okay with that. What do you say old pal, you want to part of my son's uncle or not?"

Well...this is truly something. Me? The king of the Dark Cacao Kingdom being an uncle? What an honor. Wait, do the others even know about this? Holly was right about one thing, it's a lot too take in and so soon; yet again she is my friend so I scratch that I must help her whenever  I can.

DC:"Hollyberry my dear friend, I'll gladly accept but as long as you do something for me."

HB:"which is?"

DC:"If you can be Dark Choco's aunt?"

HB:"Of course. Do the others know that you have a child now?"

DC:" I haven't told them yet. You're the first to know."

HB:"Oh Okay."

Then we both looked down on our children that we're both napping next to each cute. Even took a lil family photo to cherish for years to come.

HB:"You know what Cacao...I think that this a start of a new friendship for these two little princes."

I can see it now, an inseparable friendship, growing up together. Yes, I can see a very fine future between these two.

Hey y'all, I hope you enjoyed this fun story. Been busy with school, but finally made it for you guys.

See you in the next one🤗

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