Take Your Child To Work Day Shenanigans

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Summary:Hollyberry and Dark Cacao Cookie have brought their kids to work and it's all fun and games until someone gets into trouble.

Hollyberry's pov
Today is yet another work day for me, just like all the others...except that I'm bringing my son, Royalberry with me. Usually he stays back at the palace with Wildberry who wasn't all that interested when I asked him, but that doesn't matter. No time to waste I gotta get ourselves ready for the day.

2 hours later...

We arrived at the vanilla castle to something I wasn't expecting at all...well I knew Dark Cacao was coming but dark choco not so much. I was just about to say something to him until Golden cheese started to playfully tease us.

GC:"NO WAY..I didn't expect y'all two to bring your children to work. This day is getting better already.

DC:"Knock it off Cheese. If you had your own kids, you would understand."

GC:"Yeah like me having kids is ever gonna happen..and then I have to share my riches with those little parasites? Definitely not happening. Now would you excuse me."

Then cheese proceeded to have a laughing fit, and I can tell that Cacao looked annoyed I'm annoyed myself but it's not like we can do anything about it; that's how she is.

HB:"Just let her be Cacao."

DC:"It's just hard to not chase her down."

HB:"I know but we can't do anything about it."

We just went on and had a nice conversation with each other while our kiddos we're busy with their little unexpected reunion till Pure showed up.

PV:"Hollyberry, Dark Cacao I didn't expect you guys to being your children along."

HB:"Well Royal is the future of my Kingdom, so why not have him come here for him to gain experience."

DC:"Same here. This would also benefit Choco as a future king of the Cacao Kingdom. If you don't mind them here."

PV:"It's really no problem at all, I do believe that this would great for both of them. Come now you two, Lily is waiting for us."

Dark Cacao's pov...
After about an hour or 2 the boys got bored and went to another room to play...being kids. Let's just hope that they didn't break anything fragile or make a big mess. Hollyberry told me that I shouldn't worry about them, but I wouldn't take a chance.

It wasn't until we were just about to wrap up for the day we heard the sound of something breaking from the next room. Next thing, we saw was broken pieces of a pillar and vase, water on the floor, and white lilies everywhere. Pure asked to two boys what happened but they were hesitant; I don't blame them to be honest I would feel the same if I was in their place, but the truth had to be let out eventually.

I then noticed Royal gave his friend this look; can't really describe it nor explain it but whatever he was doing it got him to start talking.

Dark Choco:"I was the one who caused this mess. We were just having a friendly sword fight and it slipped out of my hand and knocked down the pillar and vase; making a mess. Sorry everyone, sorry father."
(They're not real swords btw)

We all looked at Royal who was standing by him the whole time; Holly must have taught that boy very well.

RB:"I saw it happen; Choco is telling the truth."

White lily's pov...

For some reason I knew that something like this would happen..don't get me wrong dark choco is a great kid, yes he does get into trouble from time to time, but he's good and wouldn't do it on purpose, I just hope that Cacao let's the little prince off easy.

That's when I noticed him and Holly talking amongst themselves...probably to figure out what to do with choco.

DC:"Son it's good the you have owned up to your mistake but, you still must face a consequence. You're going to stay in one of the chambers and think about your actions."

Dark Choco:"Like a time out dad?"

DC:"Yes and I'll come and get you when you're ready."

Dark Choco:"I...I understand."

And just like that I just witnessed the poor kiddo being taken to a room by his own father, it's a lot better then being ruined over by a spoiled prince that's for sure. Now that's done and over with for now we all have a mess to clean up.

Pure Vanilla's pov...

After about 15 minutes Cacao and I decided that it would be a perfect time to go get Dark Choco from his punishment.

PV:"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

DC:"I'm sure. I can't keep the boy in there forever; as long as he's sorry and learns his lesson it's all that matters."

PV:"I suppose."

As soon as we opened the guest chamber, Choco came running right towards us with tears streaming down his face.

Dark Choco:"I'm sorry dad. I'll do anything to make you accept your apology. I won't break anything again, I promise."

Choco then continued to sob onto Cacao. Cacao was hesitant for a bit but decided to give in.

DC:"You promise?"

Dark Choco:"Yes, I'll do anything."

DC:"There's no need for all that. I accept your apology, but I don't think I should the only one you should be apologizing to."

Cacao then looked at me and then back to his son. He has a point, my stuff was damaged while him and Royalberry were playing. Royal apologized to me earlier by the way.

Dark Choco:"Sorry for breaking your stuff uncle nilla." (Yeah I just pulled that off, don't judge me.)

I forgave him of course and them he hugged me. Now everyone is at peace in my castle.

Sorry this took a while, started a summer job recently and just haven't had the time to do it. Anyway thanks Bluebunny2017 for requesting this story and I'll see y'all in the next story.

Things are about to heat up and that's the only hint I'm giving you.

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