A Scaly Weekend 🐉

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Summary:The ancients were together for a meeting until Pure Vanilla Cookie suddenly turns into a dragon. Now the ancients have to spend the weekend tending to their dragon friend.

Pure vanilla was having a hard time sleeping, as he was constantly tossing and turning, it was almost 2 am and has a meeting with his fellow warriors in the morning. Images of himself running in a forest filled his mind until he ran into a small puddle, revealing dragon version of himself. Pure then woke up gasping for air and drenched in cold sweat, he can feel a headache coming on. "Looks like I'm won't be able to go back to sleep." The healer said looking at the the clock and drinking some water.

"You don't look so good pure, are you okay?" White lily looked concerned for her best friends health. "Oh White Lily, I...I'm fine just have been trying to fight this headache. Can't get rid of it for some reason." Pure replied rubbing his forehead, he took a painkiller prior to the other four showing up, but it was still there.

As the meeting went on, Pure's headache only got worse, and his friends were starting to get more and more concerned of course. The healer just reassured them that he was okay but in reality he wasn't. Then right in the middle of the meeting pure just screamed out in agonizing pain. "PURE VANILLA COOKIE!!!" The four along with a couple royal guards rushed to his aid.

White Lily was trying her best to look for the source of his pain, but found nothing. Though she did remember that Pure brought up something about a headache he couldn't get rid of and checked his forehead; that's when she felt his usually very smooth silky skin become...scaly she stood back in response shocked by her discovery. "You guys might want to move back. I don't expect any of you to believe me when I say this but, vanilla is...turning into a dragon." Lily explained, there was a brief silence till golden cheese bursted out laughing. "Come on Lily, don't be ridiculous. There no way, that a our friend is transforming into a dra-" Right when cheese was about to finish her sentence pure was already on all fours and has scales throughout his entire body. Pure Vanilla Cookie was no longer a cookie he was in fact a dragon. By the time the four ancients got a good enough glimpse of the dragon he was already gone. Probably causing havoc in the village.

"We must go after him before he does anymore damage. Golden cheese, you go search for vanilla from above while Hollyberry, White Lily, and I search from below." Dark Cacao said and cheese flew and left. Is it gonna be a long weekend for them? Yes it sure is. "How did this even happen? Pure looked fine just a while ago." Holly asked. "Vanilla said that he's been having a headache he couldn't get rid of. Come to think of it, I was think that it might have something to do with the transformation." Lily replied. "What do you mean?" Cacao asked. "When I had a look on pure, I touched his forehead thinking he was just sick. His skin was rough and scaly." Lily replied.

The four heroes looked around the Kingdom; the castle, people's homes, everything either damaged or destroyed due to the dragon's reckless and aggressive behavior. Let's just say that Pure has a lot of explaining to do when all of this is over. After about a 2-3 hour search they found the pure vanilla dragon in its full form with its sharp horns and tail.

"Pure Vanilla!!! We know you're scared, but we're here for you. We're your friends for crying out loud." White lily yelled out, but the dragon didn't seem to care or listen, thinking of his next move. Pure Vanilla dragon stopped in it tracks and just went right for Lily; wrapping his tail around her waist which made her a bot uncomfortable. Golden cheese was getting her spear ready for aim. "I wouldn't do that if I were you cheese, it will only provoke him." Holly said. "Well you slayed a dragon many times. How would you approach it then?" "This is different cheese, vanilla is our friend who unexpectedly turned into a dragon, but that's not important right now."

"This is gonna be long weekend." Cacao admitted to himself; Lily on the other hand was trying to break free from vanilla dragons tail grip, thinking of any possible attempt. Her staff was definitely out of the question as she ended up dropping it in the process. The thing is, Lily didn't really know a thing or two about handling dragons as it was more of Hollyberry's thing. The only option for Lily at this point was to brace for her demise. "Please put me down. Please put me down." Lily prayed, hoping that it doesn't eat her alive or whatever its was gonna do. In fact it turned out to be the total opposite, the vanilla dragon was...surpisebly content; it left everyone confused.

"What's going on up there Lily? He not trying to kill ya is it?" Golden cheese yelled from below. "Actually no, he's content and gentle. It's like he  recognizes me or my floral aroma. Lilies are poisonous after all. Don't worry I'm fine." Lily did have a good point, lilies are poisonous if anyone dare to ingested, so it very reasonable why Lily would be and only cookie in the safe zone.

For the next 2 days Holly, Cacao, Cheese, and Lily tirelessly work to tend to the Pure's needs and handle his reckless behavior. Pure came back as a regular cookie by Monday morning; his usually well groomed hair was a mess like he just rolled out of bed and his robe was stretch out and torn in some places. "What happened? Pure asked coming to his senses. "Well...how can we say this? You see, you had this crazy headache and you turned into a dragon and we had to deal with your reckless behavior for about 2 days or so." Lily explained. "How did this all started?" Holly asked. "I....I don't know. The night before all this I had a dream of myself as a dragon and then the headache like Lily mentioned, but I didn't think nothing of it." Pure replied.

Guess the five will never know what happened on that faithful day, the down side is that Pure would have some explaining to do for his people and the bright side is that now they'll all have something to laugh about later.

I want to thank Oliver_Ixe for requesting the last story for this book, hope you enjoyed it. If you missed your chance on a request, you will have another opportunity in the new Adventures with the Ancients book. Thank you for all the support y'all gave me throughout the year. I'll see you in the next story 👋

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